This was published 2 years ago
Where’s the vision? The budget is all politics
With an election due in weeks, and Labor ahead in the polls, this budget was the last roll of the dice for the Coalition to woo voters. The government did not pretend otherwise, showing a blatant focus on immediate politics in a budget that did nothing to tackle Australia’s longer-term challenges let alone present a plan to address an alarming deficit and mounting debt.
Gone are the days of the Morrison government trumpeting its debt and deficit rhetoric to burnish its economic credibility. It’s not that the government’s coffers are short on revenue. The budget bottom line is flush with tens of billions of extra revenue from an array of sources, including soaring commodity prices, historic low unemployment and rising inflation.
But the government’s good fortune when it comes to revenue is a double-edged sword. The jump in prices on everything from fuel and food to building supplies may bring in extra revenue, but it is putting pressure on household budgets. And while the rise in inflation was once considered a pandemic-induced blip, the Ukraine war has ingrained the view that price rises are here to stay for some time.
The government had a choice. It could have held its nerve, explained that the billions in spending required during the height of the pandemic are no longer needed as the economy rebounds. There was no need for austerity measures, but it could have announced a plan to reduce the deficit quickly, ensuring that when the next crisis hits it would have the ability to, once again, prime the economy. That is not the path it took.
Instead, what we have is a budget that found no savings and offers little policy vision. The deficit in the current financial year is expected to be $79.8 billion. That is forecast to decline to $43 billion by 2026, but by then, Australia’s debt will be an astonishing $1.17 trillion. The government’s response is to send cheques to 6 million people and cut fuel excise by 50 per cent at a time when the economy is already overheating. The sad reality is that Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, in probably his last budget, swung to hip pocket populism. This budget is all politics, bereft of policy for even the medium term.
There is nothing more transactional as a cheque in the mail. At a cost of $1.5 billion, the $250 handouts to eligible pensioners, welfare recipients, veterans and concession cardholders is an attempt to curry favour weeks out from an election. At least the handouts are targeted to those in need and will help around the margins. The halving of the fuel excise is just bad policy. Most economists have rightly argued that the lost revenue would be far better either saved to bring down the deficit or more wisely spent.
The budget promises $8.6 billion in cost-of-living payments. If the government was inclined to spend billions, could the money not have been better targeted to boost productivity, deal with the crippling problem of housing affordability, increase childcare funding to enable more parents to work, or do more to reduce carbon emissions by 2050?
Perhaps Australians expect little from an election-eve budget. And perhaps the government will be proved right that many voters will forgive all in exchange for cheaper petrol for six months. The Age accepts that after two years of upheaval brought on by the pandemic, Australians may recoil from substantial efforts to tackle fundamental problems in the economy. But this budget barely makes the effort to persuade citizens the government is thinking beyond the May election.
Australia managed the pandemic better than most. Much of that success can be put down to good government. This budget is a long way from that high watermark. Australia deserves better.