

This was published 12 years ago

Wong vows to fight on for baby daughter

By Dan Harrison

Finance Minister Penny Wong has vowed to continue to fight for same-sex marriage for the sake of her baby daughter.

As a bill to legalise same-sex marriage was voted down in the House of Representatives, Senator Wong, whose partner Sophie Allouache gave birth to a baby girl in December, described as ‘‘hurtful’’ arguments by some senators about the children of same-sex couples being disadvantaged.

Senator Penny Wong with partner Sophie Allouache and baby daughter Alexandra.

Senator Penny Wong with partner Sophie Allouache and baby daughter Alexandra.

‘‘I do not regret that our daughter has Sophie and I as parents,’’ Senator Wong said.

‘‘I do regret that she lives in a world where some will tell her that her family is not normal. I regret that even in this chamber, elected representatives denigrate the worth of her family. I will not rest in the face of such prejudice. I want for her, for all of us, an Australia which is inclusive and respectful, and this is why this campaign will not end here.’’

On Monday, Nationals Senator Ron Boswell said he opposed change because all children had a right to both a mother and a father.

‘‘Two mothers or two fathers cannot raise a child properly,’’ Senator Boswell said.

‘‘Who takes a boy to football? How does he go camping and fishing? Yes, there might be some attempt by one of the mothers to fill in as a father figure but it will not work.’’

A bill to legalise same-sex marriage, sponsored by Labor backbencher Stephen Jones, was defeated in the House of Representatives this afternoon by 98 votes to 42.

Mr Jones said he was disappointed by the outcome but change was inevitable.

"Clearly we've won the debate in the Australian community, unfortunately we haven't won the debate in the Australian Parliament," he said.

"Maintain your rage, because I'm quite confident that in about ten years time, some or all us us are going to be attending a wedding or same sex marriage that will be conducted and recognised here in Australia."

Mr Jones told reporters that the result was going to be "pretty obvious" as Coalition MPs did not have a conscience vote.


Of the 17 cabinet minister who sit in the House of Representatives, 10 voted for the bill.

Five voted against: Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Treasurer Wayne Swan, Trade Minister Craig Emerson, Immigration Minister Chris Bowen and Environment Minister Tony Burke. Resources Minister Martin Ferguson and Housing Minister Brendan O'Connor were absent from parliament.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd voted against the bill.

Of the six crossbenchers, Greens Adam Bandt and independents Andrew Wilkie, Rob Oakeshott and Craig Thomson voted for same-sex marriage, while independents Bob Katter and Tony Windsor voted against. All coalition MPs abided by the party's position and opposed the bill.

In a statement, Australian Christian Lobby head Jim Wallace thanked all MPs who voted against the bill.
Mr Wallace said ''it had been a long debate and he believed the vast majority of Australians were keen to move on''.

Leader of the House Anthony Albanese - who voted in favour of gay marriage - said that "just a few years ago" there would not have been anything like the 42 votes in favour of the bill.

"Where there are areas of discrimination ... over a period of time, we're seeing those barriers torn down," Mr Albanese said.

Gay rights activist Shelley Argent said the loss today was expected but was still a "slap in the face" to gay and lesbian people and their families.

"It doesn't matter as a parent how much you can provide your children love security, education and stability as when you have a gay child you realise that that child is seen as second rate in its own county," Ms Argent said.

A vote on a separate bill, co-sponsored by Labor Senators Trish Crossin, Carol Brown, Louise Pratt and Gavin Marshall, is expected in the upper house either late today or tomorrow.

While nine Greens senators and at least 20 Labor senators are expected to vote for same-sex marriage, the bill is unlikely to receive the 39 votes it would need to pass the upper house.

While Labor MPs have a free vote on the issue, Coalition MPs are bound to vote against it. Senator Wong conceded the result of the vote would be ‘‘disappointing to many thousands of Australians’’.

But she expressed confidence same-sex marriage would eventually be legalised.

‘‘Whatever happens in the parliament this week, our relationships are not inferior... our love is no less real. We will get there, perhaps not in this parliament, but one day. One day we will be recognised as equal.’’

Earlier, openly gay Liberal Senator Dean Smith spoke against the bill.

‘‘I accept that to some, the idea of an openly gay man rejecting a proposition to extend the definition of marriage to same-sex relationships seems unusual or counter-intuitive,’’ he said.

‘‘In response, I say that it speaks to the often overlooked fact that opinion on the issue... is heavily divided, even among gay and lesbian Australians.

‘‘My primary opposition to this proposal is born from my strong regard and faith in the cautionary, conservative and traditional approach to these matters,’’ Senator Smith said.

‘‘I distrust sentiments and actions that seek to dismiss, modify or reject as relics our institutions and customs, institutions and customs that have evolved to serve our community well.’’

Senator Smith said while he was a man of faith, religious considerations had not influenced his thinking on the issue.

‘‘Of all the arguments I have heard for opposing this initiative, I view the religious defence as the weakest. I doubt anyone in this place can confidently interpret God’s law, nor know the true will of God,’’ he said.

Senator Smith said while he did not support same-sex marriage, he believed the nation should legislate for civil unions.

‘‘By not agreeing to same sex marriage, I’m not choosing to endorse discrimination against my fellow gay and lesbian Australians, or to be disrespectful to their domestic relationships... instead for me, it’s an honest acknowledgement of the special and unique characteristics of the union described as marriage,’’ he said.

Earlier in the House of Representatives, Defence Minister Stephen Smith, Transport Minister Anthony Albanese and independent Rob Oakeshott spoke in support of same sex marriage.

Victorian Labor MP Rob Mitchell abstained because, he said, his electorate was divided on the issue and he thought the arguments both by some opponents and some supporters of same-sex marriage were hysterical.

Mr Mitchell, whose electorate is semi-urban and semi-rural, told The National Times that talking to people in his McEwen seat had proved inconclusive, with sentiment split 50-50.

‘‘To me it showed my community was not overwhelmingly supportive, so in using my consceince it was not ready to change, but in no way could I endorse the wild outrageous claims by those not supporting the bill,’’ Mr Mitchell said.

‘‘My personal view is we still need a mature intelligent rational debate, not the hysterics put forward by extremist views on both sides and the lack of a defined rationale.''

He wants the debate to continue to address issues such as protecting marriage in the constitution.

‘‘It would be terrible if extremists such as Senator Bernardi, Boswell and other dinosaurs were to continue their bigotry and mount a feigned constitutional challenge against loving same sex couples’s marriage,'' he said.

‘‘My heart says end the discrimination but my head is saying that there are issues that still need to be resolved.’’


- with Richard Willingham

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