

This was published 16 years ago

Being Roberta

Kat Stewart is winning plaudits for her onscreen versatility, writes Michael Lallo.

''OOH, very sexy!" the stylist shrieks as he fusses over Kat Stewart, teasing her hair and applying another coat of foundation. "Now let me have a go at your lips."

He takes a step back, admiring his handiwork. Then he gleefully informs her she looks like a prostitute.

"Sorry," he chuckles. "I'm being filthy."

"Oh, don't apologise," Stewart says. "We love our filth at SBS."


As much of Melbourne knows, she's also been revelling in filth in her role as Roberta Williams, the compellingly foul-mouthed female lead in Channel Nine's Underbelly. Despite Justice Betty King slapping a suppression order on the dramatisation of Melbourne's gangland wars, many locals have reportedly seen the series on the sly.

But back to her current job at Newstopia, the SBS news satire hosted by Shaun Micallef. Make-up done — her character is a Fox News-inspired reporter, hence the escort-grade foundation — Stewart takes her place on set.

The skit aims to lampoon the complexity of the US primary elections process by explaining it in a rapid monologue laden with technical terms. It's a difficult task, and the crew accepts it could take a while. But Stewart nails it in the first take, prompting Micallef to start applauding.

To see Kat Stewart in action is to witness the opposite of method acting. All it takes is a mental snap of the fingers and she's in character — or indeed, is the character.

"I'll be staring directly into her eyes," Micallef says, "and it's not Kat that I'm looking at. She doesn't wink at me through her character. Only when the camera stops will she take off her mask."

Gyton Grantley, who stars opposite Stewart in Underbelly, knows what he means.

"Kat is such a lovely girl; so calm and tender and generous," he told Green Guide during filming. "Then they call action and this monster rises."

The "monster", of course, is Stewart's portrayal of Roberta, wife of convicted underworld murderer and drug dealer, Carl Williams. By any measure, it's the role of a lifetime. Stewart has ensured it's the standout performance of the series. Despite quality performances by all, interstate critics say she owns every frame she's in. It's not that she delivers a superb depiction of a suburban gangster moll; it's that you really believe she is a suburban gangster moll.

While delighting critics, it has infuriated the real Roberta, who threatened to grab the actor by the throat and knock her out. Stewart takes a long, slow sip of coffee when the topic is raised.

Sitting in a sunny room at Nine's Richmond studios, wearing a stylish black dress, she couldn't look less like her character. Except she's well aware that Williams isn't just a character.

"Initially, I was thinking, 'This is a part I would love'," she says. "Then I thought, 'Hang on, this is not just a cool script. There are people walking around in my home town without husbands and brothers and sons. There are people who are still suffering. It was a massive responsibility."

Stewart is at pains to emphasise her portrayal of Williams is a dramatisation, not an impersonation. Still, she can understand her reaction.

"Obviously, I would have preferred her to like it," she says. "But I can't control that. And if someone was playing me, I couldn't imagine I'd be happy."

What made it even harder is that Williams has been the target of much media sneering. The tracksuits, the daughter named Dhakota, the asking a Sunday reporter for tickets to The Price Is Right: it's all too much for most journalists.

"Was I conscious of not taking the piss?" Stewart asks, anticipating the question. "Absolutely, that was the last thing I wanted to do. I have a lot of empathy for Roberta and what she's been though. She's come from a very difficult background and has an incredible determination. She's passionate, loyal, funny and gutsy.

"And I was really drawn to her relationship with Carl. They've had their hurdles along the way, and they're divorced now, but there's a real loyalty and strength in their bond."

Naturally, Stewart was upset to see Underbelly banned in Victoria. She was honeymooning in Thailand — checking her emails despite vowing she wouldn't — when she heard the news.

"I'm a Melbourne person, and all my family and friends are here, so it was really disappointing," she says. "But I do understand there are other factors at work and the world is not just about television. Things like justice — they're kind of important."

Even so, she wouldn't mind a bit more fame. "I've been around long enough to understand obscurity really well," she laughs. "I decided a while back — out of necessity more than anything else — that I wasn't going to judge my success by fame. But I have to tell you, having people actually see what I'm doing — it's quite nice."

Her status as a national primetime celebrity (Underbelly is playing to big audiences around the rest of the country) might be new to her but critical acclaim is not. Stewart is an accomplished theatre performer, and her reviews are full of appraisals such as these: "Kat Stewart never puts a foot wrong", "She is a very open and confident actor" and "she is hilariously histrionic … with great somatic expression and perfect timing".

The histrionics reference is telling: her resume is crammed with a frightening assortment of damaged, tortured and paranoid characters. Gently, I start trying to uncover the reason for her attraction to such roles. But there's nary a teenage drug addiction nor abusive boyfriend to speak of.

Instead, a happy childhood in Bairnsdale, a close-knit family and a loving husband. The nearest thing to a scandal is the revelation she was permitted to watch Dallas as a young child. But even that's tempered by the fact her mother would order to her to boil the kettle whenever JR and Sue Ellen began steaming up the screen.

For Stewart, the job's appeal is its vicarious quality. "Acting gives me a great opportunity to live out a lot of stuff," she says. "And it leaves me free to go about my life quite peacefully."

One of her defining characteristics, she says, is her even temperament. Her colleagues agree, adding that she's warm, charming and intelligent. Except Shaun Micallef.

"Look, she's not a complete bitch," he says. "I'm happy to go on the record and say that. In fact, I think the headline, 'Not a complete bitch' would be perfect for this story. But there's not much else I can say about her."

Seriously, though, he thinks she's rather sweet — and a bloody good actor.

"I was really surprised when halfway through last season, she told me she'd never done this sort of comedy," he says. "I said, 'But surely you must have because you're so good at it.' And I was so impressed by the fact that when she came in for the auditions, she'd learnt all the material off by heart. Anyone who shows that level of commitment to my old bits of rubbish — well, they're in."

IT'S been a long journey for Stewart, who first dabbled in acting while studying arts and marketing at Monash University. She'd always found it fascinating, but her childhood shyness ensured she never considered it as a career.

Working as a publicist for Penguin Books, she enrolled in a night course at the National Theatre drama school, all the while hoping that she would "grow out" of it. The crunch came when her opening night play clashed with Adelaide Writers' Week. She quit her job and scored regular work over the next few months.

"I naively thought that was going to continue," she laughs. "But then — tumbleweeds. I didn't work for about a year and a half. It was terrible! I kept going for all these roles and not getting them. I even ended up enrolling in more acting courses just so I could continue acting and … God, why am I telling you this?"

A guest role on Blue Heelers was her salvation, leading to parts in Something in the Air and The Secret Life of Us. She's also appeared in Last Man Standing ("They didn't give it a chance to find an audience," she scoffs), the BBC series Supernova and City Homicide.

Then there's her long-time involvement in the Red Stitch Actors Theatre in St Kilda, where she met partner David Whiteley. Their shared scenes, according to one critic, were "almost too intimate to watch". The pair married in February this year.

"I liked him as an actor before I fancied him," Stewart insists.

"And I had a policy of not dating other actors. Now look at what I've gone and done."

The couple still perform at, and help run, the theatre. Stewart is already hankering for another meaty screen role, but says she could never give up her stage work. (Her next role is in the Melbourne Theatre Company's Frost/Nixon, starting in May).

"I love the live stuff," she says. "But to me, it's more about doing great roles, whether it's in a 20-seat theatre or in a major drama like Underbelly. Besides, in Australia, you can't just say you're going to be a film actor or a theatre actor. You need to be able to do everything. The unemployment rate is 98%. More often than not, actors are driving around in the worst cars you can imagine, doing it rough …"

She stops mid-sentence, then changes the topic.

We chat for half an hour, but when I prepare to go, she becomes anxious.

"Hang on," she says.

"There is one more thing I need to say. Mum and dad are always telling me not to talk myself down and to emphasise the good stuff.

"So, yeah, I've been making a living from acting for about five years now. My story is definitely not a sob story. I've got Green Room theatre awards and I've just been nominated for another.

"Things are going really well. And this is definitely a high point."

Newstopia screens Wednesdays at 10pm on SBS. Underbelly will screen on Nine in Victoria sometime in the future.

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