

This was published 1 year ago

So much money, so little advice: The new battlefront in the superannuation wars

By Shane Wright

About 7.5 million Australians have just reached retirement or are about to give away the daily grind. They have trillions of dollars, put away in tax-advantaged superannuation accounts, to maintain their standard of living for their future days.

Yet, there is just an estimated 16,000 financial advisers in the country who are in a position to help these people manage that cash and chart their way through retirement.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has set the hares running on super.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has set the hares running on super.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The past week has been dominated by the huge numbers around retirement after Treasurer Jim Chalmers used a speech to outline the government’s determination to set an objective for the nation’s $3.3 billion superannuation system.

Setting an objective for super has been Labor’s long-term policy. It had, also, been the Coalition’s policy.

In 2014, the financial services inquiry (put in place by Joe Hockey) recommended an objective be set for superannuation. It said super should be “to provide income in retirement to substitute or supplement the age pension”.

Two years later, then-treasurer Scott Morrison set out his Superannuation (Objective) Bill 2016. “It will promote confidence in the superannuation system – that it is being used for its core purpose of providing income in retirement and not for tax minimisation or estate planning purposes or any further such initiatives,” he said.

But less than a year later, Morrison unveiled the First Home Super Saver Scheme that enabled young people to pour cash into their super then withdraw it (and interest) to pump into their first mortgage.

The superannuation objective bill spent the next two years on the Senate’s notice paper without any move to bring on a vote.


If anyone believed the Coalition would revisit the superannuation’s objective, that died in the final week of last year’s election campaign when Morrison unveiled a plan to allow first-time buyers to withdraw up to $50,000 from their super.

And this week, deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley signalled her support for expanding the ability to use super to buy a house despite warnings this would drive up house prices in a country with some of the most unaffordable property in the world.

The opposition is backing opening super up to buy a house – even though it would pump up prices.

The opposition is backing opening super up to buy a house – even though it would pump up prices.Credit: Peter Rae

While Chalmers outlined the case for an objective, he also noted that the cost of super – about $50 billion in tax concessions a year and growing – was putting extraordinary pressure on the budget.

“Right now, we’re on track to spend more on super tax concessions than the age pension by around 2050,” he said. “I’m not convinced that’s a sustainable way to get to our destination – good retirement incomes for more Australians, now and into the future.”

Those comments started a political firestorm that was seized upon by the Coalition, the huge vested interests in super and by ordinary Australians fearful of yet more change to their most important asset outside of the family home.

Ever since the Keating government introduced the superannuation guarantee in 1992 (at 3 per cent), there has been controversy. Both sides of politics have changed it, most recently by Morrison in 2016 in reforms that cost the Coalition plenty of political paint among Liberal voters. Almost all proposed reforms, including those floated since Chalmers’ comments, have gone to the cost of superannuation and the benefits flowing to high-income earners. But there are even larger issues coming to the fore.

Paul Keating introduced superannuation 30 years ago.

Paul Keating introduced superannuation 30 years ago.Credit: Peter Rae.

Super was set up partly because humans are terrible at making long-term financial decisions. The superannuation guarantee is “forced savings”, giving Australians a lump sum when they finally retire.

But 30 years on from its inception, another issue is emerging – the troubles we have managing large sums of cash while facing high degrees of uncertainty. And the biggest uncertainty in super is how much money we need to have a dignified and enjoyable retirement.

One often quoted benchmark is the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia’s “retirement standard”.

At present, the standard suggests that if you want a comfortable retirement, a couple needs $640,000 in savings when they leave the workforce. (A $70,000 lump sum will give you a “modest standard”).

Just how comfortable is that comfortable? It means “top-level private health insurance”, fast streaming services, regular professional haircuts, “confidence to use air conditioning”, and an annual domestic holiday plus an overseas trip every seven years.

If you think that comfortable retirement is better than your life in the workforce, you’re not wrong.

The comfortable retirement allows for $128 a week on bathroom and kitchen renovations, $206 a week on travel and holidays, $82 a week on appliances and professional haircuts plus $135 a week on restaurant dining and “quality” food.

While this standard is often quoted as the benchmark, the reality of what Australians spend in their retirement is vastly different. As we age, our spending levels fall dramatically.

People find it hard to determine how much they need for a comfortable retirement.

People find it hard to determine how much they need for a comfortable retirement.Credit: Ros Holcombe

The 2020 Retirement Income Review, headed by Mike Callaghan, looked over the nation’s retirement settings. While prevented from making any recommendations, the findings were astonishing. A surge in large super balances was being driven by tax strategies. The number of balances greater than $10 million grew by 1110 per cent between 2005 and 2017. “It appears that large balances are held in the superannuation system mainly as a tax minimisation strategy, separate to any retirement income goals,” it found.

About $1 of every $5 paid from super accounts in 2019 was as a bequest or inheritance. That’s excluding the family home, savings outside of super and any other asset a person might have. By 2059 this will reach $1 in every $3. “Bequests from housing assets will also increase if housing assets continue to grow and retirees avoid drawing on their housing wealth,” the review found.

It also found people, to their detriment, struggle to use their retirement savings as they were designed. Fearful of running out of money, they are dying with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in their super accounts plus their house and other assets. “People could have a higher standard of living, either in retirement (by consuming more) or during their working lives (by saving less),” it found.

The review found a string of contributing factors to the problem. Retirees face a huge amount of complexity and little guidance about how to maximise their retirement incomes, they fear about their future health and aged care costs while many worry they will out-live their super.

Even the nomenclature around superannuation is a problem. Who wants to dip into their “savings” or their “investments” or their “nest eggs”?

These findings were reinforced this year when a review of the quality of financial advice (that had been ordered by the previous government) was released.

Report author Michelle Levy revealed her views on the superannuation system changed during her time heading the inquiry.

“Early in the review I was asked whether our superannuation system made it more important that people have financial advice,” she wrote. “My somewhat hasty response was ‘no’, because of the defaults in the system – the superannuation guarantee means most employees have superannuation and the MySuper rules set high minimum standards for default superannuation.

“On reflection and with the benefit of the review, my opinion has changed.”

Michelle Levy, who led the Quality of Advice Review, admitted her views on the need for financial advice in retirement changed.

Michelle Levy, who led the Quality of Advice Review, admitted her views on the need for financial advice in retirement changed.Credit: Rhett Wyman

Levy discovered that Australians approaching retirement would benefit greatly with even some general advice. “Contribution and tax rules are complex; superannuation fund, investment and insurance choices matter; and, decisions about retirement products are difficult and important,” she found.

“Decisions about all of these matters have long-term implications for our standard of living in retirement, our entitlement to social security and even decisions about aged care.”

This is an issue of concern to Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones who has just started consultation on Levy’s report. Jones says setting an objective for superannuation is the government’s top priority, but issues such as making sure people have good financial advice when they retire must also be addressed.

“Australians are retiring with more money than ever. They need advice on how to make that money work for them,” he said. “There are 7.5 million people at or approaching retirement but only 16,000 advisers. The numbers don’t add up.

“We need to do this advice differently. We need to do it better.”

In the run-up to the 2019 election, Labor’s plans to change the tax arrangements around franking credits became a “retiree tax” in the eyes of opponents and the Coalition.

Chalmers’ commentary this week has already set the political hares running with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton accusing the government of breaking election promises and of seeking to retrospectively tax superannuation.

There are also economic risks around any changes to super. In the early stages of the COVID pandemic, the Morrison government decided to allow people “in financial distress” to withdraw up to $20,000 from their superannuation accounts.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says the government is breaking a pre-election promises by floating changes to superannuation.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says the government is breaking a pre-election promises by floating changes to superannuation.Credit: Joe Armao

More than $38 billion was withdrawn with many young Australians effectively emptying their super accounts.

Analysis of the program by economists Tristram Sainsbury, Bob Breunig and Timothy Watson at the ANU’s Crawford School of Public Policy found substantial unintended consequences as 3 million people accessed the scheme.


If someone withdrew their full entitlement, they were much more likely to be on JobSeeker over the next nine months. Over 15 months, 14 per cent were more likely to be on welfare.

An additional 162,000 people who took money from their super accounts spent an average extra seven weeks on unemployment benefits, at a cost to the federal budget of $580 million.

People used the money to stop looking for work.

”We conclude that it was the COVID-19-related access to lump sums from otherwise locked-away private pensions that drove delayed exit from unemployment payments,” they found.


Chalmers has made much of the $48 billion in foregone revenue due to the various tax concessions around super.

But Breunig cautions that anyone who expects a fiscal windfall from tightening rules around super will end up sorely disappointed.

He said people will change their superannuation and saving patterns if tax concessions are changed too much. Even a minor change is unlikely to bring home the financial bacon envisaged by many proponents.

Breuning also has issues with those wanting to use super for non-retirement – from the Coalition’s housing policy to the suggestion from Labor of encouraging its use in social housing. “You’ve got one problem. The best idea is to say one policy, one instrument,” he notes.

“This should only be about people having the best possible income in retirement.”

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