

This was published 2 years ago


Why another Morrison inquiry? If it’s to humiliate Labor’s enemies, it would be political brutalism

The top stories for Friday, August 26.See all 11 stories.

One of the (many) odd things about the Scott Morrison secret ministries saga is that it’s a point of overwhelming agreement. Everyone agrees Morrison did the wrong thing by his own colleagues, by the parliament, by the Australian people, and by Australian democracy. The points of disagreement are instead matters of emphasis. For how long should it preoccupy us? What is the end point of this episode? And so on.

To that end, the Albanese government this week announced an inquiry into the matter. Or more precisely, it announced an intention to announce an inquiry. It did this as it released the solicitor-general’s legal advice which confirmed what everyone already knew, more or less: that Morrison hadn’t broken any laws, but that his actions were inimical to our system of responsible government, for the very simple reason that you can’t hold ministers to account when you don’t know who they are.

Everyone agrees that Scott Morrison did the wrong thing by his own ministers.

Everyone agrees that Scott Morrison did the wrong thing by his own ministers.Credit: Nick Moir

But the advice also told us that it would be dead simple to stop this happening again, and explained exactly how you’d do it. Stephen Donaghue, QC, suggests five solutions in the space of five short paragraphs, the most robust of which would be simply to legislate that all ministerial appointments must be published. No doubt he could draft that legislation for you in an afternoon if you asked him to.

Which raises a question: why not ask him to? It’s strange that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wants the inquiry to tell us how to stop a repeat of this lamentable episode – as he explained this week – when he’s already been told exactly how. And since no one in the opposition thinks Morrison’s actions were acceptable, there seems a very good chance they’d support the relevant legislation, giving a clear bipartisan statement against this kind of governmental secrecy. Even Morrison might vote for it! And if not, his politically friendless status would be confirmed in bold type.

So, what exactly is the point of the inquiry? Albanese makes the point that the solicitor-general’s advice is based only on known facts, and that an inquiry might unearth more facts. But what facts could possibly change the solicitor-general’s advice? The only thing Donaghue acknowledges he doesn’t know is whether Morrison specifically ordered his ministerial appointments to remain secret.

But it seems clear from the advice that nothing turns on this. And there isn’t the slightest hint in the advice that any additional facts would change any conclusions on what is actually a relatively simple legal matter. If new facts would swing it, Donaghue would have said so and made his advice conditional.

What facts would an inquiry unearth that would change the solicitor-general’s advice?

What facts would an inquiry unearth that would change the solicitor-general’s advice?Credit: Simon Letch

Which leaves us really with political questions of the kind Albanese raised when asked this week what the inquiry had left to teach us. Who knew what and when? What bits were rotten in the machinery of government that allowed this to happen? But even here, the likely answers are clear enough. The governor-general clearly knew, but Albanese has no desire to investigate him on the perfectly sound basis that his job didn’t require him to do anything other than act on Morrison’s advice within the law. Morrison’s own office might have known, but that office no longer exists.

The most concerning likelihood is that people within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet knew. But that department had long been compromised by political appointments. This, we already know.


Is the aim of this inquiry to identify and shame the guilty? That might be a reasonable aim were Morrison still in government. But now, with the principal culprits moving into political history, that would make the inquiry inherently politicised. Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles was clear this week that he wanted to see Morrison face “severe political consequences” over all this. That would be an alarming starting point for an inquiry, because inquiries are not meant to be about punishment, so much as reform. To make this an ersatz prosecution, or some exercise in the humiliation of one’s political enemies, would be to succumb to the kind of political brutalism that got us here in the first place.

I’m prepared to think better of the Albanese government than that. But the problem is there are few political consequences more severe than being kicked ignominiously out of office, and that has already happened. Marles may want to see Morrison leave the parliament – as do one or two of Morrison’s own party colleagues. But no one has the power to make that happen because that would be undemocratic. He’s a duly elected member. Absent being convicted of a crime, only the people can remove him. So, what consequences are Marles and Labor searching for here? A mostly symbolic censure motion?

Probably the most defensible reason for this inquiry would be that it is a way of reaffirming our commitment, as a nation, to the norms of transparent and responsible government. But the trouble is that it would be focusing on a highly unusual example that has precisely zero defenders – especially now that even Morrison himself has admitted his actions yield “lessons learned”.

Morrison’s paradoxical legacy is that by flouting the conventions of responsible government so blatantly, he has forced everyone in parliament to restate their importance. After all this, no one could try to repeat what Morrison has done. And if you really want a moment of unified reaffirmation, a near unanimous vote on the floor of the parliament to fix this loophole would be a powerful and immediate way to do it.


I’m certainly open to being convinced, but Albanese really should explain in very precise terms what exactly we’re hoping to gain from this inquiry that isn’t mere schadenfreude, and cannot be achieved in a much simpler way. We have to know what this inquiry is – but crucially also what it isn’t. So far, we don’t, and that leaves the door open to political opportunism. And if Albanese is serious about restoring our political culture so that we don’t use the institutions of government simply as a means to our partisan ends, that’s the sort of opportunity he must decline.

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