

This was published 9 years ago

Mansplaining must happen daily in Parliament House - but this wasn't it

By Sam de Brito

As a firm believer Tanya Plibersek can become our next interim prime minister - once Labor realises Bill Shorten's got as much chance as Martin Bryant - I was a little disappointed to see her accuse our current interim PM, Malcolm Turnbull, of "mansplaining" during question time.

As we've been told by almost every news organisation in the country, according to the Macquarie Dictionary, mansplaining means to "explain (something) to a woman, in a way that is patronising because it assumes a woman will be ignorant of the subject matter".

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, probably not "mansplaining".

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, probably not "mansplaining".Credit: Andrew Meares

This definition misses the point a little, however, a far more detailed and nuanced exploration of the term is provided by Jennifer Down at Overland, if you're interested.

Mansplaining happens all the time; most women you know could give you an example of it from the last 24 hours of their life. However, a term that began as a shrewd skewering of a very real sexist phenomenon has now been so warped and diluted by over- and misuse it's become a synonym for didacticism.

This is someone "telling you how it is" about a subject you often have equal, different or greater knowledge in, their "lesson" given with a shading of contempt or condescension.

Any father who's been instructed about parenting at a mother's group, like he's just stepped off the special bus, will be aware of this experience. It also happens to young people when they start a new job and are shown how to make a cup of tea. Or to old people when they buy a computer.

It happens to blue collar workers when applying for a home loan or to white collar workers when they're getting a tradesman in. It happens to cabbies when they're told the "best way" by their passenger or to any person being shown the "right way" to start a fire, tend a BBQ, make a salad dressing or put up a tent.

It's "teaching grandma how to suck eggs".

Often, it is based on the person's gender, race, religion and sexual orientation, 'cos that's what humans do; assume our life experience as paramount.


Accusations of mansplaining, however, are now so prevalent in some quarters, they've become the female equivalent of men dismissing women's criticism or questions as "nagging". Too often it's used as a type of snap-my-fingers, shut-up-I-win censorship.

Mansplaining has degraded in meaning so that any disagreement or discussion with a woman can be negated by saying the man doesn't have the self-awareness or life experience to understand the point being discussed because, he's a man.

More so, until he seeks the opinion of the (right type of) woman, elicits her feedback, and accepts the self-evident truth of her position, he has shown he's incapable of perceiving, let alone understanding, different perspectives.

Any attempt he makes to defend himself against this charge - to point out that discrediting opinions on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation is the antithesis of intelligent discourse that terms like "mansplaining" appear to encourage - only exacerbates the man's misconduct.

Opinions are reduced to prejudice.

So on Wednesday, Ms Plibersek asked: "Can the Prime Minister confirm how much he will restore to the foreign aid program after the cabinet he was part of cut the budget by $11.3 billion?"

Malcolm Turnbull replied: "If the honourable member wanted to get a serious answer she should ask a serious question. If all she's interested in is making an allegation, making a political argument across the dispatch box, that is fine. But it's a complete waste of question time."

To which Ms Plibersek said: "Mr Speaker, I'd rather have an answer than the mansplaining by the Prime Minister."

For Turnbull to be guilty of "mansplaining", his answer has to have been based on Plibersek's sex when, judging by Turnbull's past performances in Parliament, he'd have been just as condescending to any man asking a question designed to score political points.

I have no doubt condescension towards female MPs based on their sex happens every hour of every day in Canberra - but this was not a case of it.

What Plibersek experienced was politics. Turnbull gave the answer he wanted to give and, like MPs on both sides of the house, felt no obligation to deal with her question in even a vaguely satisfactory manner.

It wasn't patronising, it was evasive, perhaps because he did not know the answer, or he did not want to show his hand to a political adversary on his second day on the job.

That ain't sexist, that's question time.

Or, maybe, I should just stop mansplaining?

You can follow Sam on Twitter here. His email address is here.

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