

This was published 11 years ago

Baillieu's downfall of his own making

The Baillieu government came to power in 2010 promising it would lead this state with integrity and rout the "rancid culture" Ted Baillieu said had infected its Labor predecessors.

Mr Baillieu said government under his leadership would be transparent, stable, disciplined and accountable. Today the Baillieu government is in disarray. Mr Baillieu has resigned as premier, just hours after the abrupt resignation from the Liberals of the disgraced member for Frankston North, Geoff Shaw. Victoria now has a hung parliament - with the balance of power determined by none other than Mr Shaw.

This is a shambles. It is not the product of bear-baiting by the opposition; it is a crisis of the Coalition's making. The rancid culture he hoped to eradicate had taken hold in his own government - evidenced by the rorting of parliamentary expenses by Mr Shaw and this week by revelations of covertly taped talks between a disaffected former government adviser and Mr Baillieu's chief of staff, Tony Nutt. That it was there at all, and allowed to fester on his watch, points to a significant failure of leadership.

Now Mr Baillieu appears to have been hoisted by his own petard; Mr Shaw, who perhaps more than anyone else has brought shame on the government, suggested he no longer had confidence in Mr Baillieu. Mr Shaw should have resigned from Parliament and he should have done so a long time ago. He told Mr Baillieu he believed his decision was in the best interests of voters in his electorate.

Coming from Mr Shaw, that is breathtaking in its audacity and cynicism. Mr Shaw purports to seize some kind of high moral ground - yet he remains under investigation by the police and the parliamentary privileges committee. If he had left in October, when Ombudsman George Brouwer published a damning report into Mr Shaw's alleged abuse of his parliamentary allowances, or in December, when Victoria Police began its investigation, the government may well have been in disarray and left hanging by a thread, but at least Mr Baillieu would have held fast to the principles he so strongly espouses. That Mr Baillieu did not sideline Mr Shaw months ago reflects poorly on his judgment.

This latest double-barrelled calamity follows hard on the revelations of the tapes, which detail discussions between a former adviser to Deputy Premier Peter Ryan and some of Mr Baillieu's most senior advisers, as well as the former deputy police commissioner, Sir Ken Jones.

Mr Baillieu acted swiftly, and unilaterally, in referring the tapes to the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission. Some Coalition members believe the referral was precipitous. The Age believes referring the tapes to IBAC was entirely justified - they involved covert surveillance of high-ranking government officials and a serving senior police officer.


The new Premier, Denis Napthine, who has been in the Parliament for 25 years, was brought in to pick up the pieces for the Coalition back in October 1999, when the Kennett government lost to a Labor party led by Steve Bracks.

Where the Coalition goes from here will depend on how prepared it is to crush the disunity and frustration within its ranks. That will be a difficult task. Mr Baillieu set high standards, but he failed to follow through.

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