

This was published 5 years ago


Watch out for the next big lie

The last election provided all of us with the ultimate world-class example of saying anything in order to win. Forget the truth, just go for the jugular. Labor's Mediscare campaign was spectacular in its effectiveness. The fact that it was complete rubbish mattered not one iota to anyone in the Labor party. That in itself is worth reflecting on.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has urged voters to consider the economy when they cast their vote at the May election.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has urged voters to consider the economy when they cast their vote at the May election.Credit: AAP

It was a quite deliberate deception perpetrated on the Australian public for the purposes of gaining power. It wasn't a commitment to spend on which budgetary pressures later forced a backdown. It wasn't a commitment for which some other circumstances later prevented delivery. It wasn't an assertion that this or that interest group are under threat. It was an assertion that all of us would be attacked and undermined. It was a straight-out allegation that the other side are going to pull the safety net out from under the trapeze. It's the stuff that genuinely scares people.

Medicare is vitally important to all of us. It isn't perfect. Every bureaucracy needs constant maintenance and protection from rorters. Whatever its problems, we all benefit. Low and middle income families, especially with kids, would be frightened by such a cruel hoax. Labor's scare wasn't a half-hearted "boo" from behind a corner such as kids might make. This was an all-out intentional, frighten-the-pants off you campaign. It was on TV, on social media and in leaflets at railway stations.

As best I can tell everyone in the Labor party thought this a great trick. Not one of them gave a hoot about this big lie at the time. None of them have shown any embarrassment since. I know and like a few of the Labor members and I feel oddly sorry for them because they will never be able to wipe that slate clean.

It amazed me at the time that Labor faced such little scrutiny from journalists. Perhaps they were hoodwinked as well. Equally amazing was the the government's response. Yes, it's true that in campaigns the mantra is "don't be distracted, stay on message". In those circumstances, staying on message and almost ignoring the attack isn't so smart. Just saying it's a lie makes limp lettuce look like a baseball bat. It's the equivalent of, in war, staying focused on your forward target when there's a nuclear warhead focused on your own backside.

Labor leader Bill Shorten: Economic management will be a big issue at the election.

Labor leader Bill Shorten: Economic management will be a big issue at the election.Credit: Dan Peled

There's an old saying that if you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one. People generally think that you wouldn't possibly try on such a big lie because you would get caught out and thus they think there must be something in what you say. And at the same time a big lie is often hard to disprove.

As we approach the next election we should be on the look-out for the next big lie. The other thing to watch out for is Labor using the best form of defence when under attack ... go on the attack. When issues are debated about whether Australia could yet again trust Labor with the economy, we can expect to be told that it’s just the government scaremongering.


It’s risky ground for Labor because the risks we face are there for all to see. No doubt they will point back to the global financial crisis and paint themselves as saviours. The fact is Labor inherited no debt. For a government, that’s like you and I having millions in the bank. We were economically in great shape so it was easy to borrow and weather the storm. The fact that Labor made cash payments to people living in Canada and New Zealand and squandered a fortune on overpriced and often unwanted schoolyard shade sails will be forgotten. So will pink bats and every other mess they made.

Economic management will be a big issue at the election. Voters are not stupid. You don’t have to read the Financial Review everyday to understand that there are some dark clouds internationally that could affect us in a big way. It’s worth repeating that in tough economic times the so-called rich might have to sell shares or lose their beach house. Boo hoo. Less economically-lucky people lose their job and maybe their house. That’s why the economy is so important to Liberals. It’s about people, their jobs, houses and families. When the economy goes belly up the less fortunate may not lose the most in dollars but they certainly do in terms of their lives.

No one should imagine that an equivalent global financial crisis could not happen again. The world economy isn’t looking that good. Add into that a slowdown in China which means a slowdown in our exports and a slowdown in jobs and government revenues. What if the slowdown is closer to a meltdown?

Add to that the uncertainty in global trade circumstances associated with but not limited to President Trump’s trade issues with China and others.

Turn away from our region to Europe. It’s hardly a picture of economic certainty. Is the Italian economy in or going into recession as was hinted recently? The European Union has a number of economic underperformers and it is not as if they are all happy with each other’s management.

Then there’s Brexit. Who knows what the economic fallout of leaving or the political stability risk of remaining will be? For good measure toss in the risk of a housing price crash. It might be a bomb rather than a bubble burst.

So with a government that’s got the budget heading to black, a stronger economy with more and more jobs, voters will weigh up carefully about changing course.

Amanda Vanstone is a regular columnist and a former Coalition minister.

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