

This was published 3 years ago

Australia’s senior public servants earn top dollar compared to international counterparts


Herbert Prochnow, an American banking executive and noted toastmaster, once described a public servant as someone who hires someone to do the work that they were hired to do. Former British prime minister Tony Blair thought that bureaucracy was great at managing things but not great at changing things.

Amid a new debate over public sector pay, analysis from The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age has found Australia’s top bureaucrats are earning vastly more on average than their international counterparts, with more than 25 of the nation’s senior public officials paid more than $1 million last year.

Public sector wages have come into sharp focus as the nation’s economy recovers from a coronavirus-induced recession and Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe encourages federal and state governments to pay their civil servants more, to put more upward pressure on private employers to give larger pay rises.

But federal parliamentarians, department secretaries and other high-ranking officials have had their current level salary frozen for another year following a decision by the Remuneration Tribunal, citing slow wage growth nationally and the post-pandemic economic recovery.

A new analysis by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age of the nation’s top officials in security, culture, finance, health and transport has found Australian bureaucrats are among the most generously paid in the world.

Australia’s domestic spy boss Mike Burgess’ 2020 salary is almost $586,000, including superannuation and long service leave entitlements. That is almost double that of both the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency director and FBI boss, and well ahead of the British government’s intelligence chiefs at MI5 and the Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6.


Home Affairs department secretary Mike Pezzullo earned $918,000 last year, which is almost double the $519,000 that his British counterpart, the permanent secretary to the Home Office, received.

Executives at government-owned entities NBN Co, Australia Post and Snowy Hydro were seven of the top 10 highest-paid public servants last year, with Stephen Rue taking home more than $3 million as the chief executive of the company that oversees the national broadband network.

Paul Broad, the managing director of Snowy Hydro, the electricity generation and retailing company that owns, manages, and maintains the Snowy Mountains hydroelectric scheme, was paid $2 million, with a $934,000 bonus almost doubling his base salary last year.

Only the take-home $6.29 million salary of the head of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and the boss of the nationalised Air New Zealand, Greg Foran ($3.38 million), topped the Australian pair in 2020.


Mark Machin, who was chief executive of Canada’s biggest pension fund, resigned amid a scandal in February after he jumped the COVID-19 vaccination queue by flying to the United Arab Emirates against his government’s travel advice.

The NBN – which paid out almost $78 million in personal bonuses last year – has been at the forefront of criticism of generous pay packets. The organisation had seven people in the $1 million-plus club last year, including two chief customer officers, the chief financial officer, chief network deployment officer and chief strategy officer.


Two former Australia Post executives, Christine Holgate and Bob Black, were paid $1.6 million and $1.5 million each, with Mr Black jumping to fourth on the list by virtue of a $640,000 termination payment.

Outgoing chief of the Inland Rail project, Richard Wankmuller, was paid $1.5 million including a $450,000 bonus while Raphael Arndt, chief investment officer at Future Fund Management, received $1.4 million – almost half of which was in bonuses.

Alison Tarditi, chief investment officer at Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, received $1.2 million – with $607,725 of that in bonus payments.

Several department secretaries hit the million-dollar mark last year courtesy of generous redundancies packages following a restructure of the federal public service.

Services Australia’s former secretary Renee Leon and deputy chief executive John Murphy, both took home in excess of $1 million, as did Heather Smith (Industry, Science, Energy and Resources), Mike Mrdak (Infrastructure and Transport) and Martin Parkinson (Prime Minister and Cabinet).

The decision of ABC managing director David Anderson to take a temporary 5 per cent pay cut in 2020 resulted in him falling further behind his contemporary at Britain’s free-to-air public-service television network, Channel 4, who was paid $1.6 million last year. The equivalent job at the BBC paid $1.14 million.


Mr Anderson was paid $1.14 million in the 2018-2019 year, including a base salary of $799,000, $73,000 in superannuation and $266,000 for long service leave.

Mr Lowe, who as Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia was paid $1.085 million, earned twice as much as his contemporaries at the Bank of Canada, the US Federal Reserve. While Mr Lowe’s base salary is higher than all of his contemporaries, the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, received a total salary package of $2.8 million.

But defenders of the current rate of pay of Mr Lowe point out that it is significantly less than the bosses of the big four banks.

In November 2020 the federal government announced a review of performance bonus arrangements for senior executive staff in the Commonwealth public sector and made clear that agencies that had access to bonus arrangements should exercise restraint to “the furthest extent possible in keeping with community expectations”.

An interim report, released in March, included a recommendation that new guidance be developed to ensure authorities remain accountable for bonus payments, taking into account that some entities and companies operate in a commercial environment. The review is expected to be finalised in the coming weeks.

Assistant Minister to the Minister for the Public Service, Ben Morton, signalled during the early stages of the pandemic that public servants needed to “share the economic burden” while “communities are doing it tough”.

Labor’s assistant spokesman for government services, Kimberley Kitching, said Australians don’t mind public servants being paid fairly but the top of the public service had become “Morrison’s Millionaires’ Factory”.


“In this lost decade of Liberal rule, the most senior snouts in the trough have been gorging themselves on grotesquely fat salaries,” Senator Kitching said.

The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures from the March quarter showed public sector wage growth of just 1.5 per cent over the past year — the lowest on records going back to the late-1990s.

Economists have argued in favour of widespread pay increases, particularly for teachers, nurses and police, otherwise private sector pay packets will need to rise to get wage growth to the 3 per cent-plus level.

Defenders of the current level of pay point out that Australians overall are well paid by global standards, with the average realised pay of an ASX top 100 company boss about $4.5 million a year.

By comparison public sector leaders, often responsible for much larger budgets and higher staff numbers than ASX 100 companies, are compensated modestly.

Andrew Podger, a professor of public policy at the Australian National University and former public service commissioner, said the salaries of senior public servants had languished until the 1990s when they were enhanced by two political decisions.

Firstly, they received a 20 per cent increase in exchange for loss of tenure and five-year contracts under the Keating Government and, secondly, the Howard government introduced performance bonuses averaging about 10 per cent of base pay. When the bonuses were later scrapped, the average was built into the base pay rates.


“It remained well below what most private sector CEOs of large companies or consulting firms received, but there was no evidence of problems in attracting or retaining talent,” Professor Podger said.

But between 2011 and 2014, the Remuneration Tribunal made several determinations to increase the pay of department secretaries from 7.2 times the average weekly earnings up to 10 times.

“The emphasis on private sector comparisons is overdone. Market comparisons are important, but the key ones are with other parts of the public sector, including the states,” he said.

Professor Podger said market comparisons at more senior ranks were important but a commitment to public service was stronger at those levels and some differentiation with private sector pay would be unlikely to adversely affect attraction and retention of quality people.

“It is time to clarify how remuneration in the public sector should be set: agencies need to attract and retain skilled staff and motivate them to enhance organisational performance, but the public must have confidence in the appropriateness of the rewards and the behaviour of public sector employees,” he said.

Growth in public sector pay in Victoria has outstripped the rest of the nation in recent times, with full-time adult weekly cash earnings for Victorian public sector workers $2083 in November 2020, $333 a week higher than the state’s private-sector workers.

Victorian public servants earn more than $4800 a year above their counterparts in NSW, which has a higher cost of living due to property prices.

The state’s highest-paid public servant last year was Department of Premier and Cabinet Secretary Chris Eccles, who was on an annual salary of $700,000 before he resigned amid the hotel quarantine scandal in November.

In Queensland Dave Stewart, who left the role as head of Department of Premier and Cabinet after six years in May, earned $697,000. The NSW equivalent, Tim Reardon, took home $629,000. Their salaries are more than twice the US state governors of New York and California.

The Commonwealth’s Remuneration Tribunal’s ruling last month came a year after it ended three years of regular pay increases to commonwealth employees in the early days of the pandemic.

On the question of the high levels of Australian public sector pay, a spokesman for the tribunal said it “may consider a range of information including, but not limited to; the workload and work value of the office, remuneration in the private sector, wage indices, other economic indices, and remuneration for other offices in the tribunal’s jurisdiction”.

About the data

Data was gathered from annual reports, federal and state remuneration tribunal determinations, organisation websites, and other sources including US government Plum booksEU databank, and transparency portals such as open the books. The highest-paid staff may be those who received termination benefits in one year - although most of these payments were excluded from the data, some may remain.  Where a 2019/20 annual report was not available, 2018/19 was used. Total pay includes long service leave, bonuses, pension (where applicable), superannuation and other perks such as a car allowance. The Australian data captures Commonwealth/federal organisations and does not include university staff, local or state government employees, except for a few roles such as police commissioners.  A minimum pay package of $450,000 was used as a cut-off but if the highest-paid person in an organisation was paid less than $450,000 but more than $250,000 they have been included. For organisations with multiple people on high salaries, only the top four have been included. Total employees include part-time staff but may not include all contractors. Total staff numbers are from annual reports, public service commissions (eg NSW), or as advertised on the website of the organisation. Where multiple people held the top paid role over the course of a year we have tried to capture the total amount that would have been paid for the role. If a performance bonus was yet to be determined in an annual report or salary was reported in a range the maximum was used. Some pay rates are confidential and only disclosed in a band, for example NSW Treasury Corporation (Tcorp) says it pays its top staff more than $487,500.

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