By Adam Carey & Benjamin Preiss
Victoria's Ombudsman found hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars were used to pay for Labor campaigners called the "red shirts".Credit: Scott Barbour
A shell-shocked Labor Party has hit out at Victoria Police for ‘‘completely unnecessary’’ dawn raids on former staffers, likening the arrests of 17 people connected to the ‘‘red shirts affair’’ to the treatment of organised criminals and terror suspects.
The criticism came as police hauled in field organisers who worked on Labor’s 2014 election campaign before dawn to be interviewed, including one who is now a candidate to be a state MP.
The raids caught many in the government by surprise, and saw Premier Daniel Andrews and several ministers cancelling appearances as the news broke.
In a statement, a furious Victorian Labor Party flagged legal action over the raids and said it had also received ‘‘concerning reports’’ that police told the people arrested that they did not need legal representation during the interviews.
The raids were part of an investigation by Victoria Police's Fraud and Extortion Squad announced last Friday into Labor’s misuse of $388,000 of parliamentary funds while the party was in opposition four years ago.
In its statement, Labor said party lawyers previously told police that staffers were willing to co-operate with the investigation into the alleged rorting affair.
Legal action could be looming, with the party reserving ‘‘all rights in these matters’’.
‘‘Conducting dawn raids on people’s homes was completely unnecessary given those involved would have co-operated if asked,’’ Victorian Labor state secretary Samuel Rae said.
The statement confirmed ‘‘a number’’ of field organisers from the 2014 state election campaign were questioned by police on Thursday.
Michael Settle (centre), former field organiser, was questioned by police in Ballarat. Credit: Ballarat Courier
One former electorate officer, who worked for two MPs who are now ministers in the Andrews government, said he was arrested at his home just before 6am, taken to a police station, strip-searched and detained in a cell before being interviewed.
Jake Finnigan, a self-described whistleblower about the “red shirts” affair, said police took him to their West Melbourne headquarters and asked him to strip naked, before interviewing him about claims of making a false document.
Mr Finnigan said detectives asked him to take off all his clothes, squat naked and cough while facing away from them, before having his clothes handed back and being placed in a holding cell.
He said the police handled the arrest “delicately” and he had no complaints about their treatment.
“I am co-operating with police throughout this matter, I am glad to see that this rorts investigation is finally reaching a point where things are going ahead,” Mr Finnigan said.
Police told Mr Finnigan that he might be charged on summons later for making a false document.
A police spokesman said it was standard practice to conduct a “full safety and evidence search” when a person was in custody and prior to being placed in a holding cell or police jail.
Jake Finnigan says he was strip-searched.Credit: Justin McManus
Police are probing Labor's so-called 60/40 staff polling scheme.
Under the scheme, electorate officers hired directly by the Labor Party were paid out of the public purse to campaign for Labor in marginal seats at the last state election, in a scheme the Ombudsman found breached Parliament’s members’ guide.
Six sitting ministers in the Andrews government were named in the Ombudsman’s report as being involved, including Attorney-General Martin Pakula, Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings, Youth Affairs Minister Jenny Mikakos, Corrections Minister Gayle Tierney, Sports Minister John Eren and Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio.
The Opposition has called on them to step down during the investigation.
Opposition Leader Matthew Guy said the government was in crisis.
“Victorians deserve so much better than what they’re getting from the Andrews government,” he said.
“The government can’t sustain this any longer. Those six ministers must stand down their positions.”
Lawyer Rob Stary, who is representing many of the 17 people questioned, described the arrests as “highly unorthodox”.
“Ordinarily when police arrest or process a person for these sorts of inquiries, it’s done by appointment,” Mr Stary said.
“There’s no national security issue, there’s no organised crime issue. These are ordinary individuals, working people, often with families. To be raided in that fashion they were is highly unorthodox,” he said.
Victoria Police released a statement on Thursday evening, saying that “media and the public can be reassured that proper process has, and will continue to be, followed throughout the course of the investigation.”
Police said they would interview 17 people across Australia as part of their criminal investigation into the scheme, including in Melbourne, regional Victoria, NSW and the Northern Territory.
Those interviewed so far have been released without charge.
No MPs involved in the scheme have been interviewed, although Labor's candidate for the state seat Buninyong, Michaela Settle, is among those who have spoken to police.
Ms Settle did not respond to The Age's requests for comment. She worked as a field organiser before the 2014 election.