

This was published 8 years ago

Dance like no one is watching, vote (like no one is looking) for the new Wellbeing Party

By Suzanne Carbone

Well. Your nearest and dearest aren't the only ones who "hope you're well" in emails and life.

The Wellbeing Party is floating into Australian politics on its magical yoga mat to improve the feel-good vibrations of individuals and politics.

Switching on and off: the Australian Wellbeing Party launched with a group meditation.

Switching on and off: the Australian Wellbeing Party launched with a group meditation.Credit: Paul Jeffers

Party founder Ben Irvine aims to contest the next election in the Senate and revolutionise political discourse through his "compassionate communications" policy, which threatens to make Question Time humane.

Mr Irvine, a former researcher and social-change activist at the Australia Institute, a thinktank in Canberra, became burnt-out campaigning in the "social-change scene" and gravitated to teaching meditation and yoga at North Yoga in Fitzroy.

Ben Irvine, the founder of the Australian Wellbeing Party, is aiming for Canberra.

Ben Irvine, the founder of the Australian Wellbeing Party, is aiming for Canberra.

"After a year of big change and teaching meditation full time, I wondered: 'What if you could create a wellbeing-based political movement?' "

Imagine the benefits of the party holding meditation workshops in federal Parliament. It would be one way of ensuring the silence of the Lambie, as in Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie, for at least 15 minutes.

For the party's launch, supporters conforming to a dress code that screamed inner-city "vegetarian" gathered at St Brigid's church hall in Fitzroy North. There was a quorum of bikes chained outside and group hugs with strangers inside. (And vegan raw food that might not satisfy the parmigiana-proud Senator Clive Palmer.)

Sharing the love en masse, the gathering was led through a group meditation by Jonni Pollard from 1 Giant Mind. A disco ball hung from the curved roof but the moves were more fluid during the "Dancing Freedom" workshop by "facilitator" Lydia Marolda​ and "dance-floor activator" Richard Tronson​ from the studio "Dancing Seeds: awaken the dreamer within" in Fitzroy.

The vegan and gluten-free curry and pickled-beetroot rice by chef Ricky Raw.

The vegan and gluten-free curry and pickled-beetroot rice by chef Ricky Raw.Credit: Suzanne Carbone

Whatever beat you groove to while dancing like no one is watching, Seinfeld character Elaine Benes demonstrated that people twisted up like a pretzel (that makes you thirsty) could release tension and increase dopamine levels with her "Elaine dance", which has been copied on dance floors in discos and weddings across the globe.

Mr Irvine, listed as a "conscious community catalyst" on his Linkedin profile, aims to create the Wellbeing Policy Institute, a thinktank to advise the Wellbeing Party and shape policies that include wellbeing economics, environmental wellbeing, education with heart, reducing materialism and addressing inequality.

Under the Senate voting reforms, micro parties doing backroom preference deals could face extinction but such is the goodwill of the Wellbeing Party that it supports the changes that might cause it to cease to exist in the redness of the Parliament House chamber.

Mr Irvine, 38, is nothing but a positive thinker, saying: "I think the Senate reforms will be better for us because one of the things they are going to do is take away the group-voting tickets so we don't have to negotiate with all the other parties when we come on to the scene for preferences."

Prominent on Mr Irvine's vision board is the number 500 to 550 – the number of members required to register the party with the Australian Electoral Commission.

So far, 30 like-minded beings have paid the $20 membership fee to set the party on its path to Canberra and by the end of the launch the aim was to have 100 members.

One keen observer was Beeta Vahdat​, an influence consultant and coach. "There isn't anyone who is not interested in wellbeing so this is one party that will have something to offer everyone and exclude no one," she said.

Currently, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare monitors the nation's wellbeing and defines it as "being comfortable, happy, healthy, prosperous, secure or safe". The Wellbeing Index, created by Australian Unity and Deakin University, shows the average personal wellbeing score is 75.7.

At the launch, lunch was by chef Ricky Raw and his vegetarian/vegan/raw and gluten-free dish was roasted root-vegetable curry with pickled-beetroot rice. I felt my wellbeing soar to 100.

It's not farfetched for an activated almond and mung bean political party to spring up given the unusual special-interest groups that have mustered enough members using social-media to the left of lefties or righteous righties.

The electoral commission's register of political parties lists the Pirate Party Australia and while it appears to be a force for pirate shirts as worn by Jerry Seinfeld in the sitcom, it is a movement against "draconian copyright and patent laws" and protecting civil and digital liberties against piracy.

If elected, the Wellbeing Party should legislate to make it illegal for the spelling-challenged to persist with "Hope your well" because it makes purists very unwell.

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