

This was published 2 years ago


Why Albanese is playing a dead bat

Labor has been accused of running a “small target” strategy. Not true. We’re about to see that it’s actually running a “no target” strategy. This doesn’t mean a “no policy” approach. Labor will be offering a fair few policies. It means that its offerings are designed to be as unthreatening as possible.

After losing the 2019 election on a promise of quite a lot of change, a chastened Labor Party is taking no chances.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has been largely irrelevant over the past two years. The pandemic concentrated all attention on the Prime Minister and the premiers.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

With lockdowns ending and the 2021 Parliament now ended, Albanese intends to become relevant now with the release of Labor’s climate policy on Friday and his first campaign rally on Sunday. The election is due by May. He doesn’t have a lot of time left.

But while he wants relevance in the public debate, he doesn’t want dominance. He’s happy to leave that to Scott Morrison.


Why? Because Labor is convinced that the Morrison government is failing, and has to be seen to be failing, on its own terms. The Prime Minister who didn’t hold a hose in the bushfires, the Prime Minister who didn’t put Australia at the front of the vaccine queue, the Prime Minister who presides over an endless crisis of parliamentary disrespect to women.

Albanese doesn’t want to be at war with Morrison on everything all the time. Much to the frustration of Labor’s true believers, the Labor leader in recent months has operated under the adage credited to Napoleon that “when your enemy is destroying himself, don’t interrupt”.

He will continue to avoid fights on Morrison’s chosen ground. Morrison loved accusing Bill Shorten of “class warfare” with Labor’s talk about “the big end of town” and its policies of higher taxes.


Albanese studiously avoids all this. He speaks of creating wealth, not just redistributing it. He will campaign on unifying Australia. You’ll hear him accuse Morrison of dividing Australia and attacking state premiers. Albanese will talk of “bringing Australia together”, invoking the spirit of Bob Hawke’s consensus campaign of 1983.


And he’ll accuse Morrison of running the most wasteful government in Australia’s history while he campaigns on Labor promises of “budget responsibility”, invoking the Kevin Rudd reassurance of the 2007 campaign.

Labor wants the election to be a referendum on Morrison; Morrison wants it to be a declaration of distrust in Labor. Albanese wants to offer him no grounds for any such claim. This is the “no target” strategy.

The Labor and Liberal campaigns have one foundational assumption in common. They have a shared assessment of the Australian mood. The people have had enough of the dislocation and distress caused by COVID. Australia wants no more disruption.

The Labor and Liberal parties will compete in reassuring the Australian electorate.

Scott Morrison will go to the election offering Australia no real change except for a snapback to pre-pandemic conditions. Anything else he will portray as a risk.

Anthony Albanese will go to the election promising Australia some change, but “safe change”. Not disruptive change but change to more security – he’ll pitch more secure jobs, more jobs in the new economy, more supportive childcare, more manufacturing investment.

For the Morrison government, the campaign essentially is a re-run of 2019, pitching a status-quo Australia. No reforms, just tax cuts. It’s for the “quiet Australians” who are broadly satisfied with their lives and suspicious of change, and the “aspirational voters” who are looking to get ahead under their own steam and resentful of government intrusion. While Morrison again will portray Labor as a risk to all of this.

For the Albanese opposition, the campaign is for people weary of disruption but hoping that government can deliver something better than the old status quo. The Labor leader will describe Morrison’s as a “do nothing government”. Australia, according to Albanese, needs to shape the future “or the future will shape us”.

He’ll promise to “build back better” after the pandemic, the same slogan used by Jacinda Ardern and Joe Biden. Labor will talk up its $15 billion national reconstruction fund, its “universal childcare” plan, its policy to improve conditions for workers in aged care and the broader “care economy”, to make sure workers in the “gig economy” are paid the minimum wage. It will offer 10 days’ domestic violence leave and more emergency housing.


Albanese’s three big Sunday themes will be secure work, lifting living standards and a “made in Australia” pitch for manufacturing to deliver more secure supply chains and more jobs. All of this is change, but “safe change” in Labor’s lexicon.

And we’ll be hearing more about his own “log cabin” life story. He presents himself as an example of the power of government to make a difference in people’s lives. This week Albanese tweeted a photo of his 29-year-old self with his mother, a single mum who raised him in public housing, and the caption: “Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money to splash around. I was brought up by my mum, who was on a disability pension. So when the price of anything went up, we noticed. That’s when you had to start making choices.”

This will no doubt lead into a future campaign theme about the cost of living. Albanese also uses his story to illustrate the centrality of government to the concept of the “fair go”. Supported by social housing, a Catholic education, a social security safety net and a mother’s love, he was able to rise to the high station of alternative prime minister.

It’s late in the cycle to be introducing himself to the electorate. It’s evidence of how low his profile has been. And how much ground he needs to make up.

Labor’s new climate change policy is more activist and ambitious than the government’s – which is not a high hurdle to clear - yet it’s still “curiously cautious” in the words of the Carbon Market Institute’s John Connor. And we know why. Labor remains traumatised by a decade of Coalition scare campaigns over its climate policies.


Albanese himself called Friday’s announcement a “modest policy”. How’s that for electrifying the true believers? Remarkably, Labor has pledged emissions cuts that are more modest than those proposed by the Business Council and the Australian Industry Group. And Albanese’s 43 per cent cut emissions by 2030 is more modest than that of the Coalition government of NSW, which has a target of 50 per cent.

So the big difference now federally between Labor and the Coalition is between 35 and 43 per cent, a gap of just 8 percentage points in emissions cuts, spread over nine years.

Still, Morrison leapt on Labor’s climate policy even before it was formally announced: “A 43 per cent target isn’t safe for the Hunter,” said the Prime Minister. “It’s not safe for Gladstone. It’s not safe for Bell Bay. It’s not safe for our manufacturers. It’s not safe for jobs.”

This is a very dated scare campaign. If Morrison is right, then the Hunter isn’t safe in any case because it’s subject to the NSW Coalition government’s target of a 50 per cent cut. Every time Morrison attacks Labor’s emissions targets, he’s also attacking those of the Liberal governments of NSW and South Australia.

Besides, the Hunter is now a centre of investment for the renewables economy. In an unhappy coincidence for Morrison, the NSW Coalition government talked up its Renewable Energy Zone for the Hunter region on the very same day. It called for investment proposals for new solar, wind and storage for the zone. It has 13 already for the Hunter and Central Coast region and is seeking more.

The entire frame has changed. In years past, the climate scare was based on fear of too much activism. Today the real scare is not enough activism – and missing out on the multi-trillion dollar global wave of new investment and cheap energy.

But Morrison has proven skilled at scare campaigns and he’s not going to just hand over the keys to the Lodge and the Treasury without a fight. He is shameless in running scares. If the climate scare doesn’t work he’ll try another and another till he finds one that sticks.


Albanese is equally shameless in trying to avoid Coalition scare campaigns. When he’s accused of abandoning traditional Labor values in his efforts to avoid fights with Morrison, his riposte is that “one of my Labor values is to win elections”.

If you’re looking for revolutionary fervour and soaring rhetoric in your federal politics, I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong country.


This article has been corrected to state that Mr Albanese had a Catholic education, not a public education. 

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