This was published 6 years ago
Federal money talks in Melbourne transport debate
By Noel Towell
The Turnbull government is flexing its financial muscle in a bid for greater control over infrastructure projects aimed at relieving Melbourne’s chronic congestion.
The Commonwealth wants a heavy rail line to Monash University, not the light rail option favoured by the state government, and says the $475 million it has pledged to the project should be enough to ensure that Canberra’s will is done.
There is also a stark difference between the state and Commonwealth over what looms as the biggest infrastructure spend in decades, the rail link to Melbourne Airport, with each side preferring a different route between the city and Tullamarine.
But both Premier Daniel Andrews and Federal Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher were keen to emphasise on Tuesday that each party was committed to business cases to find the best way to build both the projects.
Mr Fletcher appeared at the university on Tuesday to spruik the benefits of Monash rail and to say, again, that the connection should be a short spur line off the Cranbourne-Pakenham route with a junction at Huntingdale.
But the state government has already begun planning work on a light rail line between Caulfield Station, via Chadstone shopping centre and the Monash Campus which would then continue to Rowville through Waverley Park.
Both sides now say they will wait the the result of a business case currently being compiled by the state government before deciding between heavy and light rail for the much-needed transport upgrade.
There is no debate about the desperate need to get Monash connected to the city’s rail network. It's now Melbourne’s second biggest employment centre with 53,000 students and workers making their way to Clayton each day.
The bus link between the campus and Huntingdale Station is the busiest bus route in Australia, according to the Commonwealth and Mr Fletcher said the Turnbull government believed heavy rail was the answer.
“It’s our view that the amount of funding that we’ve committed, if matched by the state government, would be sufficient for the first stage of a heavy rail connection from Huntingdale to the campus,” the minister said.
“What needs to happen now is a business case to look at the various options, to look at routes, to look at heavy rail versus light rail, but certainly the Turnbull government is quite clear in our preference.
“We’ve clearly signalled the scale of the funding commitment we are prepared to make ... that money is in our 10-year infrastructure investment.
“We do think there is a strong case for heavy rail and we now go to a business case process.”
Mr Andrews, who was out on Tuesday morning promoting his own government's signature infrastructure job, the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel, agreed there was no “squabble” between state and Commonwealth over the best ways to build Monash and Airport rail.
The Premier said he and the Prime Minister had been having a “positive discussion” over the Commonwealth’s proposed infrastructure spending in Victoria.
“There’ll be genuine competing options and you have to go with the one that give the most benefit, the one that stacks up,” Mr Andrews said.
“There’s no squabble here ... there are competing options.”