

This was published 17 years ago

Workplace law still loathed: poll

By Michael Bachelard and Michelle Grattan

THE Federal Government's radical workplace changes are deeply unpopular a year after they began. Almost six in 10 people are still opposed to the changes, according to an exclusive Age/ACNielsen poll.

Labor has claimed WorkChoices, which stripped down compulsory conditions and unfair dismissal protection, was a big factor in the NSW Government's win at the weekend and yesterday sought to play up the federal implications of the win.

Federal deputy leader and industrial relations spokeswoman Julia Gillard said: "Working Australian families don't want John Howard's laws, and they will get a true opportunity at the federal election to tell him through the ballot box."

Prime Minister Howard and Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey said IR was not important in the NSW result and the laws would not be changed in substance. But Mr Howard did not rule out minor adjustments.

The poll showed 24 per cent of the 80 per cent of voters aware of the workplace policy backed it. Fifty-nine per cent were against, including 25 per cent of Coalition voters.


The national poll of 1404 over three days from March 8 revealed 21 per cent felt worse off under WorkChoices and 5 per cent said they were better off. Another 72 per cent noticed no difference. More people had expected to be disadvantaged than now felt they were — in October 2005, 31 per cent said they thought they would be worse off.

Meanwhile, a survey by Griffith University's David Peetz, commissioned by the Victorian Industrial Relations Department, found hourly pay rates for non-managers on Australian Workplace Agreements had fallen by 3.3 per cent. But Professor Peetz found the high pay of AWA workers in Western Australia's mining industry distorted this figure: in Victoria, employees on AWAs were paid 12 per cent less than those on collective agreements.

The study found women on AWAs earned 19 per cent less than men, and the pay gap between men and women had widened after WorkChoices.

"That is, 70 per cent of the gains achieved over 10 years had been wiped off in nine months of WorkChoices," the professor wrote.

Mr Howard insisted the NSW result was driven overwhelmingly by state issues. He said he had always indicated the Federal Government was willing to fine-tune IR laws, but it would not make any changes of substance.

Mr Hockey and Mr Howard said the Iemma Government's ratings had slipped after it started running hard on WorkChoices.

But Ms Gillard said: "Mr Iemma and Labor opposed John Howard's laws. The Liberals in NSW supported John Howard's laws. Labor won and Liberals lost."

Tomorrow is the first anniversary of WorkChoices, which radically watered down the award safety net, abolished unfair dismissal claims for companies with fewer than 100 workers, and allowed employers to cut penalty rates and overtime in new Australian workplace agreements.

In the 21st loss on the trot for the conservatives in state and territory elections, the Iemma Government retained power with a slightly reduced majority.

Mr Iemma highlighted WorkChoices in his victory speech: "This victory is a victory for workers and a rejection of WorkChoices and the Prime Minister ignores that message at his peril."

ALP national secretary Tim Gartrell said hostility to WorkChoices was a major factor in Labor's victory in NSW.

Mr Gartrell said in Penrith — in Liberal Jackie Kelly's federal electorate of Lindsay — Labor campaigned against the workplace laws and received a 2.4 per cent swing to Labor.

ACNielsen pollster John Stirton said about half the electorate had a philosophical objection to WorkChoices, even though it had not been as bad as some had expected. This time last year, 58 per cent opposed the changes.

Family First senator Steven Fielding said WorkChoices should be changed to protect public holidays, meal breaks, penalty rates and overtime and redundancy payments. He will introduce a private member's bill this week along these lines.

He said steam-rolling ahead with no changes was dangerous and the Opposition's promise to rip up the law was reckless.

Professor Peetz's study found job numbers were up by 2.6 per cent in the first 11 months of WorkChoices, which the Government attributed to employers being more willing to risk hiring workers because they were easier to sack.

But he found jobs growth was lower than the 3.9 per cent growth after Labor introduced unfair dismissal laws in 1994.

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