

This was published 2 years ago


A blind trust? Certainly, the government is keeping voters blind as to Porter’s secret donors

Don’t call it a blind trust. Call it a trick, an attempted sleight of hand, a work-around by someone who knows the rules well enough to skirt them adeptly.

When former attorney-general Christian Porter accepted more than $1 million to cover the legal bills he racked up suing the ABC, the first trick he played was to call the vehicle by which he took the cash a “blind trust”.

Under scrutiny: former prime minister-in-waiting Christian Porter.

Under scrutiny: former prime minister-in-waiting Christian Porter.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

It’s become a cliche to reference George Orwell, whose legacy has been sadly abused ever since they made Big Brother into a sex-charged, reality-TV show that once starred a man called Hot Dogs.

But Porter, it seems, has been studying him. Orwell believed that language shaped our thought, so if you could control language, you could control thought.

Call something a blind trust – a term with legal-ish solidity, and with the very word “trust” in it – and it might pass as proper.

What Porter has actually set up is a large pot of personal funds gifted from secret donors, which violates the principle that politicians must tell us what their private interests are.


When the manager of opposition business, Tony Burke, last week called it a “brown paper bag stitched up by lawyers”, he was right. The money may as well have been pushed under Porter’s door in wads of bills, fastened with a rubber band and delivered via a gloved hand.

In declaring the subterfuge to Parliament, Porter said that “as a potential beneficiary I have no access to information about the conduct and funding of the trust”. Such careful wording. And so obfuscatory as to be just about meaningless.


If we don’t know the private interests of a politician, we have no capacity to judge whether those interests clash with their public duties. It’s for that reason the Register of Members’ Interests exists, along with an obligation to update it when a member’s circumstances change.

It’s that tension between private interest and public duty that the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption is seeking to investigate in relation to former premier Gladys Berejiklian. Much commentary on Berejiklian’s case, including from Prime Minister Scott Morrison, has focused on how the ICAC has “brought down” a popular and competent premier.


That is exactly the point. If even someone of Berejiklian’s standing was open to influence (and the ICAC has not reached any conclusions on that), then surely it boosts the case for an anti-corruption commission rather than undermining it.

Morrison – and all of the ICAC’s critics – have been struck rather silent as evidence mounts that Berejiklian was keen to have her secret boyfriend’s pet project funded, despite an overly “optimistic” business case and the advice of bureaucrats saying it was not worthy.

The ICAC also proved its worth last week when former NSW Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid and his son, Moses, and former minister Ian Macdonald were sentenced to jail terms for their role in a crooked coal deal. The matter was first investigated by the ICAC after extensive reporting by The Sydney Morning Herald’s Kate McClymont and former Herald journos Linton Besser and Anne Davies.

But back to Porter and his secret donors. Last week, the Speaker, Tony Smith, reported to the House of Representatives that he believed it was reasonable for the powerful Standing Committee of Privileges and Members’ Interests to examine Porter’s declaration.

If the matter had been referred quietly to that committee, it would have been a small news story that most voters wouldn’t have noticed. But it blew up when the government marshalled its numbers to vote down a formal motion for Parliament to refer the matter to the committee. It started to look like a cover-up.

The Labor opposition cried foul and Liberal MPs despaired at the new and different ways Porter, once seen as a prime minister-in-waiting, could find to embarrass the government. A fix was reached when Defence Minister Peter Dutton separately wrote to the Privileges Committee asking it to examine the matter.

But Dutton broadened the issue to include internet crowd-funded money received by politicians for legal fees. His letter asked the committee to “clarify for the benefit of all members” the declarations required for all third-party donations, whether through crowd-funding or political parties, including those used for legal fees.

Dutton said there were “a number of other cases which are of a similar ilk”. He instanced the Greens’ Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, who crowd-sourced through GoFundMe her defamation action against former fellow senator David Leyonhjelm. A number of Hanson-Young’s donors, Dutton said, had used pseudonyms. He failed to mention that while donors can use pseudonyms on the GoFundMe website, their identity has to be disclosed to the recipient.


Hanson-Young said she had received 1800 donations, of which only eight were above the disclosable $300 threshold. Those, she declared.

See what Dutton did there? By equating the two cases, which are very different, not least because Porter was a minister and therefore subject to higher standards, he broadened any smear.

What might be seen as another example of this government’s allergy to transparency, becomes a cross-party problem in the system. If voters believe that all their pollies are at it, they will at least punish them equally, or not at all. A pox on all their houses.

Maybe this tactic will work. Maybe the egregious lack of transparency in government, worsened over the past few years and obscured by the omnipresence of pandemic politics, will pass unnoticed by most voters. Certainly, it is an abstract concept and one that falls far down in the hierarchy of most voters’ needs, with job security, low taxes and help for families at its pinnacle.

But money, political funding and personal interest are not abstractions for our politicians. That’s evidenced by how much time and energy they spend protecting these things.

Twitter: @JacquelineMaley

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