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From the Archives 1932: NSW premier Jack Lang is dismissed

90 years ago, NSW Premier Jack Lang’s tussle with the Commonwealth over the state’s loan repayments came to a dramatic conclusion when he was sacked by Governor Sir Phillip Game.

By Staff writers

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald, May 14, 1932

The Governor (Sir Philip Game) last evening dismissed Mr. Lang, who bad held office as Premier since November 4, 1930.

Sir Philip Game (left) and Jack Lang at the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge on March 19, 1932

Sir Philip Game (left) and Jack Lang at the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge on March 19, 1932Credit: Staff photographer

This action was due to Mr. Lang, refusal to withdraw a circular advising State officials to ignore the Enforcement Act.

Mr. Stevens was commissioned to form a Cabinet, which will be responsible for carrying through an appeal to the country.

Leader of the United Country party Lieutenant-Colonel Bruxner entering the Treasury Building, Sydney, ca. 1932.

Leader of the United Country party Lieutenant-Colonel Bruxner entering the Treasury Building, Sydney, ca. 1932.Credit: Staff photographer

The new Government may be sworn in on Monday, and the elections are expected to take place in June or early in July.

The news of the Lang Ministry’s dismissal was generally received with expressions of relief of and thankfulness.

Mr. Bruxner, leader of the State Country party, said the electors would now have a chance to make the country permanently safe.

Mr. Coates, M.L.C., declared that Mr. Lang had wrecked everything with which be bad ever been associated.


The present crisis, he added, might drive from public life for ever a number of decent but misted Labour men.

“The news will be a life-giving rain after an ‘old man’ drought,” remarked Mr. Tout, president of the Graziers’ Association.

The announcement caused the utmost surprise at the Trades Hall, where the Ministry’s position had been regarded as secure.

Several members of the Federal Ministry expressed the conviction that New South Wales would now have a sane Government.

Officials of the United Australia and United Country parties state that their arrangements for an election are well advanced.

The enforcement proclamations may be withdrawn if Mr. Stevens gives an undertaking to meet the State’s interest obligations.

After an all-night sitting, the third reading of the Mortgages Taxation Bill was carried in the Legislative Council by 47 votes to 38.

The Commonwealth Parliament promptly passed through all stages the Financial Emergency (State Legislation) Bill.

This measure was introduced by Mr. Lyons with the object of nullifying the effect of the State Mortgages Taxation Bill.

The measure was carried in the House of Representatives by 43 votes to nine, and in the Senate by I8 votes to five.


British mortgagees, in a petition to the Governor, have asked him to withhold bis assent to the Mortgages Taxation Bill.

The conflict between the State and the Commonwealth has caused almost hopeless confusion in official and business circles.

As a result of Mr. Lang’s defiance of the Federal law, business involving thousands of pounds has been hung up.

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