This was published 2 years ago
Why no one is talking about migration during the election campaign
Australia’s population growth halted during the pandemic for the first time since World War I, and fewer babies are being born than ever. At the same time, business is crying out for workers — with a 3.9 per cent unemployment rate, the job market is at its tightest in nearly 50 years.
Despite all this, experts say immigration and population policy has been virtually absent on either side’s agenda during the federal election campaign.
Australia’s population growth has halted.Credit: Louie Douvis
There have been some headlines: when the government agreed to the New Zealand refugee re-settlement offer, the brief confusion over Labor’s stance on temporary protection visas for asylum seekers, and the argument over importing nurses for aged care.
But even though senior business figures called this week for an increase to migration to avoid a slump in growth coming out of the pandemic, both political parties have avoided the issue.
According to data from the Home Affairs website, the capped number of permanent visas granted via Australia’s migration program was gradually reduced from 190,000 in 2014-15 to 160,000 in 2018-19. The Business Council of Australia has been pushing for either of the major parties to increase the migration program cap to 220,000 in both 2022-23 and 2023-24 to catch up on lost skilled migration, then revert to 190,000 a year thereafter.
But the Grattan Institute’s Brendan Coates said this program did not include temporary and short-term visa holders such as international students or backpackers. The lack of such visa holders is now being acutely felt.
“If you’re thinking about who isn’t here because of the pandemic, which is often the starting point for this discussion, who’s not here are low-skilled, temporary-visa holders. The number of working holidaymakers is down 84 per cent, the number of students is down 44 per cent,” he said.
Coates said there was no cap on either of those two types of visa holders, so those people had decided not to return to Australia yet for other reasons. This makes it unclear when immigration might begin to flow again.
As for the permanent migration program, Abul Rizvi, a former deputy secretary in the Department of Immigration, said Australia would have no problem filling those places because there was a large backlog in applications. But net migration – which measures the total number of people coming into the country permanently and long term against the number of people leaving the country for good – was far more important. Here, the numbers were concerning.
“In 2021, that was a large negative. We don’t know precisely how large, but it was large,” he said.
Coates argues that calls for blanket increases to migration to address skill shortages were unsophisticated. In aged care, for example, which has an acute need for workers, “there’s a big difference between ... nurses who are skilled and earn relatively high wages who will probably come through a sponsored program, or cleaners and care workers who won’t”.
The lower-skilled workers in aged care were more likely to be permanent residents or students working part-time, he said. Both Labor and the Coalition have flagged importing workers for their aged care commitments, but Coates cautioned either party against relaxing skilled visa standards to fill vacancies.
“Skilled visas should stay for skilled people, and to the extent that you need unskilled workers, we have other visa streams where people incidentally work in less-skilled roles. And there’s [already] large numbers of them,” he said.
The Coalition has one mention on its website of an immigration policy: “A re-elected Coalition government will ensure that skilled stream places account for around 70 per cent of the migration program in 2022-23, increasing the number of skilled workers to around 110,000.”
Rizvi says the budget papers give a much clearer indication that the current government wants to revert to pre-pandemic levels of immigration as quickly as possible. Net migration was forecast in the budget to go from “a very large negative in 2021 to 235,000 by 2024”, Rizvi said.
“That forecast in the budget would be the steepest increase in net migration in history,” he said. “So whenever when the prime minister says, ‘I’m going to create 1.3 million jobs over the next five years’, what he’s saying is, ‘we’re going have a high level of immigration’.”
Labor has no mention of large-scale migration to fill skills shortages on its official campaign website. Questions to its campaign HQ this week went unanswered.
There has been a small-scale announcement on 3000 permanent visas for Pacific workers, but not much more. Labor immigration spokeswoman Kristina Keneally suggested to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald recently an intention to reduce Australia’s reliance on temporary workers to fill skills shortages.
Rizvi said neither the government nor opposition had anything to gain politically by committing to increasing migration during an election campaign and no prime minister had done so since the 1960s.
“If the prime minister were to come out and say, ‘I’m going to increase my migration program to 190,000 per annum as assumed in my budget papers’, he’s gone, 100 per cent. He’ll never say it – and neither will the opposition.”
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