

This was published 10 years ago

George Brandis' East Jerusalem stance labelled 'radically pro-Israel'

By David Wroe

The Abbott government has pointedly refused to call East Jerusalem ''occupied'', sparking Palestinian accusations Australia is taking a radical pro-Israel stance.

In a statement to a Senate estimates hearing on Thursday morning, Attorney-General George Brandis said it was ''unhelpful'' to the Middle East peace process to bring up ''historical events''.

The carefully drafted statement followed a heated hearing late on Wednesday night in which, under questioning from opposition and crossbench senators, Senator Brandis repeatedly refused to say whether East Jerusalem was ''occupied'' by Israel.

East Jerusalem is a lightning rod in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. The UN deems it an occupied territory and says Israel's unification of Jerusalem in 1980 is illegal under international law.

Attorney-General George Brandis.

Attorney-General George Brandis.Credit: Andrew Meares

Senator Brandis said that Australia supported a peaceful resolution in the Middle East, but added: ''The description of areas which are subject to negotiations in the course of the peace process by reference to historical events is unhelpful.

''The description of East Jerusalem as 'Occupied East Jerusalem' is a term freighted with pejorative implications, which is neither appropriate nor useful.''

East Jerusalem has been under Israeli control since the 1967 war. Recent Middle East peace talks broke down at the end of April.

In November, the Abbott government quietly registered Australia's opposition to a UN resolution ordering an end to ''all Israeli settlement activities in all of the occupied territories''.


Foreign Minister Julie Bishop subsequently questioned in an interview with an Israeli newspaper whether the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank was illegal.

Izzat Abdulhadi, chairman of the General Delegation of Palestine, which provides Palestinian diplomatic representation in Australia, said the statement was part of a trend favouring Israel since the Abbott government took office.

''This statement is really outrageous,'' he said. ''East Jerusalem is an integral part of the occupied territories and that has been recognised by the UN and under international law.''

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon, who led the questioning of Senator Brandis, pointed to statements from Coalition ministers going back to the late 1970s and 1980s in which they call East Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories ''occupied''.

''It's an extraordinary and reckless departure from the bipartisan approach of the last 47 years,'' he said.

A spokeswoman for the Israeli Embassy in Canberra said: "Israel's stance on Jerusalem is well known and has remained constant over the years and throughout successive governments: A united Jerusalem is and has always been the capital of the State of Israel."

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