

This was published 1 year ago

$92 billion more than thought pumped into economy during pandemic: analysis

By Shane Wright

About $90 billion more than first thought was pumped into the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic, independent analysis has revealed, contributing to the surge in inflation that has forced the Reserve Bank to lift interest rates while eating into the real wages of working Australians.

Respected economist Chris Murphy, who has been used by both sides of politics to model economy-wide policy changes, argues in a submission to an inquiry into JobKeeper that the extra $92 billion – about 27 per cent more than claimed by the former government – on top of the RBA’s quantitative easing program, will buffet the country until 2025.

People line up outside a Melbourne Centrelink office at the height of the pandemic in 2020. Fiscal stimulus unleashed during the period will be felt in the economy until 2025, research shows.

People line up outside a Melbourne Centrelink office at the height of the pandemic in 2020. Fiscal stimulus unleashed during the period will be felt in the economy until 2025, research shows. Credit: Jason South

Murphy estimated the combination of government spending and Reserve Bank policy settings increased the inflation rate by 3 percentage points to the end of last year, when it peaked at 7.8 per cent. At the same time, wages were growing by 3.4 per cent, delivering a record real wage cut to most people.

In June, Treasury appointed former senior official Nigel Ray to helm an inquiry into the $90 billion JobKeeper scheme, including its scope, design features, whether it worked as intended and its broader impact on the economy.

Under JobKeeper, the Coalition government’s largest COVID-era program, businesses received $1500 a fortnight per employee to cover the cost of their wages. To qualify, businesses had to say they would suffer at least a 30 per cent fall in turnover.

Former prime minister Scott Morrison said JobKeeper “saved the country”, noting Treasury estimates that up to 800,000 people who otherwise would have been pushed into unemployment retained a job. At one point, Labor demanded the program be extended to deal with ongoing pandemic-related shutdowns.

Overall, the previous government estimated JobKeeper, along with other stimulus such as $26 billion for bringing forward stage 2 tax cuts and $35 billion in tax-free handouts to business of between $20,000 and $100,000, cost the budget $337 billion.

But Murphy found another $92 billion of spending that he said was “additional fiscal expansion in the context of the pandemic, over and above the measures specifically linked to the pandemic”.


Murphy, who said government spending had stabilised unemployment and inflation through 2020 and 2021, found longer-term economic repercussions from the total $429 billion in stimulus were still being felt.

“Overall, the excessive nature of the macro policy response to COVID makes unemployment and inflation considerably more variable during the post-COVID era from 2022 to mid-2025,” he found.


“In future pandemics, a higher level of stability in unemployment and inflation can be achieved
if fiscal policy is designed to compensate, rather than overcompensate, for the income losses
from social distancing.”

Murphy found businesses were overcompensated through JobKeeper. For every $1 businesses lost in income due to COVID-related shutdowns, they received $2 in government support.

Qantas, which last week reported a $2.5 billion profit for the just-completed financial year, received $856 million in JobKeeper payments, along with other assistance aimed specifically at the airline industry. Unlike some high-profile businesses including Cochlear, Premier Investments and Nick Scali, it has refused to repay any of its JobKeeper payments.

Murphy said part-time workers were overcompensated on JobKeeper during the initial phase where everyone received the same payment, which meant they were better off staying inactive with their existing employer rather than finding a new job.

The ACTU used its submission to the inquiry to argue that while JobKeeper was crucial to supporting the jobs market and economy, the program had disadvantaged women, people in certain industries and casual workers.

It also noted that government debt, which on Friday reached $898.4 billion, was higher than necessary because of “wasted” spending under JobKeeper.

In its submission, the Business Council of Australia said JobKeeper had been an important piece of public policy that had been put together during an extremely difficult period.

It said a permanent program, that could be put in place during a state of emergency or natural disaster, should be designed and made law by the parliament.


“The main lesson from this experience is that the federal government should plan and possibly legislate for future responses to severe economic shocks that can be implemented quickly, while also being better targeted,” it said.

The council also rejected arguments that JobKeeper should have been repaid by businesses, arguing this ignored the program’s original design and would have added to uncertainty facing the sector.

“These demands also threaten to undermine the take-up of similar schemes that might be introduced in response to future negative shocks,” it said.

Ray is expected to finalise his report in the coming months.

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