

This was published 4 years ago

GetUp admits to election campaign mistakes

By David Crowe

Activist group GetUp has admitted to strategic and tactical mistakes in its election campaign to unseat conservative ministers and promote progressive candidates despite a big increase in its volunteer ranks.

The group cited an advertising campaign against former prime minister Tony Abbott as one of the blunders but pointed to wider problems including its reliance on opinion polls to target the wrong conservative seats.

GetUp director Paul Oosting

GetUp director Paul OostingCredit: AAP

In an election review expected to be released within days, GetUp claims a shared victory in the bid to drive Mr Abbott out of Parliament by backing his replacement Zali Steggall, citing it as a highlight of its campaign.

The group outlines key lessons, however, from the failure to achieve the same result in its campaigns against Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton in his seat of Dickson, former defence minister Kevin Andrews in Menzies and Health Minister Greg Hunt in Flinders.

"Our strategy was deliberately bold, and without that boldness, we never would have taken on Tony Abbott in Warringah," the review says.

"However, if we had more accurate data on the true state of the election race, we would have moderated our ambition to focus either on fewer seats or a different mix of seats held by hard right MPs."

Mr Dutton claimed in October that the vigorous GetUp campaign helped him with Queensland voters who did not like the group.

"People thought it was undemocratic and they were offended by the sanctimonious attitude," Mr Dutton said.


Some Liberals have pointed to a significant flaw in the GetUp campaign when it relied on people from outside an electorate to telephone constituents and urge them to shift their vote to Labor or the Greens.

GetUp went into the campaign after raising about $12 million over the prior year. The election review says it had 9433 volunteers who contributed more than 37,404 hours of phone banking, doorknocking and speaking to voters at polling stations.

The review says the efforts reached 36,315 households and 335 polling booths with 800,000 issues-based how-to-vote cards.

The group's conclusion is that it must "keep the boldness" but "temper it with scepticism" about opinion polling in order to make better judgments about the campaign.

"While we strive to punch above our weight, GetUp's election budget is small when compared to the major political parties and Clive Palmer's $60 to 70 million," the review says.

"So it is harder for us to run on multiple issues in any given electorate. Our campaigns have had greater cut-through and success when we focussed on one issue and one core message and repeated it consistently across all channels.


"It's clear that false conservative scare campaigns had at least some impact. As they become an increasing hallmark of our politics we need to devote more research and resources into how we overcome them."

The review cites media coverage of claims about a "death tax" to warn about the danger of misinformation in future campaigns, but it warns of the difficulty of using phone calls and doorknocking to do this.

"They are not an effective tool for raising up narratives that aren't already top of mind with those being called," it says.

GetUp admits in the review that it was wrong to issue an advertisement likening Mr Abbott's position on climate change to a lifesaver taking no action to save a swimmer.

The group denied claims in the media, however, that it had attacked Liberal MP Nicolle Flint in the South Australian seat of Boothby.

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