

This was published 9 years ago

Tony Abbott scuttles Indigenous plan on constitutional recognition

By Michael Gordon

Tony Abbott has rejected a proposal from the country's most respected Indigenous leaders on how to proceed towards constitutional recognition, saying it could lead to "something akin to a log of claims that is unlikely to receive general support".

The Prime Minister has dismissed the plan to achieve Indigenous consensus on a referendum question before broader community consultations because "it jars with the notion of finally substituting 'we' for 'them and us'."

His response is a bitter disappointment to the country's Aboriginal leadership, who are set to proceed with their plan for Indigenous conventions to discuss recognition without the government's support.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders are expected to conduct a telephone hook-up in the next 48 hours to consider their response and are likely to seek the support of non-government agencies to convene Indigenous conferences to debate the wording of the referendum question.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Noel Pearson, Chairman of the Cape York Group, during his visit to North East Arnhem Land last year.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Noel Pearson, Chairman of the Cape York Group, during his visit to North East Arnhem Land last year.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

They are not expected to seek the support of Recognise, the body set up to build public understanding of the need for recognition.

"There's a clear lack of leadership in relation to this crucial question, but the absence of leadership should not mean we drop our bundle," said Noel Pearson, who devised the plan for Indigenous conventions with Patrick Dodson, Kirstie Parker and Megan Davis.

"It is around about now that we needed clear leadership on recognition and we don't yet have it, but that should not mean that we despair."


Mr Abbott denied he had damaged the prospects of a successful referendum, declaring: "I am determined to ensure that we do get constitutional recognition. What I want to ensure is that it is worth doing and that it is doable – that's what I want to ensure."

Indigenous leaders Noel Pearson and Pat Dodson have agreed to throw their unqualified support behind whatever model emerges from Indigenous conferences.

Indigenous leaders Noel Pearson and Pat Dodson have agreed to throw their unqualified support behind whatever model emerges from Indigenous conferences.Credit: Peter Rae

Mr Abbott's reply came more than two weeks after the Indigenous leaders outlined their proposal in a letter to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.

While Mr Shorten indicated support for the approach, Mr Abbott rejected the plan, writing: "I am in favour of building consensus, but strongly believe that this should be a national consensus in favour of a particular form of recognition rather than simply an Indigenous one."

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten meet with National Indigenous Leaders last month.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten meet with National Indigenous Leaders last month.Credit: Peter Rae

Mr Abbott said his staff were working with Mr Shorten's office on a proposal for "community conferences" to discuss the referendum question.

"I accept that these community conferences need to take place in ways that give Indigenous people ample opportunity to have their say," he writes.

"Doubtless, some of them could take place in largely Indigenous areas, with largely Indigenous participation.

"I would be disappointed if they did not allow an Indigenous position to form – but this should be at the same time that the general community position is also forming. It should inform the other if a referendum is ultimately to succeed."

Mr Shorten had supported the plan, telling its architects on July 20: "It was very beneficial to hear directly from you and other Indigenous leaders on the vision and expectations for constitutional change.

"I believe this process you have suggested can work with the framework that was agreed at the meeting on July 6. I have written to the Prime Minister asking him to be open the process you have suggested."

The plan drafted by the Indigenous leaders asked the political leaders to back and financially support Indigenous consultations before broader community conferences.

"Our people need an opportunity to discuss options for constitutional recognition amongst ourselves, before engaging with the general community," they wrote. "Whilst this could occur in parallel with mainstream conferences, it would be wiser to prioritise clarity and consensus within Indigenous Australia before going to mainstream conferences."

Both Mr Pearson and Mr Dodson believe only a "substantial" referendum question will be backed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, rather than minimalist "symbolic" recognition.

Both men have backed different models for recognition, with Mr Dodson supported a ban on racial discrimination in the constitution and Mr Pearson advocating a new Indigenous body to advise the parliament on legislation affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

But both have vowed to throw their weight behind whichever model emerged from a process of Indigenous consultations.

Mr Abbott's letter suggests he is concerned that the model to emerge from Indigenous consultations will be too ambitious to secure the support necessary for a referendum to pass.

Indigenous social justice commissioner, Mick Gooda, was bitterly disappointed by Mr Abbott's response, saying: "It's hard not to feel some despair right now when two of our greatest leaders put up a proposal and it's just shot down."

Indigenous Labor senator Nova Peris said the plan for Indigenous conferences was backed by the parliamentary committee set up to advise government on the referendum. "If we don't have this convention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, then I believe we're wasting our time," she said.

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