

This was published 3 years ago

Audit office funding slashed, renewing calls for integrity commission

By Katina Curtis

The Commonwealth's default integrity watchdog has lost nearly a fifth of its funding since the Coalition came to power.

As the Law Council of Australia joins calls for a Commonwealth integrity commission to be established as soon as possible, a Parliamentary Library analysis of the Australian National Audit Office's budget since 2012-13 shows its total resourcing fell from $77.8 million to $63.6 million in 2012-13 dollars, a cut of more than 18 per cent in real terms.

The Law Council of Australia warns if Christian Porter and Scott Morrison delay a federal integrity watchdog further, Australia may fall behind its UN obligations.

The Law Council of Australia warns if Christian Porter and Scott Morrison delay a federal integrity watchdog further, Australia may fall behind its UN obligations.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Auditor-General Grant Hehir has said that budget constraints have already hindered the audit office's work and will continue to do so in the future unless it receives more funding.

The analysis, commissioned by Labor MP Julian Hill, also shows the office's annual resourcing has steadily trended down over that time while its expenses rose sharply in 2018-19.

Mr Hehir told Senate estimates last week his budget had been squeezed by a combination of efficiency dividends, indexation adjustments and savings measures over a number of years. The audit office also has to do more mandatory audits of government organisation financial statements, which are growing in complexity.


Mr Hehir said the October 6 federal budget showed funding will fall by $661,000 but he had already built in that expectation.

A government spokesman said Parliament’s public accounts and audit committee would look at appropriate funding and workloads in a review that is now under way, looking at the audit office’s operations, business model and resourcing.

"Given the breadth of this once-in-a-decade inquiry ... it would be highly premature for the government to consider changes to the funding model for the organisation ahead of this review," he said.


Mr Hill, who is deputy chair of that committee, accused the government of deliberately starving the independent watchdog of funds.


"Government spending under the Liberals is at a record high and Australia is hurtling towards $1 trillion of debt, so the ANAO needs more funding, not less," he said.

“While relentlessly attacking the Auditor-General, the Morrison government is also stalling on its promise to establish an independent commission to investigate corruption, amidst the ever-growing list of government scandals, waste and rorts.”

Legislation to set up the federal watchdog has been ready since December but Attorney-General Christian Porter is yet to publish a draft for consultation.

The government has said it has been concentrating on responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

"The government is focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVID-19 recession, saving lives, saving livelihoods, protecting Australians at a time of their greatest crisis. And the Labor Party comes in here to throw mud around," Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Parliament.

The Law Council of Australia says the country is falling behind its international obligations by delaying the establishment of a Commonwealth integrity commission.

President Pauline Wright said it was unclear what was delaying the publication of draft legislation.

"Corruption has many corrosive effects on society. It undermines democracy and the rule of law as well as being capable of distorting market forces," she said.


Independent MP Helen Haines introduced bills to Parliament on Monday to establish a national integrity commission and an integrity officer to advise politicians.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese accused the government of being "weighed down by scandal and integrity issues", reeling off a list including the sports rorts grants and the $33 million purchase of land later valued at $3 million – both uncovered by the audit office – Australia Post spending nearly $20,000 on Cartier watches to reward four executives, and the corporate watchdog's chair and deputy chair having to repay more than $180,000 in expenses.

"The watch is ticking on the need for a national integrity commission," he said.

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