

This was published 3 years ago


What the Dragons could teach the PM about confronting bad behaviour

A staggering, but informative, juxtaposition has emerged in the treatment of two significant cases of bad behaviour – the breach of COVID-19 rules by the St George Illawarra NRL team and the Morrison government’s many breaches of the accepted standards of honest and responsible government.

While bad behaviour has increasingly defined both the NRL and Australian politics over recent decades, there is a glaring difference in the way the two systems deal with it. While the NRL at last calls it out and penalises perpetrators, it has become normalised in politics.

Prime Minister, the game of politics could use some coaching from the NRL.

Prime Minister, the game of politics could use some coaching from the NRL.Credit: NRL Photos

After a one-point win against the Warriors – and having been told not to celebrate, not to “stuff up” or “make mistakes” by both the Dragons’ coach and a club administrator – a highly paid player, Paul Vaughan, invited 12 teammates to a barbecue to celebrate at his home at Shellharbour. Neighbours called police about the noise, apparently not the COVID breach. Reportedly, some panicked, hid under a bed, or in a cupboard, or tried to scurry off. The rest fronted the police.

The police issued $1000 fines to each of them. The NRL issued a total of $305,000 in fines, the largest being $50,000 for Vaughan. The club also reportedly issued additional (but undisclosed) fines and terminated Vaughan’s contract with immediate effect. And the NRL required that each of the remaining 12 players be dropped for one game and further penalised a couple of players who, on legal advice, refused to sign a declaration of “who was there”.

I should declare an interest. I’m a lifetime, die-hard St George supporter, born a few kilometres from Jubilee Oval. I played most of my high-school sport there, joined in leading the Save-Our-Saints movement to prevent a merger with the old Easts, now Roosters – with hindsight probably not so clever, given the success of the Roosters – and spread some of my father’s ashes on Jubilee.


Nevertheless, given the significance of the flouting of the COVID rules, I think the penalties should have been even tougher. I would have banned them all from playing for the rest of the season, forcing the club to rely on its reserve grade as best it could.

While offending players were initially in shock, some have readily accepted their guilt and the penalties, and expressed remorse. “It was a poor decision we all have to live with now and have to pay the price for.” “We have to take full responsibility.” “We are sorry for what we’ve done, but it’s about what we do after.” “We are looking to learn from our mistakes and do our best for our team.” “We are seeing now how badly it’s affected a lot of people.” “We can’t sit here and cry foul.”

A teammate who wasn’t there, tied up on Origin duty, emphasised the need for players to recognise their broader club and community responsibilities, particularly as “role models” to young, aspiring players.


What a sharp and embarrassing contrast with Scott Morrison and his government, for whom responsibility is something to be passed off to others, as if they are above reproach. Nothing to see here. Note the blatant, multi-billion-dollar expenditure on pork-barrelling – the car parks, the sports facilities, the regional and other rorts. Finance Minister Simon Birmingham, who’s meant to police government spending, tells us: “In a parliamentary democracy, part of the process is local MPs advocate on behalf of their electorates.”


Unless you live in a corner of our democracy that gets no attention.

Nothing to see here, yet again, with the unquestionable stuff-up of the vaccine rollout. Nor in the federal government’s clear abrogation of its constitutional responsibility for quarantine. Nor in failing to deal effectively with allegations of rape, bullying and other appalling parliamentary behaviour. Nor in meeting the climate or aged care challenges.

No admission of responsibility, mistakes or neglect. Rather, the likes of Barnaby Joyce and Bridget McKenzie are returned to cabinet, rewarded. There are no penalties for flaunting accepted standards of behaviour bar a stint in the sin bin, say, for McKenzie following the sports rorts scandal – but not for the rort, rather a conflict of interest. And no national ICAC.

It’s a national disgrace when NRL players, so easily dismissed as “thugs” or “meatheads”, put our politicians to shame. They, at least, have made their apologies and copped their punishment.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.

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