

This was published 4 months ago


Why ABC chiefs should back Laura Tingle for calling out racism

Laura Tingle’s comments at the Sydney Writers’ Festival last weekend – that Australia is a racist country – have triggered a fierce backlash, ranging from outraged calls for the ABC to be axed or defunded to demands for Tingle to be sacked as chief political correspondent of the 7.30 program.

As is often the case in Australia, the person who calls out racism faces far more scrutiny than the racism itself. This is partly why our media is so timid in addressing racism – because powerful voices try to shut down conversations that challenge the status quo. So why does our society have an aversion to talking about racism? And what is it about modern Australia’s systems and institutions, its laws and media, its culture and heritage, that enables racism to flourish?

Laura Tingle on the ABC’s flagship current affairs program, 7.30.

Laura Tingle on the ABC’s flagship current affairs program, 7.30.Credit: ABC

One problem is that our discussions of racism usually focus only on the tip of the issue – overt racism – and we ignore the massive iceberg that lies underneath, the systemic and structural elements. Overt examples of racism are far too common: at the weekend, a vile antisemitic slogan was spray-painted on the wall of a Jewish school in Melbourne. Just as the war in Gaza has prompted dramatic increases in anti-Arab and Palestinian racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism, the Voice referendum led to a deluge of racism against First Nations people and the COVID-19 pandemic prompted a dramatic rise in anti-Asian racism.

One of the reasons racism surfaces so viciously whenever there’s a rupture in society is because of structural issues that go unchallenged. If we want to stop all forms of racism, we need to build our society’s language and literacy to talk about race and racism.

Many Australians find it difficult to accept the extent to which racism is embedded in our society and culture. This is why we need to learn from negatively racialised communities to improve racial literacy within society and promote better understanding of how race operates to give privilege and power to some over others. Doing so will enable us to talk about racism, and to identify and understand power dynamics and the role of racial bias.


Racism remains a reality in Australian society. The legacy of Australia’s settler colonial history is ongoing, and First Nations Australians in particular continue to experience its effects through intergenerational impacts and the persistence of racial bias within systems and institutions. The experiences of First Nations people must be centred in conversations about racism in Australia.

This week, the inquest into the death of Kumanjayi Walker revealed that racism within the Northern Territory police was so ingrained that police held an annual “c--n of the year” awards ceremony, and the territory’s police commissioner, Michael Murphy, knew about this but failed to act. Nor was any action taken against Zachary Rolfe’s alleged history of racial abuse prior to his shooting of Kumanjayi Walker. Against this backdrop, is it any surprise that there have been so many reports of racial abuse and profiling of First Nations people by Northern Territory police?

Not all Australians are negatively affected by racism, but for Indigenous Australians and many in racialised communities, the impacts are impossible to ignore and touch most areas of life. It affects what people learn at schools, how they are treated in hospitals, their interactions with police or security guards, and the additional obstacles they face in getting a job or renting an apartment.


No matter our background, racism affects the stories we see on screen and in print, what we hear on the news, the people we see in positions of power, how we are treated by the legal system or on the sporting pitch, and even how people describe or define us. In this way, racial bias continues to shape our culture and the way we see the world.


Systemic racism can be less easy to identify than overt racism, and this enables it to flourish. When people don’t recognise racism in action, they leave it unchecked, or continue to perpetuate it. This is particularly harmful when it involves people in positions of power, from police commissioners to politicians. Seeking political gain by scapegoating immigrants or minority groups for social problems, for instance, has historically been a potent way of stoking racial tensions, and causes great harm.

The federal government has flagged new laws to strengthen protections against racial hatred, but what we really need is a national plan to address racism. Australia has national plans to tackle many of our most wicked problems, like domestic violence and mental illness, but there is no national plan to address racism. Such a plan would not only improve the country’s racial literacy – it would co-ordinate efforts to address racism among governments, business and civil society. It would set benchmarks, with specific targets for different sectors, and it would ensure action and resourcing.

The Australian Human Rights Commission has for several years been developing a model for a National Anti-Racism Framework in consultation with community groups and peak bodies. Later this year, it will present that model to governments. It is vital that the federal government takes ownership of this work and commits to a national strategy. Because without co-ordinated national action, racism will continue to flourish.

On Thursday, the ABC’s new chair, Kim Williams, and managing director David Anderson will face a test of character when they appear at Senate estimates. When people in positions of power challenge racism and stand up to those who would silence such conversations, it sends a powerful message. They should back Laura Tingle. If we are to challenge racism in Australia, media organisations have a vital role to play, journalists must be free to call out racism, and media executives must support them when they do.

Giridharan Sivaraman is Australia’s race discrimination commissioner.

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