By Adam Gartrell and Political Correspondent
ALP president Mark Butler has lashed out at the "backroom buffoonery" of the party's factional warlords, accusing them of blocking internal reforms and leaving Labor's members with fewer rights than in any comparable movement in the world.
In an extraordinary speech to mark the imminent end of his tenure as president, Mr Butler has declared that given its dwindling membership Labor is barely "treading water" and can no longer credibly claim to be a mass-membership party.
Calling on the party to finally "grasp the nettle" of reform at this year's ALP National Conference – to be held in Adelaide in July – Mr Butler said his efforts to give the rank and file more say had been frustrated by factional bosses.
"I'm sorry to say that ours remains a party that gives ordinary members fewer rights than any other Labor or Social Democratic Party I can think of," Mr Butler, who serves on Bill Shorten's frontbench as spokesman for climate change and energy, said in the speech to the Victorian Fabian Society on Monday.
Calls for ALP to heed the example of British Labour: Mark Butler.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
"Continuing to practise the old ways of machine politics will see trust in the Labor Party continue to wither away."
Mr Butler, who is from the ALP's Left, called on the party to heed the example of British Labour, which experienced a huge increase in membership – and in funding – after party reforms that paved the way for the hard-left Jeremy Corbyn to take over the leadership.
"British Labour is now the largest political party in Europe – probably about 11 times as big as our party. Its growth off the back of a serious party reform agenda has been simply extraordinary," he said.
"While our party organisation is certainly not dying, the most generous description I can think of is that we're treading water. Party membership is hovering a little over 50,000 and, disturbingly, has declined by more than six per cent since its recent peak in 2015.
ALP president Mark Butler and Labor leader Bill Shorten have both called for party members to be given greater powers.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
"In a nation pushing 25 million souls, 50,000 members does not allow us to credibly claim to be a mass-membership party."
The ALP is no longer able to organise substantial on-the-ground campaigns outside of election time and cannot compete with the grassroots campaigns mounted by groups such as GetUp! or marriage equality campaigners, he said.
British Labour by contrast recruited 35,000 new members in just four days after the 2017 election, bringing its membership to more than 550,000.
Mr Butler wants the party to follow British Labour's lead and adopt a new category of membership, called "registered supporters". They would pay a lower membership fee but have the right to participate in the party, including voting in leadership ballots.
He also wants members to be given votes in the election of all important positions in the party – from parliamentary leaders to Senate candidates – and better protections to ensure those rights are not suspended by executive bodies.
"In some states, those positions remain a last bastion of backroom dealing by self-appointed factional warlords – a bastion that must be cracked open," he said.
Mr Butler's pledge as president to democratise the party and increase membership followed similar promises from Mr Shorten in 2014, when the then new Labor leader said "we must rebuild as a membership-based party, not a faction-based one" and declared his ambition for the party to have 100,000 members.
Decrying the "stultification" of the party organisation, Mr Butler on Monday took particular aim the Victorian ALP following recent reports of factional infighting and power carve-ups.
"Remarkably – I think at least – the designers of this new pact have already decided who the party's candidate will be for a seat that hasn't even yet been created; the new federal seat in Victoria. We don't know where in Victoria it will be, what community will be represented, the views of local party members and supporters, or whether this person has any connection whatsoever with the area ultimately chosen," he said.
"That sort of backroom buffoonery does not reflect a healthy party organisation."
He's also warning against predictions that Labor will easily win the next election, despite its commanding lead over the Coalition in the polls. The rise of populist parties on the left and right means nothing can be taken for granted – particularly with Labor's primary vote languishing around 37 per cent, well below what Kevin Rudd managed.
"Respect for the major parties is running at historically low levels. And that's not a lack of respect for our ideas and our policies – it's a lack of respect for our party organisation."