

This was published 9 years ago

Corporate tax inquiry: Kerry Packer's infamous committee appearance serves as a cautionary tale

By Stephanie Peatling

The year was 1991. Bob Hawke was prime minister, Bryan Adams ruled the music charts, ties were wide and the fad for old-timer-style glasses had not yet been co-opted by hipsters.

Media mogul Kerry Packer was also in the spotlight for the tax practices of his company, Australian Consolidated Press. MPs could hardly contain themselves when they finally managed to get him to appear before a parliamentary committee.

The thrill is known to any wannabe political player, a heady mix of adrenalin tinged with excitement that the only person who can tell you what you need to know is to sit before you.

A politician's career can be made – or not – with a successful committee interrogation.

Kerry Packer during the 1991 print media inquiry.

Kerry Packer during the 1991 print media inquiry.Credit: Peter Morris

Just ask John Faulkner or Bronwyn Bishop, legends in the world of Australian parliamentary committee hearings.

Labor senator Sam Dastyari must surely be feeling the same thrill as he limbers up to question some of Australia's biggest companies this week.

Google, Apple, News Corp, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton will all appear at hearings into corporate tax avoidance.


It's a subject the punters are right on side with, so what could possibly go wrong? It's the kind of forum a bright-eyed, up-and-coming MP could do very well out of. A few pointed questions, a few titbits of information and you never know, the moniker "future prime minister" could start appearing next to your name.

Senator Nick Xenophon and his colleagues might want to take notes from 1991's similar corporate tax inquiry.

Senator Nick Xenophon and his colleagues might want to take notes from 1991's similar corporate tax inquiry.Credit: Christopher Pearce

But, as is often the case in life, pride has been known to come before a fall, as anyone who remembers the 1991 print media committee hearing featuring Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer would know.

It did not begin well.

Mr Packer during his appearance.

Mr Packer during his appearance.Credit: Peter Morris

When asked to give his name and title Mr Packer obliged before adding: "I appear here this afternoon reluctantly."

Mr Packer stared down committee member after committee member, including men once spoken of in hushed tones as future leadership material, Michael Lee and Peter Costello.

Senator Dastyari and his committee colleagues could do worse than include a viewing of the 1991 hearing in their preparation for today's match

"You're either gonna have to believe me or call me a liar," Mr Packer snarled when one committee member found his answer difficult to believe.

MPs appeared to shrink in size as the hearing went on and Mr Packer grew more aggressive.

Not much about the tax practices of Australian Consolidated Press was elicited except Mr Packer's now infamous statement that "of course" he tried to pay less tax.

"I don't know anybody that doesn't minimise their tax," Mr Packer growled as he stirred his delicate parliamentary china cup of tea with a teaspoon. "I'm not evading tax in any way shape or form. Of course I'm minimising my tax. If anybody in this country doesn't minimise their tax they want their head read. As a government I can tell you you're not spending it that well that we should be paying extra."

Journalists had a field day. The voting public – possibly for the first time – felt Mr Packer spoke for all of them. And the politicians on the committee exited the hearing with their chests slightly less puffed out than they had been on entry.


Senator Dastyari and his committee colleagues could do worse than include a viewing of the 1991 hearing in their preparation for today's match.

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