

This was published 2 years ago


You’re the voice: influx of independents puts Liberals on edge

In the “best of” lists that always sprout this time of year, the category of best TV show invariably features Mare of Easttown, and rightly so.

The show is a compelling whodunnit, with Kate Winslet’s performance as a junk-food guzzling cop stoically battling her demons one for the ages. But as a multitude of critics have observed, Mare’s real achievement is hooking a mass audience into a drama that plays out in a working-class hamlet in Pennsylvania where a mostly white, and thus inherently unglamorous, population is ground down by intergenerational poverty and trauma, addiction, unaffordable healthcare and low wages.

Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown.

Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown. Credit: HBO/Foxtel

As a setting, it’s one tough sell; gritty detective dramas usually unfold against a romantic backdrop – either a chaotic metropolis (New York/San Francisco/London) or the untamed edge-of-world in Nordic noir, Shetland or Broadchurch.

Otherwise, we’re naturally drawn to shows such as Succession because we love watching the very rich with their palatial homes and luxury yachts coming undone, forced to make haste on their private jet to Sarajevo.

All of which is me taking the long, scenic route to arrive at the generous sprinkling of palatial homes, luxury yachts, boatloads of franking credits and rude abundance of family trusts in the blue-ribbon Liberal electorates of Wentworth, Kooyong et al, where an assortment of power women have announced their “independent” candidacies in the next federal election under the banner of the “Voices of” movement.

Point being: some electoral dramas are more watchable than others. Especially when the media class (myself included) is drawn disproportionately from the cultural elite and struggles to see beyond itself. Hence the justified criticism about journalists being caught off-guard by Donald Trump’s 2016 election win, on the back of communities like the one depicted in Mare, or even Scott Morrison’s 2019 victory.

So in this respect MP Tim Wilson, under attack in Goldstein from “Voices” candidate Zoe Daniel, is right when he argued in this publication on Monday that while such contests attract publicity, “the media fundamentally got the last election wrong because they underestimated what issues move votes”.

As I’ve noted on several occasions, independent Zali Steggall’s ultimately successful bid to unseat Tony Abbott in Warringah had progressives mesmerised. Meanwhile, they, and the Labor Party, forgot there was an election to win.


Or, more accurately, they thought they had the election bagged. So much so they actively campaigned in Higgins, home to the establishment blue-bloods of Toorak and Malvern, replacing the party’s original candidate with high-profile senior barrister Fiona McLeod.

In retrospect the move smacked of hubris of the sort that propels every episode of Succession. Even at the time, the spectacle was discombobulating for the likes of me who came of age in an era when real men smoked Marlboros and the workers were the lifeblood of the Labor Party. Was class politics in Australia really that last season?

Liberal MP Tim Wilson will be facing independent candidate Zoe Daniel.

Liberal MP Tim Wilson will be facing independent candidate Zoe Daniel.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen, Simon Schluter

So again, Wilson is probably right when he says: “the more the media focuses on urban electorates the more left-progressives” – Labor and the Greens – “will miscalculate” and miss the economic bread-and-butter issues that matter most to voters in marginal seats.

Labor should be grateful for this sound advice; namely, pay no heed to these blue-ribbon rumbles lest you lose touch with the battlers. Mind you, I’m not sure why Wilson’s offering Labor this sound advice. Why not keep mum and let progressives “miscalculate”?

Wilson also argues that despite their strategy to portray themselves as “Liberal-lite”, the “Voices” are more likely to peel off Greens and Labor voters, “less-so Liberals”. If that’s true he seems rather exercised about a group whose real danger is to the other side. I might gently suggest Wilson reconsider his own strategy because the current one’s confusing, but I know that anxiety can impede clear thinking.


Liberal incumbents are trying to defuse what they know is a threat. Indeed, Wilson gives the game away in referring to the candidates’ line of being tired of their local MP’s voting record as a “poll-tested phrase”.

So the phrase polls well, huh? Maybe voters in these electorates are indeed tired of the liberal Liberals struggling to exert influence within the Coalition and falling meekly into line.

Personally, I’m uneasy about the prospect of a group of political unknowns emerging as kingmakers, or whatever the gender-neutral equivalent, in a hung parliament. Nothing against the candidates – on the contrary, I have breathless admiration for Daniel’s journalism at the ABC, for instance – it’s simply that having grown up in an era of relative certainties, I look for established boxes into which I can place individual politicians.

All the same, I’m partial to a decent psychodrama, and we have one here. For the Liberals, the “Voices” signify the return-of-the-repressed, of the party’s feminine conscience, if you will, or if you won’t, then let’s say of Malcolm Turnbull’s aura.


What we’re seeing now is a variation on the “doctors’ wives” motif first encountered in the mid-2000s: this notion of Liberal women in wealthy electorates disaffected because of the party’s stance on social issues. Only now that theme is thankfully redux as disaffected Liberal-presenting women themselves standing for election, some themselves doctors.

All voicing their frustration with the policies eroding the party’s moral core on climate change, on women, on integrity in politics, because whatever their day jobs most women have solid expertise in cleaning up dirt.

We could be in for a cliffhanger.

Julie Szego is a regular columnist.

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