

This was published 8 years ago

Waterstreet life: Pay up or lose your links to the outside world

By Charles Waterstreet

​Two giant corporations have been competing daily for my attention via my text message service. Nothing is more irritating in court than the vibration of the phone in my pocket indicating a message has been received, and I glance down, without losing eye contact with the judge, (easier said than done) and desperately staring back at me is Telstra or Foxtel craving, in hypertext, a payment. Everybody's under pressure, but why pick on me?

Telstra and Foxtel used to be great mates, with each other, and with me. The internet has changed the rules, and the playing fields and the goal posts. Telstra is now toying with the idea of divesting its 50 per cent stake in Foxtel. I don't blame them. Foxtel is behaving like a wounded beast. In a wave of false financial frenzy, I purchased a full package of Foxtel, Sports, Adult, Classics, the lot. When you don't drink, you have a lot of time on your hands, you'd think.

The two harsh syllables can be overlooked for only so long.

The two harsh syllables can be overlooked for only so long.Credit: Robert Rough

Frankly, I leave the TV on even after I leave the house so I have someone to come home to. After a couple of non-payments, due to debit card defects, the company sends a flurry of urgent texts. "Hi, Foxtel hasn't received payment … Please disregard if you have already paid". In conspiracy with Telstra, you can't text back to the robot that sends these inane texts. Suddenly, there is a torrent of them. You can't reply. You call the number they supply but after waiting 30 minutes you realise the co-conspirator (Telstra) is getting the dime on your time.

In tandem, Telstra starts spit-firing random messages: "Hi, From Telstra" reminding you of the mammoth debt accumulated from your attempts to call Foxtel. After the avalanche comes the flood of stern "Paid your Telstra bill?" texts from the left. Foxtel bombard you again and again from the right. The conspiracy circle has surrounded you like a noose and they are about to pull the rope. They cut your cable service, so you're down to free-to-air, plus for some reason, a UK Television channel. You think, I will live with that, when I was young there were only four channels, before SBS.

OK, Foxtel. You can't take our free-to-air TV away from us. I put up with the ABC, and the commercials in the rare time I've got to actually sit and watch. Who is going to blink first? Telstra on my back, but the phone still works. But it's strangely comforting during the day to know that it's on, warming the house for my return. I come back one night, exhausted, craving a bite of Media Watch, or a meal of Q&A, turn on the set, and see nothing but a yellow band with text with the words "disconnected".

Shivers, they have taken your free-to-air. It's Super Highway robbery. It was like pure oxygen to de-clutter your mind. We fought two wars last century for free-to-air, and they take it away in the name of not-free-enterprise. All of the television channels are gone, theres not even a test pattern. This is un-Australian.

Then, in the ultimate cut throat manner, while you're lying on the couch watching the dark black-grey screen, they text "Foxtel Returns; take your Foxtel box, power lead and this code to any Post Office ... "

The box you thought you owned, your only possession, must be taken to the nearest Post Office and sent to freakin' Foxtel. Well, frog you Foxtel. Telstra is throwing your shares out, and so am I. Come and get the box yourself, but it will be over my dead body, as I clutch the remote to my chest.

You can live without TV, but you can't live without a phone, not if you're a lawyer, or a single man in search of love. Telstra don't care. They want you to note that "We have not received the amount you have agreed to pay" and then the kick in the butt, "Telstra is giving you the opportunity to win a Neil Diamond experience with a meet & greet" that is salt in the wound. They punish you by cutting the line and try to suck up with "Loyalty Invitation" for Neil Diamond. I don't think so.

Inevitably, I take a young person to the Telstra Building. Apparently, I am on a plan devised before mobile phones. I pay a small fortune in something called data every month. Young person points out that I could pay $79 a month and make a million calls and texts and download an entire season of Pablo Escobar. I cry. I beg for time. They put my phone back on. The Telstra Network goes down. I miss three dates. I finally take one home. She asks to watch television, her favourite show is on. I try some music to distract. She grabs the remote, it's quickly on. Its yellow band spells out "disconnected". She leaves. I try to call. My phone is disconnected. To hell with Foxtel. I'm selling up Telstra too. Show me One.Tel.

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