

This was published 2 years ago

Lies, damned lies ... and political ads on climate policy

By Nick O'Malley

It was Colin Boyce who sparked a new outbreak in the endless culture war over climate policy.

Little known outside his home state, Boyce is a former farmer, boilermaker and state MP hoping to secure the crucial Queensland coal and cattle seat of Flynn in the coming election.

It could be that Scott Morrison has decided to stand by his own commitments while allowing “Canavan to be Canavan and Barnaby to be Barnaby”, says Ed Coper.

It could be that Scott Morrison has decided to stand by his own commitments while allowing “Canavan to be Canavan and Barnaby to be Barnaby”, says Ed Coper.Credit: James Brickwood

“Zero net carbon emissions by 2050, Morrison’s document, is a flexible plan that leaves us wiggle room as we proceed into the future,” Boyce told ABC this week, introducing himself to the nation by way of wading into one of its most bitterly contested issues.

The problem is that this is not the federal government’s position. The government has firmly committed to reach net zero by 2050.

All last year we watched Prime Minister Scott Morrison edge towards making this commitment. We watched him make the commitment to the nation in late October, and then we watched him make it to the world at global climate talks in Glasgow in November. In neither speech did he mention “wiggle room”.

Within hours, Boyce’s comments were being echoed by the usual suspects, with Nationals senator Matt Canavan declaring the target “dead”, prompting Morrison to resurrect it soon after with the insistence that it remained “the government’s absolute policy”.


This mixed messaging puts the federal government in the same bind that Labor found itself in during the last election, desperately trying to emphasise one message in coal seats and another contradictory one in inner-city electorates.

The mixed messaging is becoming evident not only via the outright contradictory commentary of some of the candidates, but in paid advertising and printed campaign material too.


Both sides are now accusing the other of being caught in the same bind.

An online federal Liberal Party advertisement quotes Anthony Albanese saying in 2018 that the market for thermal coal was over, contrasting it with his comments this year saying that Labor would maintain support for the industry.

In another online ad targeted at Queensland and paid for by Boyce, he celebrates his visit to the Coronado Curragh Coal Mine with his like-minded colleague Keith Pitt.

Coal from this mine, he boasts, will be exported from Gladstone to provide jobs across his seat and fund services across the country.

The ad contrasts with one paid for by Dave Sharma, fighting a challenge for the Sydney eastern suburbs seat of Wentworth from Allegra Spender, one of the so-called “teal independents” campaigning on climate action.

“Our transition to a low-carbon future is under way,” says Sharma in that ad, with a picture of him smiling before a bank of solar cells.

So stark is the contrast between the language used in the coal seats and those under threat from the teal independents, that some speculate it is a matter of strategy. There is even speculation in Labor circles that some candidates are being sacrificed to the teal challengers as the party defends and pursues coal seats.

It could be, says Ed Coper, a digital communications expert who has worked for decades on the progressive side of politics and is advising both teal independents and some Labor candidates in the election, that Morrison has decided to stand by his own commitments, all the while allowing “Canavan to be Canavan and Barnaby to be Barnaby”.

This allows the coalition to deliver contradictory messages to different constituencies.

Either way, Coper says there are clues to the Coalition’s strategy to be found in its ad spend.


Analysing data provided by Google and Facebook on the content of ads targeted at particular regions, he says the federal Liberal Party appears to raise climate change only as a negative when it is seeking to attack Labor as a risk to the economy.

By contrast, the Coalition’s own action to tackle climate change is raised only by individual members fighting off teal challengers, he says.

This is evidence, he says, that the Coalition is now dealing with a political quandary that has plagued Labor for years as it fought off Greens challengers in the city.

The thing is, in a world of easily accessed online advertising libraries, neither party can expect the voice it uses on one side of the country not to be heard on the other.

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