

This was published 4 years ago


Protected species: Why it took a dog to sniff out Paul Pisasale

“Mate, mate, mate … mate. Mate. Mate! Let’s have lunch! Let’s have coffee. I’m paying!”

It was Paul Pisasale’s technique for not answering journalist’s questions - if they were awkward ones. At the time, in 2016, I was asking if he had abused his position by procuring a council job for his wife. Not crime of the century but at least something readers could relate to.

Ex-Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale outside court in 2017.

Ex-Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale outside court in 2017.Credit: Tammy Law

I knew he had done it, because I had internal council emails he’d sent asking the then-chief executive, Carl Wulff, to organise it, and Wulff signing off on it. And he knew it too.

They’re now both convicted felons. Today it was revealed that Pisasale has pleaded guilty to a raft of serious charges of corruption, fraud and other offences linked to his role as Ipswich mayor. He has already served 12 months in jail for extortion. Wulff is serving a jail sentence for official corruption, for accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes.

They’re just two of the most high-profile scalps from Australia’s biggest inquiry into local government corruption, which has led to the sacking of two of Queensland’s biggest councils - Ipswich and Logan - and serious criminal charges against almost 30 people.

With his guilty plea, Pisasale, the long-serving mayor of Ipswich, once Australia’s most popular politician, has finally dispelled any doubt about him having abused his office, his power and his authority.

But he got away with it for years and it’s worth contemplating how and why.

In 2016 Pisasale rang me incessantly, several times an hour, for several days. It wasn’t to answer my questions about the council job for his wife, or another story I was pursuing about his failure to declare shares he owned in a company that had business interests in Ipswich, but because he wanted to work his magic to soften the blow.

“When’s your birthday?” he had asked.


Pisasale kept records of the birthdays of everyone he came into contact with. It was an excuse to butter them up at least once a year. He had charm, charisma and rat cunning, and too often people didn’t see through it, or it suited them not to.

The Queensland ALP backed Pisasale and his council, almost all of whom were party members, unreservedly despite repeated complaints from local ALP branches about his corrupt activities. There was a blip when Pisasale helped then-LNP leader Campbell Newman in the 2012 election - but it was quickly forgiven. He was shopped around the state by Queensland’s Local Government Association and feted at industry and government events in China and around the world.

“The LGAQ always had Paul Pisasale up and down the length and breadth of Queensland talking about how Ipswich worked and how other councils could do the same thing,” said former veteran Ipswich ALP state MP Jo-Ann Miller who has an acrimonious relationship with Pisasale.

Then-premier Campbell Newman in Ipswich with then-mayor Paul Pisasale.

Then-premier Campbell Newman in Ipswich with then-mayor Paul Pisasale. Credit: Jorge Branco

“He was all over the place. He’d be in Cairns, he had a girlfriend in Cairns and he would often go up to talk to local authorities in Cairns, he was everywhere. He was never much in Ipswich, to be honest.”

When foreign officials heard Pisasale regularly won more than 80 per cent of the vote back home in Queensland, they sighed with envy.

“Haha, very good, Mr Ipswich, Mr Ipswich!”

But charm doesn’t explain it all.

Pisasale got an easy run because he knew how to manipulate the media and his local popularity made him and his administration untouchable for 13 years. He could also be a vicious bully to anyone he considered a threat but who wasn’t protected.

Inside his administration, colleagues who owed him their jobs helped make sure internal complaints never saw the light of day, damaging documents were buried and whistleblowers silenced, fostering the toxic and corrupt culture later identified by the CCC.

Outside, Pisasale knew how to work TV, give a great grab, play the victim, or just utter some carefully crafted nonsense, knowing it would fill up the airwaves and help avoid proper scrutiny of him or his administration.

Some of the media outlets that will run “rise and fall” packages over the next 24 hours know they were complicit in delaying Pisasale’s downfall, if not outright protecting him.

A plan for a lagoon resort in the Ipswich CBD while the council is in caretaker mode prior to the local elections? Fantastic. Are there pictures?

Stories were published over the years linking Pisasale to cocaine dealers, corrupt interstate politicians, dodgy property deals and campaign funding rorts, but they mainly just ensured Pisasale carried the epithet of “colourful” attached to his name and title wherever he went.

Pisasale worked the victim card hard and wore as badges of honour the investigations into him by the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission, which in 2015 had examined more than a dozen allegations of campaign funding irregularities and found nothing but the mildest of offences.

"They've investigated my whole life and I've got the tick," Mr Pisasale told me at the time.

The following year he won office for a record fourth term with 83 per cent of first preference votes.

Pisasale in the now-famous photo with then-NSW premier Barry O'Farrell and Nick Di Girolamo.

Pisasale in the now-famous photo with then-NSW premier Barry O'Farrell and Nick Di Girolamo.

Later, stories began to expose how his administration’s mismanaged schemes to redevelop the Ipswich CBD (not with a lagoon) had gone off the rails and cost ratepayers tens of millions of dollars for no result, but the details stayed locked up in the private companies his council had set up deliberately to avoid such scrutiny.

It was the same privatisation model that Pisasale spruiked around the state at local government conferences.

“The thing is he’s so popular and he’s done a lot for the city of Ipswich,” a former editor used to tell me many years ago when explaining why stories raising questions about Pisasale’s business dealings and personal links never seemed to get much of a run, if at all.

“Get the evidence and then we’ll have a look.”

In the end, it wasn’t journalists or an anti-corruption watchdog that brought Pisasale undone. It was a real dog - and not even a Queensland dog.

An Australian Federal Police sniffer dog caught whiff of $50,000 in Pisasale’s bag at Melbourne’s domestic airport in May 2017 and he resigned in his hospital pyjamas a few weeks later, citing ill health.

Close associates say Pisasale has found God in jail and has tried in vain to seek reconciliation with former friends who have abandoned him. He has acknowledged “mistakes” and finds life in jail “interesting” but that’s about as far as it goes, they say.

Paul Pisasale on the day he resigned as mayor, citing ill health.

Paul Pisasale on the day he resigned as mayor, citing ill health.Credit: Tony Moore

For the record, he never did return my calls raising other more serious allegations, such as using his official car to visit brothels at ratepayers’ expense, or taking bribes from property developers.

What kind of mate is that?

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