

This was published 9 years ago

Eric Garner's death and America's burgeoning civil rights movement - a chance for change

By Daniel Fallon

"I can't breathe, I can't breathe."

These were the last words of 43-year-old African-American Eric Garner as he was killed by a white Staten Island police officer in a chokehold as he was arrested in New York on July 17.

They are now the rallying cry for thousands of protesters who have marched on sites across New York after the officer Daniel Pantaleo was cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury. The video of Garner's death and the legal ruling clearing the police involved has shocked Americans.

Since the events in Ferguson, Missouri this past August, the United States is witnessing the re-emergence of a civil rights movement with a groundswell of support not seen since the 1960s. The difference this time is that we have news channels catering to a 24-hour news cycle, with commentators dissecting every morsel of information, and social media fuelling the fires of discontent at a system many Americans see as plainly unjust.

Happier times: Eric Garner and his family.

Happier times: Eric Garner and his family.

Every mobile phone is a video camera and global publishing tool. It is more difficult than ever to sweep an incident under the carpet. Once the word is out, the protesters can organise themselves as fast as a flash mob using their mobiles.

I live with my family in St Louis, Missouri, not far from Ferguson. After catching a few moments of a news report on television before school last week my young daughter asked me:"Why are the police killing everybody dad?" I had to explain that they are not – they are there to protect us and the recent killings are unusual incidents.

With the media frenzy, it is easy to lose perspective.

It's also easy to see why African-Americans – and many in the wider community – are upset. I found it hard to sleep last night after watching the video of four police officers taking down 43-year-old African-American Eric Garner on Staten Island. Garner was allegedly resisting arrest when Officer Pantaleo grabbed him around the neck in a chokehold, banned by his own department, and brought him down. He was suspected of selling "loose" cigarettes without licence – a misdemeanour.


Garner wasn't resisting arrest in the video. It simply looks like a terrible assault on the father of six – people can see it with their own eyes.

But the grand jury cleared him of any wrongdoing. It's another reason why tens of thousands of people are protesting around the country. It must be heartbreaking for Garner's family to watch the video over and over.

Garner's widow, Esaw, told NBC's Today Show.

"From the beginning I had no faith in Staten Island prosecuting anybody from Staten Island.

"I started crying because it is not fair, it's not fair, what do they not see? How could they possibly not indict [the officer]. You know, I felt hopeless."

Her frustration is felt by communities around the country, and is why United States Attorney General Eric Holder is currently touring cities around the country to examine police reforms.

"All lives must be valued – all lives," Holder said. "Mr Garner's death is one of several recent incidents across our great country that have tested the sense of trust that must exist between law enforcement and the communities that they are charged to serve and to protect. This is not a New York issue or a Ferguson issue alone."

Last week I felt sickened by the surveillance video that showed 12-year-old Tamir Rice shot dead by a police at a playground in a Cleveland park at point blank range within two seconds of pulling up in front of him. Rice had a BB gun that looked like a real handgun. Loehmann had been judged unfit to serve in a different police department, which the Cleveland Police Department were not aware of before recently hiring him.

If the police shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson – and subsequent clearing of Officer Darren Wilson struck a nerve in America, the death of Garner is hard to refute due to the video evidence and the fact the coroner ruled it a homicide caused by the chokehold and compression on the chest.

President Barack Obama weighed in on the Garner grand jury decision hours after it was announced. He said the justice system must change. Obama has promised to supply police officers across the country with about 50,000 wearable video cameras at a cost of $90 million (they've started rollout in New York), and retrain police forces across the country.

"This is an issue that we've been dealing with for too long and it's time for us to make more progress than we've made," Obama said.

Police body cameras are a great idea to collect evidence and record interactions with members of the public but, if the Garner case is anything to go by, it won't necessarily change the outcome. Two measures have been suggested to make the system fairer – an independent expert must be brought in to prosecute a grand jury case involving the police, as prosecutors are essentially the colleagues of police in other cases. Second, changing the mindset of the police to avoid confrontations where possible and providing retraining to change their attitude towards minorities is clearly needed. The key outcome is to de-escalate situations.

There is a long history of these tragedies. That point was well made by protesters at one site in New York as they laid down silently in the middle of a street cardboard coffins marked with names of people killed by police – they call it a "die in". The issues of racial profiling by police and way the US judicial system is handling incidents of police killings are hot topics – every person in St Louis is talking about them and rightfully so.

Nearly every person I spoke to in Ferguson during the protests was friendly enough to be interviewed. Indeed the vast majority of protesters across the US have been peaceful. That's a credit to both the public and the police.

Elsewhere, Americans are getting on with life, living together with respect. Only yesterday, I saw a young black teenager yell out to a young white friend outside the local YMCA: "let me walk home with you". The other thing to keep in mind is that the vast majority of police – black, Hispanic or white – manage to do a difficult job well.

So there is hope for change. As black Congressman Charles Rangel put it: "This could be the turning point in terms of how blacks and others live and work together in this great country of ours."

Daniel Fallon is Fairfax Digital Night Editor and is based in the United States.

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