

This was published 9 years ago

Fiction, the fact that makes us human

By Sam de Brito

When a government is failing – not that we'd know anything about that – you'll often hear pundits say its leadership has "lost control of the narrative" or "they have no story to tell".

Although these are often statements the political class uses to make itself sound important and knowing, storytelling is so fundamental in human affairs we often see straight through its significance, much like a fish does the water in which it swims. Stories and shared fictions are the very air we breathe.

<i>Illustration: Michael Mucci.</i>

Illustration: Michael Mucci.

Academics such as Harvard University's Steve Pinker​ have long argued that the rise of empathy and the West's regard for human life in recent centuries has much to do with the power of the written word, fiction and its mass dissemination via the printing press.

If not for these innovations, billions of people would have been unable to walk in another's shoes, to live in the heads of strangers, see with their eyes, feel their joys and pain. This process has, of course, been magnified via photography, film, TV and the internet but the engine of mass empathy began with the written word and the novel.

However, the concept of "fiction" – of the imaginary – has far deeper roots in the human brain, with some researchers arguing it is the very basis of what ensured Homo sapiens' success as a species and doomed our siblings Homo erectus, the neanderthals and the newly discovered Homo naledi.

At some point in human history we developed an ability to imagine things that did not exist. Between 70,000 and 30,000 years ago we invented boats, oil lamps, bows and arrows, needles for sewing, and art. Literal fiction, in the form of myth and religion, also appears in the archaeological record during this time.

The ability to imagine concepts that do not exist in the physical world formed part of a "cognitive revolution" that would forever separate Homo Sapiens (aka "wise man") from other members of the animal kingdom.

Argues Israeli professor Yuval Noah Harari: "Fiction has enabled us not merely to imagine things, but to do so collectively. We can weave common myths such as the biblical creation story, the Dreamtime myths of Aboriginal Australians, and the nationalist myths of modern states".

Fiction is also the essence of abstraction and has allowed us to create notions such as money, human rights, god, capitalism, corporations and self-esteem to name but a few current faves.


"The ability to create an imagined reality out of words enabled large numbers of strangers to co-operate effectively. But it also did something more. Since large-scale human co-operation is based on myths, the way people co-operate can be altered by changing the myths – by telling different stories."

A government's vision for a country is simply a new fiction imposed on an almost endless number of other fictions such as economics, the nation state, citizenship and democracy.

However, it is the ability to change our fictions, to alter what we believe in, and rapidly post-hoc rationalise them, that provides humanity with its supreme adaptability.

This, of course, doesn't mean our leaders need to dream up new myths every time they front a TV camera or win a spill, however, they do need to tell a better story than their opposition or they'll be the ones that end up figments of our imagination.

Twitter: @Samdebrito

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