

This was published 3 years ago

A duty to reform: NSW takes 'path of least resistance' with tax switch

By Matt Wade

State governments are not known for sweeping tax reforms. In NSW they’ve done little more than tinker with tax policies for decades.

But that changed on Tuesday when Treasurer Dominic Perrottet used the state budget to take "the first firm step" to replacing stamp duty, a tax levied on property purchases in NSW since 1865.

NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet wants to replace stamp duty with an annual property tax

NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet wants to replace stamp duty with an annual property tax Credit: AAP

The proposal, he claimed, was "a realistic pathway to achieving the most important state economic reform of the last half century".

Perrottet was immediately praised by business leaders and economists. Even the Reserve Bank governor, Philip Lowe, spoke positively about the move.

"We are seeing in a number of areas increased reform," he said on Wednesday. "A good example of this is the NSW government's decision to consult on the switch of stamp duty to a general property tax. That's the type of reform people have been calling out for for years. It’s been slow in coming, it’s politically difficult but we’ve seen the NSW government decide to move in that direction."

But it is one thing to announce a big tax reform, now the challenge is to implement it.

Why replace stamp duty?

Most taxes result in some loss of economic efficiency but many studies have found that stamp duty – a large lump-sum payment when a property is purchased – is especially bad.

Economists say it discourages people from shifting house when their personal circumstances change, such as an older person who has become less mobile.


"Stamp duty is preventing people from moving to a home that better suits their needs," says Grattan Institute economist Brendan Coates.

It is also blamed for encouraging families to renovate when moving might a better option. These "distortions" can mean land is not being allocated to its most valuable use.

Stamp duty has also been labelled inequitable because those who move house more often – either voluntarily or by necessity – pay far more tax than those who stay put.

Stamp duty is a volatile source of revenue for governments because it is exposed to the ups and downs of the property market. That makes budgeting more difficult and can affect the delivery of state-funded public services.

Modelling by the NSW Treasury shows the proposed reforms could inject $11 billion into the state economy over the first four years.

"Over time it could generate 75,000 new jobs and add an extra $3300 of income for every household in NSW," Perrottet claimed in his budget speech.

As with most big tax reforms, not everyone agrees.

Sydney University housing economist Cameron Murray says official reviews have overblown the economic benefits from replacing stamp duty. He also warns moving away from stamp duty will encourage more property market speculation and churn in the housing market. That could be an added disruption for renters, who now occupy one in three dwellings.

Murray says making the switch from stamp duty to a property tax isn’t worth the "huge political cost" and disruption.

What is the government proposing?

Under Perrottet’s plan NSW home buyers would have a choice between paying stamp duty up front – normally a little under 4 per cent of the purchase value – or opting for a smaller annual property tax. Once a property has been traded under the new scheme it would remain annually taxed for subsequent owners. Existing home owners will not be affected until they choose to purchase another property.

A consultation paper released with Tuesday's budget suggests that for owner-occupiers the new property tax consists of a fixed annual rate of $500 plus 0.3 per cent of the unimproved land value. This approach is broadly in line with council rates.

Analysis of that proposal by the Grattan Institute’s Coates shows an owner-occupier purchasing a home at Sydney’s current median price of $1.15 million would pay stamp duty of $48,500. But if that buyer opted for the new property tax instead, they would pay about $2230 annually. That amount would then rise slowly over time due to indexation.

The consultation paper says owner-occupiers and farmers would pay a lower annual property tax rate than housing investors, who in turn would pay a lower rate than commercial property owners.

The new property tax would also replace the existing NSW land tax (separate to stamp duty) which is levied on residential properties other than the principal place of residence valued above a certain threshold, including investment properties and holiday homes.

The NSW government says protections would be put in place to ensure the introduction of the annual property tax does not result in rent increases without a tenant’s agreement. A hardship scheme will also be introduced to assist homeowners liable for the new property tax who suffer a financial shock such as unemployment.

For first home buyers, the state government has flagged replacing existing stamp duty concessions with a grant of up to $25,000.

Perrottet estimates that up to 50 per cent of NSW properties will be paying the annual levy within about 20 years and that stamp duty on property purchases will be completely phased out by around 2050.

Analysis of the proposal by the Grattan Institute shows an owner-occupier purchasing a home at Sydney’s current median price of $1.15 million would pay stamp duty of $48,500.

Analysis of the proposal by the Grattan Institute shows an owner-occupier purchasing a home at Sydney’s current median price of $1.15 million would pay stamp duty of $48,500.Credit: James Alcock

How will it affect state finances?

The plan to move away from stamp duty was announced the day the NSW budget papers revealed the state’s finances have plunged deep into the red.

There will be a record $16 billion deficit this financial year and NSW’s debt is forecast to rise rapidly in coming years as the state recovers from the recession triggered by COVID-19.

Stamp duty on properties is a major contributor to state coffers. The NSW government expects to collect $8 billion in transfer duty (mostly residential stamp duty) this financial year and that will reach $10.5 billion by 2023-24. It is the second largest source of tax revenue directly collected by the state.

The state government says switching to the new property tax system will be "revenue neutral" in the long-term, meaning it will raise a similar share of revenue to what stamp duty does now.

But the switch to the new model will blow a short-term hole in the budget. That’s because when a buyer opts-in to the new property tax system the government will forego the big lump sum that would have come from stamp duty. It will instead receive the smaller annual charge over time.

Economists say super-low global interest rates make this a good time to begin the transition to a new property tax system because the cost of borrowing to make up for revenue shortfalls is very low.

Even so, Coates warns the short-term hit to the budget is one of the major downsides to the reform model Perrottet has opted for.

"Until we know what the budgetary impacts are you can’t really weigh up how effective this model will actually be," he says.

To protect the budget, price thresholds could be used initially to restrict the number of very expensive properties that can opt-in to the property tax. Only properties with a market value beneath the threshold would be eligible for the new annual property tax. Over time, the threshold could be raised to extend the reform to more properties. The government says about 80 per cent of residential properties will be eligible to opt-in from day one.

Some economists have queried the very slow transition to the new property tax regime because it means the economic benefits from the reform won’t be fully realised for decades.

Isn’t tax reform always a challenge?

The difficult history of tax reform in Australia suggests Perrottet’s stamp duty overhaul will be politically contentious.


The position taken by NSW Labor will be crucial to its prospects – sustained and strident criticism from the opposition would make the tax switch much more difficult to achieve.

So far the political backlash has been fairly muted.

Opposition Leader Jodi McKay has signalled cautious support although she has flagged some concerns about "fairness" and hardship provisions. Labor’s Shadow Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, says he has "an open mind" to the changes, subject to seeing more detail.

Coates says the reform strategy has been crafted to reduce political hostility.

"The NSW government has taken the path of least resistance," he said.

"They are not forcing anyone to pay land tax unless they choose too and that takes a lot of the heat out."

It is unclear when the new tax scheme might come into force but Perrottet said in a statement released on Tuesday "the reform could be set in motion in the second half of 2021 after seeking community feedback over the coming months".

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