

This was published 4 months ago


Don’t be fooled: this is an election budget with plenty of pork-barrelling

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, according to Shakespeare, and today the federal government tests the idea that pork by any other name would taste as sweet.

In this budget, it goes by many names. All worthy, all with high-sounding branding. All pork served up by the Albanese government for an election year.

Sometimes it’s called “cost-of-living relief”. Including the $300 electricity bill rebate for every household. It’ll cost the Treasury a hefty total of $3.5 billion over the next financial year. And the extra rent assistance costing $384 million in the same year.

Sweeter still is the pork known as “stage 3 tax cuts”. The average income taxpayer gets a benefit of $1888 in the first year, which adds up to a fatty $23 billion overall.


Then there’s a whole new brand of pork called Future Made in Australia, which will come in many forms including investments, loans and tax incentives valued at $3.8 billion over four years for renewable energy, green metals and critical minerals projects all over the country. The cost over 10 years is estimated at a tasty $22.7 billion.

Some deserving recipients are so unaccustomed to receiving pork that they might not recognise it. But university students are voters too, and they’ll save an average $1200 each as the government wipes $3 billion of student debt.

All of this comes straight out of the annual budget. But wait, there’s more! Many billions more is to come from the pork reserve known as the government’s investment accounts.

The National Reconstruction Fund alone is stocked with $15 billion to be spent on projects of the government’s choosing, most of which have yet to be announced. Expect a busy year of announcements ahead as the government fattens us ahead of an election due by May next year.


But the government also has announced a budget surplus of $9 billion, as well as all the other spending on all the other programs needed to keep the country running. It sounds like a lot.

And it is. How can it afford all of this? It turns out that the Treasury is rolling in it. In proportion to the economy, total federal revenue this year is greater than at any time this century, the equivalent of 25.8 per cent of GDP. The last time it was greater was in the 2000-01 financial year. The pork barrel, in other words, is full.

So it can afford the generosity – spending 25.4 per cent of this year’s GDP – and still have enough left over for a surplus to demonstrate restraint.

But it’s next financial year, the year beginning in six weeks’ time, when government spending ramps up even more. An election year, no coincidence.

The government expects to spend even more, 26.4 per cent. Which doesn’t sound excessive. Until you look at the historical tables at the back of budget paper number one and see that, outside the pandemic, this will be the biggest year of federal spending since 1986-87. The surplus next year turns to deficit as a result.


The Albanese government, in other words, is big taxing and big spending. It’s shrewdly packaged and labelled, but that’s its essence.

Yet on top of this, the government is dangling the prospect of an interest rate cut, predicting that inflation will fall faster than the Reserve Bank has forecast.

How can the government spend so much, feeding us with pork in many forms, without pumping up the inflationary pressures in the economy?

It’s crafty. The Treasury estimates that the cost of living relief – mostly the $300 electricity rebate – will trim the inflation rate by half a percentage point in the next financial year.

How? Because it’s not paid as a cash handout to spend but a rebate to refund bills already paid. The Treasury is expecting that people who are struggling to pay the bills won’t take this as a $300 spending opportunity but accept it as a welcome saving.

This effect – the estimated cut to inflation of half a percentage point – explains the difference between the Reserve Bank’s inflation forecast from last week and the Treasury forecast this week.

This is Jim Chalmers’ invitation to the Reserve Bank to cut official interest rates. The government hopes desperately that Governor Michele Bullock will accept the offer and start cutting this year.

“It’s a beautiful Australia,” says budget maven Chris Richardson, “and it’s an Australia I want to live in.” Alas, he says it’s a vision that exists on “the very edge of believability”. He expects blow-outs in spending and possibly inflation as well.

But all government budgets are written on the edge of believability, to be tested by reality. This one just happens to tax more, and spend more, than any of the others for at least a quarter-century, outside the pandemic years. And it conceals the pork better.

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