

This was published 5 years ago

Federal budget 2019: The government isn't shrinking, nor should it be

By Markus Mannheim

Australia is greatly changed from the country it was 19 years ago. Or so I had thought, until I examined the latest budget data.

There are bizarre similarities between the coming year and 2000-01 – that peaceful time just before the al-Qaeda attacks on the US changed our politics.

Back then, Canberra was poised for growth after a slump. John Howard had finished his purge of the federal bureaucracy – about 30,000 public servants had been made redundant in his first term as prime minister – and the mining boom was in full swing. Howard would go on to ramp up spending, employing many more public servants in the process. Life was good in the ACT.

Today, Canberra is beginning to prosper again after a mini-slump, caused this time by Tony Abbott's purge of the bureaucracy a few years ago. Spending is increasing. The government is hiring again, albeit more slowly than did Howard.

In 2000-01, the federal government's running costs – what it spends on staff, consultants, operations and so on – amounted to about $2300 per Australian (in 2011 dollars). The Commonwealth employed about 640 civilian staff for every 100,000 Australians.

In the coming year, the government's running costs are projected to be about $2350 per Australian (again, converted to 2011 dollars). It will employ about 645 civilian workers for every 100,000 Australians.

That is, there's almost no difference at all.

How is this possible? We've heard so much talk from every government in the intervening years – Coalition and Labor – about belt-tightening, productivity improvements, greater efficiency, smaller government and so on. Yet, at least in terms of the cost per capita of doing the work of government, and the number of people needed to do that work, little has changed. Using more consultants and contractors, for example, hasn't altered the bottom line.


There is an exception: the military.

Back in 2000-01, the Defence Force and its reservist ranks had about 365 full-time-equivalent personnel per 100,000 Australians. Today, it has about 310. This isn't to say we spend less on defence, but rather that we employ less cannon fodder (most of the money goes instead on expensive technology, which may or may not work). That's progress of a sort, I guess.

This and past governments would argue they made the public service do much more with less, and that's undoubtedly true. But perhaps it's time to end the endless talk of making everything "smaller", as though that's somehow better. In general, the government isn't shrinking, nor should it be. Australia's government is already one of the smallest in the developed world, relative to the size of the economy. Unless we want to become the next Turkey, Mexico or United States, let's settle on being "better", rather than being "less".

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