

This was published 9 years ago

Competition review calls for removing restrictions on taxi industry

By Jacob Saulwick

Taxi fares could fall as the industry is opened up to greater competition, according to the national review of competition policy, released on Tuesday by Small Business Minister Bruce Billson.

The review stopped short of endorsing new ride-sharing business models such as UberX, but threw its weight behind removing restrictions on competition in the industry.

"Taxi industry reform in most states and territories is long overdue," the review said, and insisted that existing business models should not be protected.

Drivers who use UberX, in which regular motorists offer lifts in their own cars, are in breach of the NSW Passenger Transport Act. The state is prosecuting drivers through the courts, where they face individual fines of up ot $110,000.

Taxi industry reform in most states and territories is long overdue, says the review.

Taxi industry reform in most states and territories is long overdue, says the review.Credit: Karleen Minney

The competition review, chaired by Professor Ian Harper, said it "did not endorse illegal activity, nor encourage new players to ignore or defy relevant laws or regulations".

But it said the taxi industry was ripe for two major reforms.

First, restrictions on the supply of taxis that increased prices should be removed or weakened, it said. And secondly, technological change should be encouraged through the industry.


Uber, which also operates regular booking apps UberBlack and UberTaxi, immediately seized on the review as another voice validating its service.

David Rohrsheim, the general manager of Uber Australia and New Zealand, said UberX would not be a competitor to but a complement to taxi services.

"Ride-sharing is an alternative to taxis, and cities have millions of cars with empty seats in them travelling around every day and with the appropriate technology and the appropriate safety check in place, now cities can put those empty seats into use," Mr Rohrsheim said.

"Taxis are here to stay – if you are on George Street and want to get a ride, sticking your arm out and hailing a cab is the most convenient way to do it," he said.

But Roy Wakelin-King, the chief executive of the NSW Taxi Council, said the review was inaccurate in places and, in promoting deregulation, would lead to a worse outcome for consumers.

Mr Wakelin-King said the NSW government had reformed the taxi industry significantly in the past five years, in contrast to the review's claim that it had been left untouched.

"I think that in itself needs to be highlighted as an area where we think the Harper review is wrong," he said.

And he said there was "substantial evidence" from overseas that deregulating the taxi industry would result in reduced levels of service and higher costs for the consumer.

The NSW pricing regulation, IPART, has called for the NSW government to charge an independent body with regulating all forms of taxi-like services, including UberX.

But the Baird government has not yet responded to that recommendation.

According to IPART, the artificially high value of a taxi licence in NSW – about $360,000 on recent trading – adds about 20 per cent to taxi fares.

However taxi licence plates are also trading at their lowest level in six years.

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