

This was published 1 year ago


Ardern and the hot Finnish PM: The female leaders we loved (to look at)

Jacinda Ardern has only just resigned as New Zealand prime minister, but already she has two new jobs. This will do nothing to dispel her image as a helpful girly-swot, which is one of the allowable archetypes we have for female leaders.

One of the gigs is as trustee of the prestigious environmental award set up by Prince William, the Earthshot Prize. The other is to serve as an (unpaid) special envoy for the Christchurch Call, an anti-online-extremism initiative Ardern created during her prime ministership after the horror of the mosque massacre.

With former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern you got the distinct impression that her good looks were held against her.

With former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern you got the distinct impression that her good looks were held against her.Credit: Mark Mitchell/New Zealand Herald

Both are incredibly good causes, and that sound you hear is Ardern’s critics snickering into their sleeves at her do-goodery, her naivety.

Ardern’s valedictory speech on Thursday was similarly focused on climate change, urging her colleagues to take the politics out of it and co-operate.

When the Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin was voted out of office last week, the reaction from some quarters was similarly tinged with schadenfreude.


While both women undoubtedly gained global fame in part because they were young, female and progressive, it was these very same characteristics that proved their un-seriousness to their critics.

Sure, these women may be electable, but they cannot govern, their detractors imply.

Ardern’s high global profile eventually worked against her within New Zealand, and entrenched a perception among some voters that she was not hard-headed enough, particularly when it came to economic management and intractable social issues like New Zealand’s housing crisis and child poverty.


Ardern never courted fame, but she would have been mad to shun the global spotlight after the horror of the Christchurch attack, specifically the attention she received for responding to the moment with grace and high decency.


Ardern famously appeared on the cover of Time magazine in 2020, looking serene in white, ahead of the anniversary of the Christchurch killings. She was also on the covers of British and American Vogue, and the Australian Women’s Weekly.

Her popularity among magazine editors led to a 66-year-old Christchurch bricklayer, Colin Wilson, starting the “Turn Ardern” movement, which urged New Zealanders to turn over magazine covers featuring the then prime minister when they saw them on display.

“People are sick and tired of all the fluff articles – people want a prime minister and not a fashion model,” Wilson told the New Zealand Herald in 2019. “A lot of us feel she spends a lot of time doing photo shoots instead of running the country.”

Ardern’s biographer Michelle Duff was scathing of the “movement”. “The fact that a group of men are so threatened by the image of a powerful woman that they can’t even bear to look at her face is not really all that funny,” she said at the time.


It is hard to see any politician, male or female, turning down the opportunity to be featured in positive, beautifully shot media coverage. But with Ardern, you got the distinct impression that her good looks were held against her when it came to this sort of media coverage. It probably didn’t help that she was of particular interest to women’s magazines – “fluff”, in the words of Colin the bricklayer from Christchurch.

In the profile accompanying the Time cover, Ardern was described as a “Millennial woman” whose style of leadership “embodies strength and sanity, while also pushing an agenda of compassion and community”. The article said that she has given New Zealand a “new kind of soft power” and asserted that world leaders were eager to be associated with her. “Now her challenge is to prove this new style of leadership can get meaningful results,” the journalist wrote.

By the time she stepped down from the leadership in January, the people of New Zealand had begun to doubt she could. Polling showed support for her Labour Party was at the lowest it had been since she took office in 2017.

Ardern, who gave birth to baby Neve in office in 2018, said she was quitting because she “no longer had enough in the tank”. In an outgoing interview last week, she gave a one-word reason for leaving politics. She was, she said, “tired”.

Her resignation came after an exponential increase in violent harassment, including death threats, and abuse against her, from extremists, including anti-vaxxer groups. Ardern said the violent hostility did have “an impact” on her, but that it was not the basis of her decision to step down.

The departures of Germany’s Angela Merkel and Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon leaves few female leaders around the world.

The departures of Germany’s Angela Merkel and Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon leaves few female leaders around the world.

Across the globe, Marin left office at the will of the Finnish people, when she lost to right-wing rivals at the general election. Marin’s party, the centre-left Social Democratic Party, increased its vote share and its parliamentary numbers, but it gained the lowest share of the vote compared to its two right-wing rivals.

The more centrist conservative National Coalition party won 20.8 per cent of the vote, the populist, right-wing Finns party claimed 20.1 per cent, and Marin’s party took 19.9 per cent. In other words, the vote was split nearly evenly between three parties, a result reflective of both the increasing fragmentation of European politics, and the march to the right of many electorates there.

Marin was the most popular prime minister Finland has ever had, and like Ardern, she achieved the impossible – gaining global recognition and outsized attention for her small nation. In Finland’s case, this was extremely useful when it came to Marin’s campaign for her country to join the NATO alliance, to buffer against an expansionist Russia.


But coverage of her prime ministership, and her election loss, has largely focused on the fact that her global fame didn’t help her when it came to voter support at home.Voters didn’t seem to trust her on the economy.

Marin is also young and cool, and notoriously did a young cool person thing when she went out dancing with her friends last year. The images of her night out were published around the world. Many of the people in my circle called her “the hot Finnish PM”.

The recently elected NSW Premier Chris Minns has just announced a 50 per cent female cabinet, and federally there are now as many women as men on the government benches. The Liberals lag on female representation, but it is acknowledged by anyone sensible that they need to address this to become electable again.

But now that Germany’s Angela Merkel and Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon have stepped down, and the British prime ministership has been handed back to a man, there are few female leaders left around the world.

It’s hard to convince your daughter she can be a leader when she can’t see any for herself. It is bitterly ironic that our outsized interest in female leaders, particularly beautiful ones, is the very thing we punish them for in the end. We want to look at them, and then we think them despicable for being looked at so much.

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