

This was published 7 years ago

A local council, a developer, and an empty block of land worth $50m

By Lisa Visentin

In September, an empty block of land on the busy Canterbury Road corridor, surrounded by a graffitied fence and covered in weeds, fetched $49.5 million after a few months on the market. It was a tidy flip.

Just two years earlier, family-owned business Harrison's Timber n' Hardware had closed their shop doors at 548 Canterbury Road and sold up to developer Charlie Demian for $14 million.

The undeveloped block of land at 548 Canterbury.

The undeveloped block of land at 548 Canterbury.Credit: Steven Siewert

Demian had big plans for the site. Before the settlement date rolled around, his development partner Statewide Planning was given the green light to build a $60 million, six-storey apartment complex on the block by the state government's regional planning panel.

Two months later, in December 2014, Demian and Statewide Planning lodged another bid with the former Canterbury Council to add an extra two floors to the building.

Former Canterbury Mayor Brian Robson at a council meeting in 2015.

Former Canterbury Mayor Brian Robson at a council meeting in 2015.Credit: Brendan Esposito

The approval, which was waved through by the former council, was potentially worth millions. It meant developers could build an extra 70 apartments on top of the 254-unit complex. It also means that the building, once erected, will tower 10 metres above the height limit.

That developers reap super profits from land rezonings is nothing new, or illegal. More than $19 billion worth of development was signed off by NSW councils in the financial year to 2015, much of it by Sydney councils in districts where developers are eager to cash in on the city's housing boom.

Councils have the autonomy to approve developments up to the value of $20 million. In some councils, such as the former Canterbury Council, the approval process is decided by a majority vote of the elected council representatives.

While the vast bulk of approvals are uncontentious, some councils have seemingly burnt through the last of their trust with the state government. Last month, former NSW planning minister Rob Stokes tightened the government's grip on councils, announcing new measures which, if implemented, will empower the government to force councils to outsource all development approvals to independent expert panels.


The measures, he says, are designed to close "backdoor routes" for developers and "increase community confidence in the planning system".

The parcel of land at 548 Canterbury Road offers an insight into the type of practices that have undermined confidence in council decisions. It is among a string of planning approvals by the former Canterbury council that reveal a culture of willingness among the elected council body to dismiss independent advice in the course of making decisions favourable to developers.

"Proper process was progressively ignored and sidelined," says former councillor Mark Adler who, as council business papers show, frequently voted against bids for more height by developers.

"The trend was for property developers to be given more and more."

Even former lord mayor Brian Robson conceded the last term of council, which abruptly ended when councillors were sacked last May in statewide council mergers, had to started to run off the rails.

"We started getting messy with certain councillors trying to push the barrow of individual developers," he says. "After that we started getting messy with individual spot rezonings."

Exactly how Demian and Statewide Planning managed to secure an extra two floors at 548 Canterbury Road appears to have baffled even those councillors who voted for them.

"Are you telling me I voted for something that hadn't gone to the state government [for approval]?," former Greens councillor Linda Eisler responded when asked about the process.

"I'm totally shocked ... If something like that is put up [to council] to vote on, you assume it has gone through the processes."

Cr Robson says he thought the developer's plans "had gone through the gateway process", the name of the Department of Planning's review process, but added: "I must have assumed wrong".

The process they are referring to is called a planning proposal.

Across NSW, planning controls such as maximum building heights are governed by council-specific statutes known as local environment plans. To lift the height restrictions, the developer should submit a planning proposal justifying the change, which must be approved by the Department of Planning before the statute is amended.

Demian's property was among a number of sites along Canterbury Road where the former council relied on a planning regulation called "clause 4.6" – which is designed to give councils some flexibility and discretion with building heights and sizes – to approve major breaches to its own statutory planning controls. Applied in this way, the clause provides developers with an avenue to bypass the state government in their bids for extra height and floor space.

The correct application of clause 4.6 is an evolving issue in the courts, but developers must establish the controls are "unreasonable or unnecessary" and there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify any breach.

On each occasion, the developers' requests were supported by favourable reports from the former council's planning department, authored by director of city planning Spiro Stavis, who recommended the councillors approve the applications by relying on the clause. Stavis, who resigned from the new Canterbury-Bankstown council in August, said he would "rather not comment" when approached by the Herald. A spokesperson for Statewide Planning also declined to comment, and Demian did not respond to a request for comment.

On December 3, 2015, months before the former Canterbury council was amalgamated, nine of the 10 councillors (Cr Adler was absent from the meeting) voted to approve Statewide Planning's bid. In the process, they rejected the concerns of an independent panel engaged to assess the proposal, who warned them they could not "legally determine the development application" until it had been referred to the Roads and Maritime Services to assess traffic concerns.

At the same meeting, the councillors also voted to greenlight two massive floor space increases requested by another developer, Chanine Design Architects, including an extra 3900 metres of floor space – a 105 per cent increase over the maximum limit – for a nine-storey apartment block. Again, the independent panel slammed the bid, advising councillors "an exceedance of this scale had never been approved by council in the past" and would lead to "a gross overdevelopment of the site." CD Architects' plans were eventually scuppered by the new council in August, when it rejected the firm's attempt to revise its plan to include an extra three storeys.

But at its neighbouring site, 220 Canterbury Road, CD Architects had more success. It was handed an extra 2500 metres of floor space – a 54 per cent increase over the maximum limit – by the former council. The independent panel rejected CD Architects' justifications for the breach, and found it would "not result in an acceptable amenity for the future occupants of the building". Again, each councillor, with the exception of Cr Eisler, voted to ignore the panel and approve the development.

"You've got to trust your bureaucrats somewhere along the line," Robson says, when asked why he had followed Stavis' recommendation over the independent panel's advice.

Former Labor councillor Karl Saleh echoed this position, saying he "always sought the advice from the [council's] planning department to actually make my decision".

In December 2016, the Canterbury Road chaos reached the NSW Land and Environment Court, where Judge Susan O'Neill delivered a stern verdict on the generous application of clause 4.6 to subvert height restrictions, throwing out a bid by developer Greg Gav's company Kolpos Pty Ltd to add an extra two floors to his two, six-storey apartment blocks between 418-426 Canterbury Road.

"If it is council's intention to increase the height of buildings along the Canterbury Road corridor, then the proper mechanism for doing so is a planning proposal," Judge O'Neill said.

That the matter reached the courtroom was a twist of fate. Kolpos' proposals, which were also backed by a written endorsement from Stavis, were scheduled to be voted on by the council on May 12, 2016 – the very day then-premier Mike Baird sacked councils across the state.

Administrator Richard Colley, who took control of the newly merged Canterbury-Bankstown council in May, has since called a halt to development proposals along the corridor until a comprehensive review is completed.

"One of the first things that I came across following the amalgamation was what I saw as the ad hoc development on Canterbury Road, most of it non-compliant with the former Canterbury Council's residential development strategy, particularly in terms of height and bulk and size, and the effect on Canterbury Road itself," he said.

Despite this, former general manager Jim Montague is adamant the former council was well-functioning on his watch: "That council was well managed, it was in very good financial shape, our planning controls were very strong indeed."

Ultimately, the former council's reputation may fall victim to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, whose officers raided council buildings in June 2016. It is not known what the commission has uncovered, if anything.

What is certain is the council's legacy will soon be visible to ratepayers each time they drive along Canterbury Road.

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