

This was published 19 years ago

Media soiled in London terror trickery

The big story for the past 10 days now has been in London, with its legions of dead and injured and its residual threat of racial conflict. A small story, however, is forming around the people engaged in bringing the big story to the Australian public - the gaggle of Australian news teams roaming the city.

According to the UK Press Gazette, some Australian journalists have put even their tabloid British cousins to shame. "I have never come across such outrageous reporting practices," is the blunt analysis of Claire Burroughs, chief press officer at St Mary's Hospital, London. A big claim, given that the British hospital system is notoriously choked these days with undercover British reporters posing as cleaners in the hope of exposing filthy hygiene practices.

But formal complaints have now been made to the Australian High Commission in London by St Mary's, by the liaison officer representing the family of Melbourne man Sam Ly, who died on Friday, and by several families of the injured who have not been identified.

The St Mary's difficulties began just a day after the bombings, as Prince Charles visited the hospital and Australian journalists assembled outside to wait for news of the hospitals two Antipodean casualties: Professor John Tulloch, 63, and 36-year-old NSW woman Alison Sayer. Both were badly injured, but not critical.

In the late morning, Prince Charles walked through the wards and greeted, among others, Professor Tulloch, who told Ms Burroughs he was happy to give a pooled interview to one journalist for distribution to all the media waiting outside.


The Seven Network's Chris Reason walked into the ward after Prince Charles had been through, presented his card and talked to Professor Tulloch, filming him with a hand-held camera for several minutes. He was interrupted by the suspicious chief nurse, who asked him to talk to Ms Burroughs on the phone; Reason apologised "profusely" for the intrusion and, without mentioning that he had already made a recording, said Seven would be interested in filming the later pool interview.

Ms Burroughs thanked him for his candour but said she was organising a pooled interview, at which point Reason is said to have thanked her and rung off.

Soon after, however, the press office learned that a second Australian journalist, Sharri Markson, a young Sunday Telegraph reporter who last year was named as News Limited's Young Journalist of the Year, had gained access to Professor Tulloch's room.

According to the ward's chief nurse, Markson had arrived at the ward looking upset, with a bunch of flowers, and insisting on seeing the injured man.

Professor Tulloch told staff at the hospital he initially assumed she was a student but realised she was a journalist when she began conducting an interview, and taking photographs with a digital camera. He completed the interview in the knowledge that she was a journalist.

"Sharri never misrepresented herself," says Sunday Telegraph editor Jeni O'Dowd. "She was never asked by any hospital staff why she was there. She introduced herself to Professor Tulloch, who was with his wife in the room. She told them who she was and where she was from. They were happy to talk to her and pose for photographs."

"She duped a nurse; I've had that from the nurse and I've had that from John (Professor Tulloch)," Ms Burroughs responds.

When Ms Burroughs arrived on the ward, she says, Professor Tulloch, who was suffering from vertigo as a result of a perforated eardrums and could not see properly because his glasses had been lost in the explosion, said he was tired and confused and no longer wanted to be interviewed.

The hospital immediately cancelled plans for the pooled interview, creating angry scenes that intensified over the weekend when Seven aired the hand-held camera footage of the interview that Reason had conducted during his encounter with Professor Tulloch.

"My issue with Chris Reason is that he wasn't honest about what had gone on in that ward," says Ms Burroughs. "If he was apologising for going on the ward, he should have apologised for everything he did."

As a result of the incidents, St Mary's shut down access for media organisations and introduced new security measures, and the hospital's complaints are now being investigated by the High Commission, along with another from the liaison officer attached to the family of Sam Ly.

The liaison officer alleges that the Melbourne man's father, Hi Ly, was bullied by Australian media representatives.

While British news organisations struggled to cope with a horrifying abundance of bereavement and public grief, Australian news outlets fought between themselves to cover a small group of injured expats.

The mother of Louise Barry, a seriously injured young woman from Anna Bay in NSW, consulted her local MP, Bob Baldwin, who facilitated a bidding war of sorts between media organisations eager to talk with her daughter in return for assistance with her airfare to Britain.

After offers from Fairfax, Ms Barry's mother accepted $5000 from News Limited and spoke to the Sunday Telegraph before embarking for London.

High Commissioner Richard Alston told The Age that the complaints against Australian media organisations would be considered in the light of the security implications for London hospitals and the peace of mind of the families concerned.

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