

This was published 3 years ago

Interest rates will go up: Treasury chief says a return to ‘normal’ coming soon

By Shane Wright

Treasury secretary Steven Kennedy has said interest rates will have to go up, warning of the dangers of ultra-cheap money while confirming whichever party wins the next election will have to decide when and how to start budget repair.

As financial markets grew more aggressive on interest rate movements, betting on a 1.25 per cent cash rate by the end of this year, Dr Kennedy told a Senate hearing it was in the country’s longer-term interest for rates to start “normalising”.

Treasury secretary Steven Kennedy says interest rates will have to normalise.

Treasury secretary Steven Kennedy says interest rates will have to normalise.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But he cautioned moving too quickly to repair the budget or tighten monetary policy could risk the opportunity for economy-wide full employment for the first time in half a century.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is due to hand down an early federal budget on March 29. At the mid-year update, the 2022-23 budget was forecast to show a deficit of $98.9 billion followed by an $84.5 billion shortfall the following year.

There is pressure within the government for Mr Frydenberg to consider extending the low and middle-income tax offset, worth almost $8 billion a year, for another year. But there is also growing concern increased spending could force the Reserve Bank, which has the official cash rate at 0.1 per cent, to more aggressively lift interest rates in coming months.

Dr Kennedy, who sits on the RBA board, said Australia’s economic recovery had been among the world’s strongest with even the recent Omicron outbreak only having a “muted” impact, mainly through staff absenteeism and supply chain issues.

Early fears of scarring across the jobs market had failed to materialise. Figures from the National Skills Commission on Wednesday showed a 4.4 per cent increase in job ads through January, which are now 54 per cent up on their pre-pandemic levels.

Dr Kennedy noted the Reserve Bank had now ended its quantitative easing program while government spending as a share of GDP was starting to ebb down.

While not commenting directly on the timing of interest rate movements, Dr Kennedy said they had to normalise.


“It’s very unusual for them to be where they are today and I think it will be the longer-term interest of the country for them to return to a higher level,” he said.

“It will not be until we see interest rates rise back toward more usual levels that the risks associated with very low interest rates abate.”

 Increases in mortgage rates expected by financial markets would add $300 a month to the repayments on a $500,000 mortgage.

Increases in mortgage rates expected by financial markets would add $300 a month to the repayments on a $500,000 mortgage.Credit: Peter Rae

Dr Kennedy said as interest rates increased, the level of government spending support for the economy would also have to taper down. Debt levels, at a record $862.2 billion, would have to be addressed in “coming years”.

Financial markets now believe the Reserve Bank will start lifting interest rates in June – soon after the expected May federal election. On Wednesday, markets fully priced in an end-of-year cash rate of 1.25 per cent.

If interest rates moved to that point, the repayments on a $500,000 mortgage would increase by more than $300 a month.


Dr Kennedy confirmed government spending would remain between 26 per cent and 27 per cent of GDP over the longer term. The Coalition is committed to tax receipts as a share of GDP to not go above 23.9 per cent.

“If [the government] wishes to achieve a balanced budget those two things have to look the same,” he said.

In recent intergenerational reports, Dr Kennedy said the “same problem” of spending being higher than revenue had been identified. Spending on aged care, the National Disability Insurance Scheme and defence were all growing faster than anticipated.

Reserve Bank deputy governor Guy Debelle told a Senate hearing on Wednesday evening that it was “possible” rates would start to rise this year but it was not “inevitable”.

“There are scenarios absolutely where that happens, there are other ones where it doesn’t … It depends on how things actually evolve,” Dr Debelle said.

He said the RBA was modest in its ability to be precise about the exact timing of rate rises as it was dependent on the economic situation as it unfolded.

Mr Frydenberg on Wednesday headed for Jakarta for the G20 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors that starts on Thursday. It will be the first G20 meeting attended in person by Mr Frydenberg since the start of the pandemic.

The meeting will focus on the global economic recovery, financial sector regulation and international taxation.


“As an economy, which has outperformed all major advanced economies through the pandemic and one which now sees more people employed than before COVID-19, Australia is uniquely placed to share our experience with the world,” Mr Frydenberg said before leaving.

“The meetings will also provide an important opportunity to discuss current and future challenges and opportunities with our regional neighbours and other G20 economies.”

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