

This was published 8 years ago

Election 2016: Tanya Plibersek slams 'false' Greens foreign policy

By Tom Allard

Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek has lashed the Greens' foreign policy, deriding it as "the search for righteous indignation and the embrace of false binaries".

Ms Plibersek, who is also the shadow foreign affairs minister, is one of a cohort of Labor MPs facing a challenge to their seats from the Greens.

Addressing the Lowy Institute in Sydney on Tuesday, she savaged the Greens' hostility to the US alliance as well as its opposition to the military campaign to degrade and destroy Islamic State in the Middle East.

A fortnight ago, Greens leader Richard Di Natale spoke at the same venue, saying US foreign policy had led to "horrific consequences" in which Australia was "complicit". He also argued Australia was "more prone to threat" due to the alliance and would be better served by a "non-alliance".

Tanya Plibersek says the Greens of being on the search for 'righteous indignation'.

Tanya Plibersek says the Greens of being on the search for 'righteous indignation'.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Di Natale's description of the US alliance as "stifling", Ms Plibersek said, was "seemingly designed to create a headline without advancing an argument".

"Our ability to be positive and assertive in our engagement in the region is bolstered by the confidence and security provided by our alliance with the United States," she said.

"The Greens want Australia to shun the world's leading democracy, but don't know where we should go. It's a pattern common to their foreign policy – the search for righteous indignation and the embrace of false binaries."


While supporting the US alliance, Ms Plibersek said Australia must act "confidently and independently" within it.

"We should have disagreed in 2003, as the decision to invade and occupy Iraq was a terrible mistake. Our value as an ally increases when we are prepared to speak up, question, analyse and act thoughtfully."

The Greens oppose Australia's role in the military effort it quash Islamic State (in Syria and Iraq, saying Australian support should be limited to "supporting global efforts to cut off financial and personnel support to Islamic State".

The policy, said Ms Plibersek, did not provide a "credible alternative to prevent that organisation murdering, raping, and enslaving men, women, and children, and urging attacks in Australia".

Ms Plibersek said Labor's foreign policy was rooted in a "proud and progressive" tradition that favoured Australian engagement in the region; supported an international rules-based order; and built Australia's reputation as a good global citizen.

This latter objective, she said quoting former Labor foreign minister Gareth Evans, represented the "pursuit of enlightened self-interest".

On that front, she cited Labor's $800 million boost to foreign aid over four years, partly redressing deep cuts under the Abbott-Turnbull government.

Ms Plibersek also revealed that, if Labor wins the election, she would go to East Timor in her first two months as foreign minister to begin negotiations on a permanent maritime boundary in the Timor Sea.

The Coalition refuses to talk with East Timor about its request for a sea border determined by international law, earning it criticism for being hypocritical and greedy.

She also called for more focus on fragile Pacific states, including those dealing with rising sea levels due to climate change. Australia's foreign affairs bureaucrats, Ms Plibersek said, under-valued the importance of the Pacific.

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