

This was published 5 years ago

Cathy McGowan shows change trumps chaos

A foretaste of the conviction of independent Victorian MP Cathy McGowan came in the closing words of her first speech in Federal Parliament after she snared the rural Victorian seat of Indi from the Liberal Party in the 2013 election, propelled by a grassroots campaign initiated and run by young people.

Cathy McGowan with her preferred replacement, Helen Haines.

Cathy McGowan with her preferred replacement, Helen Haines.Credit: Mark Jesser

She said: ‘‘The people of Indi had to shout to be heard. To all Australians, particularly those who feel they are not being heard here in this place, I defer to Margaret Mead [who said]: ‘Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’ ’’

Ms McGowan, who has announced she will not contest the next election, is part of a fundamental change in our polity – the rejection of mainstream parties and the associated rise of independents and minor parties. She should leave Parliament knowing her courtesy and collaboration with lawmakers of all hues enrich a place too often blighted by posturing and self-interest.

Ms McGowan’s full voting and community record, published on her website, is testimony to her overarching desire to improve the lot of her constituents – through being a present and focused local member, securing funding and other support for local development and by participating in national legislation. She has been measured and responsible, and supports the government of the day on supply and confidence motions.

She reflects the growing attraction of politicians who eschew ideology and tribalism, preferring evidence and reason. Several decades ago, the two major political groupings received almost 100 per cent of the national vote. That has fallen to two-thirds.

Ms McGowan was propelled into federal politics by a local organisation, Voices for Indi, created by young people concerned they were not being heard on local and broader issues, including climate change, public transport, mobile phone coverage, broadband, marriage equality, health and education. She also took on high-profile sitting Liberal member Sophie Mirabella, who had become deeply unpopular with local voters.

The model, which brings some structure and diverse skills to a grassroots campaign, has been emulated – there is, for example, a Voice for Warringah, seeking to dislodge former prime minister Tony Abbott.

A 200-strong Voices for Indi meeting selected Ms McGowan’s preferred replacement candidate ahead of yesterday’s retirement announcement. That process appeared thoroughly democratic, even if it perhaps carried a whiff of anointment. Independents must ultimately campaign on their own merits.

And, after all, Ms McGowan’s election is part of the dismantling of fiefdoms in supposedly safe rural and regional seats. Independent Suzanna Sheed won the lower house seat of Shepparton in 2014, and unaligned Ali Cupper won Mildura in last year’s state election.

Ms McGowan is part of a large and determined crossbench that will have an important role ahead of the looming election, particularly given the Coalition government’s lack of a majority. Prime Minister Scott Morrison will need to negotiate. Ms McGowan is an exemplar for aspiring and sitting independents. May they, too, seek to be agents of change, not chaos.

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