

This was published 9 years ago

No, you may not have sex with our robot

By Sam de Brito

You may place this story in the basket of ideas Apple, Hewlett-Packard and IBM computers never had; the creators of the new Pepper social robot have banned buyers from having sex with it.

Users have been asked to sign a contract outlining they must not use Pepper for "acts for the purpose of sexual or indecent behaviour". Now, while this might sound quite silly and completely unenforceable to anyone who owns a laptop, it's actually the spear tip of an increasingly heated debate about the ethics of sex in the brave new world of robotics.

The new Pepper companion robot.

The new Pepper companion robot.

Pepper is part of a wave of "companion" or "family" robots hitting the consumer market over the next year and includes Jibo, Jimmy and the really quite adorable - though not in that way - Buddy.

Pepper is sold by Japanese telecommunications company SoftBank, and French robotics company Aldebaran, who also make Nao, the robot of choice for the recent global RoboCup football tournament (won by the University of NSW).

The first 1000 Peppers were released June this year at a cost of about $2000 each and sold out in 60 seconds. The catch, and the reason why the makers will be able to enforce their hanky panky clause, is there's an ongoing charge of around $400 a month to keep Pepper running with software and system updates.

It might strike you as weird anybody would think to have sex with a robot, however, there are already many, many companies offering products that, while not "robots" per se, do offer users an interactive experience (as the very thorough, though NSFW New York Times video below explains).

Of course, these sort of love dolls are not up to the standard of intimacy - some would say creepiness - on offer in movies like Ex Machina and Her, or the excellent new BBC TV series about androids, Humans.

The point is, this type of technology is already here and will only improve. Anybody who thinks people won't form loving relationships with robots, or be satisfied with their conversation, need only consider how many of us have already replaced or augmented sex lives with online porn, chat rooms and even applications that simulate having a partner.


Microsoft's "girlfriend app" Xiaoice is causing a stir in China, The New York Times reporting in July, that "millions of young Chinese pick up their smartphones every day to exchange messages with her [Xiaoice], drawn to her knowing sense of humour and listening skills.

"People often turn to her when they have a broken heart, have lost a job or have been feeling down. They often tell her, 'I love you'," which should give you an idea how the One Child Policy is working out down the track for all those much-coveted sons.

Predictably, there are some who feel threatened by this type of technology.

Kathleen Richardson, an English researcher in robotic ethics, made headlines a few weeks ago with her academic paper, The Asymmetrical 'Relationship': Parallels Between Prostitution and the Development of Sex Robots.

"I propose that extending relations of prostitution into machines is neither ethical, nor is it safe," the paper read. "If anything the development of sex robots will further reinforce relations of power that do not recognise both parties as human subjects."

Richardson and her ilk stand at one end of a spectrum, the other pole possibly staked out by "manosphere" writers like Milo Yiannopoulos who crow that sexbots will 'drink feminist tears' and level the sexual playing field back in favour of lonely mastubators.

"Male sexual appetites are easily satisfied, despite what women will tell you," says Yiannopouolos.

"Most blokes are fine with a pizza and a wank. For many men, sex is a nice bonus, but it's not essential. When you introduce a low-cost alternative to women that comes without all the nagging, insecurity and expense, frankly men are going to leap in headfirst."

A more measured commentary might be that of Kate Devlin, from the University of London, who argues we should use this "topic as a base from which to explore new ideas of inclusivity, legality and social change".

It's a tack I dare say would be welcomed by people who've been excluded from loving, sexual relationships by disability, deformity, disfigurement or lack of social dexterity.

Which argument you buy into, however, probably has a lot to do with your politics, relationship status, success with the opposite sex and power bill.

I'm gonna ask Siri what she thinks.

Sam de Brito edits Australian Robotics Review. You can follow him on Twitter here. His email address is here.

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