

This was published 7 years ago

Trump's transgender military ban shows his 'support' for LGBT rights was a con

By Josephine Tovey

It was always a con, and not a very good one. During his presidential tilt, Donald Trump promised to turn the page on years of Republican hostility to progress on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights by being an even better friend to the LGBT community than his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

He waved a rainbow flag. He denounced Clinton and her foundation for taking donations from ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia, and warned the gay community after the Orlando massacre – in which an admirer of Islamic State, Omar Mateen, slaughtered scores of people in a gay nightclub – that Clinton's immigration stance would bring "more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs".

"President Trump is most pro-LGBTQ rights POTUS in history," his new communications director Anthony Scaramucci tweeted in February.

But America's LGBT voters didn't fall for it – exit polls showed just 14 per cent voted for Trump, an even smaller percentage than supported Mitt Romney in 2012. Among other things, Trump's nomination of Mike Pence, one of the most hardline anti-gay governors in the country, to be his vice-president, was a clear tell.

Illustration: Dionne Gain

Illustration: Dionne Gain

And now, six months into office, the rainbow sheen of Trump's campaign has been exposed as pure pinkwashing.

In the past 24 hours, the President took a short break from cyberbullying his own Attorney-General on Twitter to announce an unexpected ban on all transgender people serving in the US military "in any capacity".

The move came as a total surprise to most people, even in his own party.

Less than a month ago his Defence Secretary Jim Mattis had ordered a review of the Obama administration's policy to allow transgender individuals to enlist openly. It was to take six months.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

At the same time, a stoush emerged over a spending bill, with some Republicans pushing a contentious ban on public money going towards transgender soldiers' sex reassignment surgery, according to Politico. The bill also included some funding for Trump's wall.

Trump intervened, giving the hardliners what they wanted – and then some: a blanket ban on transgender people serving at all.

Mr Reinhart drew a direct link between the turmoil in Washington DC and Australia's interest rate settings.

Mr Reinhart drew a direct link between the turmoil in Washington DC and Australia's interest rate settings.Credit: AP

Like the travel ban before it, it was quickly released and poorly thought out. Announced on Twitter, with no detail to follow, the futures of thousands of people were thrown into doubt. Would those already serving in the US and abroad be discharged? When would this happen and how? Press secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders couldn't say on Wednesday, and threatened to shut down the press briefing when reporters kept asking questions.

It was clearly a surprise to many Republicans too. Several senators, including John McCain, quickly spoke out against the announcement. And there are warnings it could prove (another) legal land mine.

US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis had ordered a review into transgender people serving in the military.

US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis had ordered a review into transgender people serving in the military.Credit: Cliff Owen

But Trump clearly sees gains to be made here. For one, it's already proved a nifty distraction from the Russia investigation swamping his White House and his almost entirely stalled legislative agenda. Attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare continued to sputter in the US Senate on Wednesday. His attacks on Attorney-General Jeff Sessions – a long-serving senator – are playing terribly even in the right-wing press and risk alienating conservatives.

"White House official tells me admin is thrilled media is focusing on transgender service member issue," one correspondent Tweeted on Wednesday.

Trump's administration apparently also thinks it will prove useful fodder in further fuelling a vote-winning culture war with the opposition.

"This forces Democrats in Rust Belt states like Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin, to take complete ownership of this issue," one official told Axios.

"How will the blue-collar voters in these states respond when senators up for re-election in 2018 like [Michigan incumbent and Democrat] Debbie Stabenow are forced to make their opposition to this a key plank of their campaigns?"

It's a cynical calculus that presumes that while same-sex marriage might have been somewhat neutralised as a political issue in America, the prejudice towards transgender people is still ripe for exploitation. It may even reassure some conservatives disillusioned with his attacks on Sessions that Trump is still their guy.

Whether it's a vote-winner in the Midwest remains to be seen, but it went down well with some of the evangelical groups who helped deliver Trump – a thrice-married sexual braggart who appears to have no devout religious conviction of his own – a huge proportion of conservative white Christian voters last year.

And again, it reveals Trump's pledge to be a friend to the LGBT community to be as flimsy as it seemed.

Trump latched onto LGBT rights when the issue served as a wedge to broadly vilify Muslim immigrants and countries and, by association, Clinton.

But he clearly has no conviction on the issue and, on a whim, has announced a policy that demonises and discriminates against some of the most marginalised people in the LGBT community, who want to dedicate their life to military service.

Whether it's throwing transgender troops under the bus, or his own Attorney-General, this week just proves again that at the end of the day the only core value Trump holds is his own self-interest.

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