

This was published 3 months ago

Autumn leaves turning budget red – must be time to look at the ledger

By Mathew Dunckley

When I walked out my front door one morning earlier this week, the trees in my street seemed to have decided overnight that the seasons had changed.

Gold spliced green everywhere in the canopy over the car, an undeniable signal of autumn’s beginning, one I might’ve doubted while sipping a cold beer at my brother-in-law’s Easter Sunday barbecue.

It’s starting to feel very autumnal in Melbourne.

It’s starting to feel very autumnal in Melbourne.Credit: Penny Stephens

There are other signals too. There’s certainly a crispness in the air and I’m already settling into my accustomed lower position in the office footy tipping (led at the moment by media reporter Calum Jaspan and opinion editor Pat O’Neil – whose opinion of this is that it’s an excellent turn of events).

Another autumnal staple is talk of government budgets. Famously in Canberra there is the budget tree – also a word play if you say it fast enough – at Parliament House which turns a flaming red at this time of year.

There’s no budget tree to look to at Victoria’s parliament for a signal, but planning is getting under way for our state budget in just over a month on May 7.

I’ve seen plenty of these now, having covered Victorian – as well as South Australian and Tasmanian – budgets as a reporter for The Australian Financial Review. And I’ve been around state and federal budgets aplenty as business editor and digital editor for The Age.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers with the budget tree at Parliament House.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers with the budget tree at Parliament House.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Each one is different, naturally dependent on the times and the characters. What stands out? Well South Australia’s Kevin Foley in full flight was quite something. He would hold a press conference that would go for an hour and felt more like a brawl.

It has been an interesting ride, too, as our coverage has altered substantially to meet audience habits, and as old traditions falter. Certainly, we’ve got a strong signal from readers that you really want to be able to get your head around things quickly.


Absolute staples of our coverage now are the budget in five minutes and a tally of the winners and losers, so too are our live blogs, pumped full of short bites of information delivered as quickly as we can and with links to more detailed coverage for those who want it.


After finding out what’s in a budget, you’re most keen to know what it all means. That’s when our expert commentary comes in.

Then the task becomes more difficult for us as commissioning editors. Not so long ago, we would aim to have a series of standalone stories on various aspects of the budget as a default, often drawn from a list compiled before we’d even seen the budget papers. We had to make sure we produced enough of those stories to fill large print newspaper wraps.

These days, we can see from our online analytics that unless we’re talking about one of the budget’s most important features, you would rather have a taste of it through the live blog or one of our pull-together articles, in preference to a dedicated story on the subject.

This is not a case of dropping scrutiny, it’s a matter of choosing how much we think you’ll want to read and in what format.

Sometimes a graphic will be better at explaining something than a 500-word story. Or perhaps an animation or explainer video is best. Or it may be worth holding off until we can add some depth and impact to the reporting by talking to those affected.

Expect to see more of a frowny-faced treasurer.

Expect to see more of a frowny-faced treasurer.Credit: Gus McCubbing

Budget lock-ups are also losing some of their mystique. It used to be that on budget day, most of the newsroom’s leadership and best reporters went dark, cut off from the rest of the team for most of the day, which was quite disconcerting.

Phones were confiscated by Treasury staff and handed back only once the treasurer was on his feet delivering his budget speech – yes we’re still waiting for a woman in that role after 169 years. It all meant a rush of adrenaline when the connections were restored to the newsroom and stories uploaded.

Nowadays, in state budget lock-ups at least, we are trusted not to breach any embargoes and can prepare material in a way that means we can put our best foot forward.

So what can we expect from this year’s state budget? Treasurer Tim Pallas is already doing a good job imitating a parent late in the day at a carnival with the kids – no, no, no, definitely not. Not least because credit ratings agencies are breathing down his neck.

Tiana Ekpanyaskun playing her adapted violin.

Tiana Ekpanyaskun playing her adapted violin.

There’ll be plenty more softening up over the next few weeks as the government runs a dual-track public relations strategy. On the one hand, it will be keen to spruik whatever “new” spending it can and on the other it will insist that times are tough and tough decisions are required.

For me, one of the most telling indications of just how tight things are going to be was Broede Carmody’s story on the government deciding it couldn’t afford $200,000 to help keep an orchestra for disabled children afloat.

They’re not looking under the cushions for money, they’re slicing open the couch’s upholstery.


This was also demonstrated on a much larger scale in Rachel Eddie’s reporting on the unusual capital repatriation and debt loading of government-owned water companies. Expect more of this, and be sure we’ll report on it.

Don’t, however, expect the government to line up a list of “cuts”. Instead, there’ll be projects announced that don’t get money right away, previously three-year programs stretched across five, project delivery times pushed back rather than cancelled, changes in eligibility for money, and plenty of nominal increases in funding that don’t meet either inflation or demand, so are cuts in real terms.

That’s because the state’s finances are not unlike those of many households – just staying above water day to day (running a basic surplus) but under serious pressure from debt.

The Age has been supportive of some of the government decisions that have got us to this point, but some certainly come with a question mark – none more so than the Suburban Rail Loop. Its size dwarfs just about any other consideration in the budget and we’ve written plenty about its troubled genesis.

Happily we have an excellent team of experienced state reporters to help us unpick the truth of all that.

State political editor, Annika Smethurst, Josh Gordon and Kieran Rooney have covered plenty of state budgets and they will be ably backed by Carmody and Eddie, as well as our specialist reporters in the health, education, justice and city teams.

Jim honoured

One more thing before I go, as Patrick Elligett rightly identified in August, our wonderful photographer Eddie Jim took one of the year’s most remarkable photographs.

The portrait of Kioa Island’s Lotomau Fiafia and his grandson went on to win the Nikon Portrait Prize in the Walkley Awards, and then in March took out the Melbourne Press Club Quill award for features photography.

Eddie Jim’s magnificent photo of Kioa island resident Lotomau Fiafia and his grandson John was a deserving winner of the Nikon Portrait Prize.

Eddie Jim’s magnificent photo of Kioa island resident Lotomau Fiafia and his grandson John was a deserving winner of the Nikon Portrait Prize. Credit: Eddie Jim

This week Jim added a win in the 2024 World Press Photo Contest, South-East Asia and Oceania region. He is now in the running for one of photography’s top global prizes.

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