

This was published 8 years ago

Treasurer protects national security with sale block

By Mark Kenny

There is at least one common factor between Tuesday's census fail and Thursday's crucial decision out of Canberra to block the 99-year lease of Australia's largest single electricity distribution network Ausgrid, to two competing Chinese corporate bidders.

The common factor is that ordinary Australians will probably never get the full details behind these events.

And there's another commonality too - albeit entirely unproved. China.

There's no public evidence for any Middle Kingdom involvement in the denial of service attacks on the census, although there is plenty of suspicion.

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has blocked the 99-year lease of Ausgrid.

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has blocked the 99-year lease of Ausgrid.Credit: Bradley Kanaris

Indeed, so charged is the atmosphere that there is even the suggestion that Beijing's nose was out of joint over swimming gold medallist Mack Horton's disrespect of Sun Yang in Rio.

But even if this is fanciful, Chinese national pride is a strangely delicate thing and its injury can produce some pretty bizarre behaviour, as is evident right now in the South China Sea.

Trivial things can have disproportionate material consequences.

Scott Morrison's decision to block the separate bids of both State Grid, which is a state-owned behemoth (it has nearly 2 million employees and is said to be planning a $50 trillion global energy empire) and the Hong Kong-based Cheung Kong Infrastructure company, is anything but trivial and risks damaging Chinese pride quite materially.


Yet that alone does not make it wrong. Morrison cited both national security and national interest grounds for standing in the way of these two entities. The NSW government is understandably disappointed, believing the decision is inconsistent with previous signals and noting these corporations already hold larges slices of distribution networks in other states.

There are mutterings about whether the Treasurer is pandering to a rising protectionist and xenophobic mood and particularly to the new political manifestations of that mood, Pauline Hanson's resurgent One Nation party.

Fuelling those suspicions is the relaxed attitude Canberra took to StateGrid's bid for Transgrid (the other major distribution network in NSW). Some argue that Transgrid might be a more sensitive asset from a national security standpoint than Ausgrid's network would be, yet StateGrid was not blocked.


It is unclear whether Canberra's veto is based on fresh specific intelligence, or more generalised strategic and defence assessments such as that previous Chinese acquisitions of Australian energy distribution assets have reached a critical mass.

On this question, the Treasurer must be taken on trust: "The only person who's security-cleared in this room to be able to hear the answer to that question is me," he said.

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