This was published 3 years ago
Is the government ready to take on pubs and clubs, as well as Crown?
Josh Gordon
Senior ReporterPeel back the thin veneer of glitz at Crown and you quickly find the wreckage of criminality, despair and financial ruin.
As Royal Commissioner Ray Finkelstein bluntly put it in his final report: “Within a very short time, the commission discovered that for many years Crown Melbourne had engaged in conduct that is, in a word, disgraceful.”
Crown Casino was found to have conducted itself in a “disgraceful” way.Credit: Chris Hopkins
Strong stuff from one of Australia’s most prominent legal minds. But his most blistering criticism is directed at Crown’s for not only failing to address problem gambling, but for encouraging it.
In a report littered with damning discoveries, this, says Finkelstein, is “perhaps the most damning” of all. “Crown Melbourne had for years held itself out as having a world’s best approach to problem gambling,” Finkelstein said, “nothing can be further from the truth”.
Which brings us to the Andrews government. The commission made 33 recommendations, all of which the government has accepted “in principle”.
So far, legislation has been passed to deliver nine “priority” recommendations, mostly relating to how the casino is regulated and monitored. But it is the commission’s as-yet unlegislated recommendations on problem gambling that are by far the most challenging – politically and from a policy perspective.
Ray Finkelstein QC, who headed the commission into the casino.
Chief among them is a recommendation to force Crown patrons to pre-commit to maximum poker machine losses, and face strict time limits.
That means poker machine gamblers at the casino would be forced to specify daily, weekly or monthly time and loss limits before they play. If the pre-set limits are reached, the player would be banned from gambling at the casino on a poker machine for 36 hours.
The new rules will also ban people from gambling on a poker machine for more than 12 hours in any 24-hour period, or for more than three hours in a single stretch.
Let’s hope the state government isn’t merely kicking the can down the road. Despite the political and policy ramifications of the crackdown, so far, it has given little away.
After some departmental concerns about the feasibility of the pre-commitment plan, the government is now insisting Finkelstein’s scheme is “exactly what we will deliver through legislation later this year”.
The impact on Crown, which employs about 11,500 people in Melbourne, is likely to be significant.
In the 2018-19 financial year, gamblers lost $462 million on Crown Melbourne’s 2628 poker machines, accounting for about one-fifth of the casino’s revenue. According to the Productivity Commission, problem gamblers account for around 40 cents of every dollar lost in poker machines.
It’s hard to be definitive, but it doesn’t take a genius to realise that Crown’s bottom line will probably take a hit – assuming the government doesn’t squib the reform by watering down Finkelstein’s plan.
The state government now faces a wicked problem. The Royal Commission was specifically asked to examine Crown, not the broader issue of problem gambling.
The trouble is, if the problem gambling crackdown is applied only to Crown, it would create a severely lopsided playing field that would dramatically undermine the reform itself.
The point is, Victorians lost another $2.7 billion in the state’s other 26,300 machines in pubs, clubs and RSLs. Problem gambling and money laundering certainly are not unique to Crown.
As industry insiders point out, if the crackdown is only applied to Crown it could cause a “leakage” of problem gamblers and money laundering activity to other gaming venues such as pubs and clubs.
It would be a bit like trying to tackle obesity by focussing on hobbling McDonald’s. It wouldn’t work.
As Crown chief executive Stephen McCann put on Thursday, having just announced a $196 million statutory loss for the six months to December 31, confining the measures to Crown would simply push the activity elsewhere.
“The objective of mandatory pre-commitment is to provide a more responsible gaming environment and also to reduce the risk of money laundering, and if that is confined to one destination, clearly that will simply divert that activity elsewhere,” he said.
McCann’s view, and it’s shared by industry experts, is that it would need to be an “industry-wide” initiative.
But here’s the rub. Does the state government really have the stomach to take on the powerful clubs lobby, just as it gears up to fight the November 26 election?
Remember, the Gillard government tried to introduce an even less rigorous mandatory pre-commitment scheme following the Productivity Commission’s 2010 report, but the idea was dumped after a well-funded campaign by clubs.
It was a similar story in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Hotel’s Association ran a brutal campaign against Labor during the 2018 state election campaign after it promised to confine poker to the state’s two casinos. Labor, of course, narrowly lost that election, partly because of the campaign.
For all the political risks, and the policy challenges, the Andrews government certainly doesn’t seem to be laying the groundwork for a battle with Victoria’s pubs and clubs.
Yet if it is serious about tackling problem gambling (and also money laundering), it will need to do just that.
Josh Gordon is acting state political editor for The Age.