

This was published 9 years ago

Killing pain: Humanity's obsession

By Sam de Brito

Though the full details of South Sydney rugby league stars Dylan Walker and Aaron Gray's overdose on painkillers are yet to be ascertained, the admission from Rabbitohs chief executive John Lee they had "taken more than the regulated amount of prescribed medication" suggests the players consumed the drugs for one reason: pleasure.

If there's a subject guaranteed to get the hypocrites, moralisers and concerned onlookers out in force, it's other people's pleasure, particularly when that pleasure comes in the form of a pill.

Close call: Aaron Gray and Dylan Walker.

Close call: Aaron Gray and Dylan Walker.Credit: Instagram

Individuals can jump out of helicopters to go skiing or sail into the teeth of a tempest on Boxing Day to get their "high", they can skol 1000 beers or champagne on national television, they can even pray to an empty sky and use it as reason to deny medical procedures and marriages to others and we nod consent.

A pill, however? It's like all the evasions, distractions and sublimation humans use to deny the nature of their existence focuses into the tiny circle beneath the exclamation point of our outrage.

A pill, for God's sake? Why would they do it?!

To put the situation in perspective, consider this: An adult takes 5-10 milligrams of Oxycodone to prevent pain, the world says, "that's all right". An adult takes their next dose a little early or pops 10-20 milligrams to cause pleasure, "that's concerning".

An adult who's not in physical pain, however, someone who might just find life's a bit crap, a bit boring, a little stressful or depressing or pointless – they take 20-30 milligrams of the exact same pill, "that's wrong" and we, as a society, do everything we can within our legal power to prevent it.

The public disapproval is amplified when the individual might use an even larger dose of this pill, or mix it with other, socially acceptable, drugs like sedatives or alcohol, because they might die.

Death is always confronting for humans. The awareness of our mortality is the very thing we evade and distract ourselves from with our hobbies and gods, our jobs and family, our sleeping pills and alcohol.


Our culture prefers its citizens die slowly via a bottle or a cigarette or overeating or stress, rather than instantly, because the majority of people cannot come to terms with their own impermanence, that you're here today and can be gone today.

This is why so many of us are so wildly devoted to the concept of an afterlife, or the secular version – "our legacy" or "memory" – they comfort us we'll still "live on" when every indication from lamb chops to Robin Williams illustrates dead is dead is dead.

Death is as natural as birth. As a planet, an ecosystem, a species, we cannot possibly have one without the other, yet we've dressed birth up as providence, death as tragedy and everything in between as sacred, when for some, even sport stars, it's just humdrum.

Maybe one day they'll invent a pill for that?

You can follow Sam on Twitter here. His email address is here.

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