

This was published 4 years ago

Will anyone make Gobbo police face the courts?

By Chip Le Grand and Chris Vedelago

The corruption-busting QC appointed following Queensland's Fitzgerald royal commission says Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews must appoint a special prosecutor to investigate current and former police implicated in the Lawyer X scandal.

Commissioner Margaret McMurdo’s decision not to recommend criminal charges against any police complicit in barrister Nicola Gobbo’s activities as a police informer has raised doubts as to whether police who allegedly engaged in criminal conduct will be brought to justice.

Doug Drummond, QC, the special prosecutor whose investigations culminated in the conviction and jailing of former Queensland police chief Terry Lewis, says Victoria needs a prosecutor and taskforce free of political interference to take up where the McMurdo royal commission leaves off.

Barrister turned police informer Nicola Gobbo.

Barrister turned police informer Nicola Gobbo.Credit: ABC News

“I think the major problem to achieving any proper outcome, which in my view involves prosecuting some of these senior police, is the very close relationship between the police and Andrews," Mr Drummond said.

“There is no way he will take any strong action against Victoria Police unless he is absolutely forced to do so. If McMurdo were to recommend that a well-resourced special prosecutor be established, that might be one way of bringing a proper outcome to the whole mess."

The central allegation made by Chris Winneke, QC, counsel assisting the McMurdo royal commission, in his final submissions released this week is the same for all police he recommended adverse findings against: that they knew Ms Gobbo was informing on clients in violation of their legal rights and either facilitated or failed to stop it.

Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald, QC.

Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald, QC. Credit: Tamara Voninski

Responsibility for investigating whether police conspired to pervert the course of justice or otherwise engaged in criminal conduct has already passed from Commissioner McMurdo to Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions, Kerri Judd, QC, who in turn has passed it back to the state’s two criminal investigation agencies, Victoria Police and the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.

Victoria Police and IBAC both examined Ms Gobbo’s management as a police informer prior to the establishment of the royal commission. IBAC said it did not have jurisdiction to investigate whether police engaged in a criminal conspiracy and Victoria Police showed no inclination to investigate potentially corrupt behaviour by its own.


A 2015 IBAC report by retired Supreme Court judge Murray Kellam concluded that while any impropriety by Ms Gobbo’s police handlers was "substantially mitigated", more senior officers responsible for their supervision were guilty of "negligence of a high order".

The report did not recommend criminal charges against individual police but noted: "Such an examination is well beyond the jurisdiction of IBAC in conducting this inquiry and is more properly a matter for consideration by VicPol in conjunction with the Office of Police Prosecutions."

IBAC referred its findings to then police chief commissioner Graham Ashton to consider further action. None has been taken against any police in the five years since. When IBAC sent a “please explain" letter about this to Victoria Police two years ago, the response from then deputy commissioner Shane Patton, who is now Chief Commissioner, was instructive.

Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton.

Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton.Credit: Justin McManus

Mr Patton said the source development unit which managed Ms Gobbo had been disbanded and most of the senior officers who supervised its work had left the force. He confirmed that no disciplinary action had been taken against any police and no investigation had taken place.

“There is no recommendation that would suggest that we need to conduct further investigations, there is no recommendation that would suggest discipline or possible criminal offences by any person," Mr Patton wrote. “There is nothing to recommend that we need to explore the possibility that any individual has committed a criminal offence."

This passive approach towards conduct since described by the High Court as “reprehensible" left IBAC incredulous. It wrote back, pointing out that some of the people who supervised the unit were still in senior positions in Victoria Police.

“While Mr Kellam’s recommendations did not go to further investigation or disciplinary action regarding individual officers, his findings were clear and created an onus on the Chief Commissioner to respond accordingly."

Faruk Orman shortly after his release from jail, with lawyer Ruth Parker.

Faruk Orman shortly after his release from jail, with lawyer Ruth Parker.Credit: Justin McManus

IBAC Commissioner Robert Redlich, a former Supreme Court judge who earlier in his career served as special prosecutor alongside the Costigan royal commission into the waterfront, had just taken up his post at the anti-corruption body when the correspondence was exchanged.

Ruth Parker, the lawyer who represented Faruk Orman, the first person to have his gangland conviction overturned following public revelations of Ms Gobbo’s secret double life, says Victoria needs a special prosecutor or a “beefed-up” IBAC to conduct a thorough criminal investigation into police.


"You cannot spend millions of dollars on a royal commission and then say, 'Well, that was fun,' " Ms Parker said.

"This was a systemic and cultural problem. That has been acknowledged by police. The culture will not change while these people are in the job. The problem with the Victoria Police is they always thought they were a law unto themselves. If nothing happens, that is the message that will be taken from the royal commission: we can do whatever we want and nobody will come for us.

"They need to be investigated and if there is admissible evidence to justify charges, they should be prosecuted with the same veracity they applied to all those people they used Gobbo against. But in their case, they should receive fair trials."

A special prosecutor would need to be appointed and resourced by the state government. Shadow attorney-general Edward O’Donohue says any crimes committed through the Lawyer X scandal cannot go unpunished.

"The integrity of the Victorian justice system has been shredded because of the shortcuts and rules broken that took place during this shocking and tawdry period in Melbourne’s history," he said.

"It is imperative that Attorney-General Jill Hennessy assures the Victorian community that justice will be done by ensuring any alleged criminal misconduct revealed by the royal commission will be thoroughly investigated and charges brought where warranted."

Ms Hennessy declined to comment until Commissioner McMurdo hands down her findings on November 30.

Commissioner McMurdo, a former president of Queensland’s Court of Appeal, has already announced she will not make any findings that individual police engaged in criminal conduct. Her decision, which went against her counsel assisting, delayed this week's publication of submissions, which were redacted to conceal all references to evidence that Ms Gobbo and individual police may have committed criminal offences.

The commissioner's decision came as a shock to some but shouldn't have. She has taken the same approach adopted by Tony Fitzgerald in Queensland in his inquiry in the 1980s and subsequently, James Wood when he examined NSW police in the 1990s. In both those royal commissions into police corruption, no findings of criminal conduct or recommendations to charge were made. As Mr Fitzgerald told The Age: “I left that for the criminal justice system."


The distinction Mr Fitzgerald refers to is an essential one. Royal commissions are not courts of law and the normal rules of evidence don’t apply. In a royal commission, people are compelled to answer questions that might incriminate themselves. As a trade-off, not all information revealed by a royal commission can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings.

As Doug Drummond explains it: "The purpose of the commission is to uncover wrongdoing, not to punish wrongdoing. A royal commission is an information gathering exercise, not an evidence gathering exercise, to inform the executive government of the extent of a problem. It then hands it over to the ordinary processes of the law to prosecute if there is criminal conduct."

This is why the role played by Mr Drummond in Queensland was vital to bringing justice to crooked cops. The Fitzgerald royal commission was still under way when Queensland’s then premier, Mike Ahern, legislated to establish a special prosecutor independent of government to do the hard work of assembling briefs of admissible evidence from what had been revealed.

Former Queensland police commissioner Terry Lewis outside the Fitzgerald inquiry in 1988. He went on to be jailed for corruption.

Former Queensland police commissioner Terry Lewis outside the Fitzgerald inquiry in 1988. He went on to be jailed for corruption. Credit:

James Wood says that in NSW a special prosecutor was not required. Police corruption unearthed by his inquiry was referred back to police who, under the direction of a police chief determined to clean up his ranks, investigated the crimes.

Mr Wood says the situation in Victoria is made more difficult by the nature of the corruption exposed. In NSW, clean cops were more than willing to investigate and prosecute dirty colleagues who had accepted bribes from brothel owners and drug dealers. In Victoria, police engaged in what is described as "noble cause corruption", breaking the rules and potentially the law to put serious criminals behind bars.

Mr Wood says it would require a “leap of faith’’ for Victoria Police to investigate their own in these circumstances and, if it gets that far, for juries to convict. He also cautions that corruption of this kind is insidious.

James Wood pictured in 1996 at the time of his landmark royal commission into the NSW police force.

James Wood pictured in 1996 at the time of his landmark royal commission into the NSW police force. Credit: Ben Rushton

"It is a way of getting people to lose their values," he says. "Noble cause corruption is sometimes the result of people being lazy, fabricating a confession or planting evidence rather than doing the hard work. In other cases, noble cause corruption occurs because the case is so difficult, you can’t crack it unless you cut corners.

"If police go to trial who were involved in this you may find that juries will not convict because they will take the view that putting heavy criminals behind bars is worth the price. It is a dangerous thing to run. If police are prosecuted and juries won’t convict them, that gives a bit of a green light."

The lights are still flashing for Victoria Police and their use of Nicola Gobbo as a registered informer. They have conceded what they did was wrong and, after tying up the courts in years of litigation, have belatedly accepted the scathing judgment of the High Court. Yet, they still maintain that there is nothing to show they acted outside the law.

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