

This was published 2 years ago

When do I get my booster? Will I need a fourth? Your questions answered

By Timna Jacks

Living scientists seldom become household names, but world-renowned infectious diseases expert Sharon Lewin might be an exception.

The director of the Doherty Institute in Melbourne has become the go-to expert for governments and the media on all things COVID-19, offering a consistently sober and authoritative take on vaccination targets, road map modelling and the science behind the coronavirus.

Professor Sharon Lewin

Professor Sharon LewinCredit: Simon Schluter

The Doherty Institute produced the modelling that guided the federal government’s national recovery plan and informed the 70 and 80 per cent double vaccination targets set for the easing of restrictions. While this has provided policymakers with a basis for key targets, Professor Lewin has continued to warn of the lingering possibility that COVID-19 would throw up a new curveball.

In September, before the emergence of the Omicron strain, Professor Lewin warned: “There will be unexpected challenges that we would not have anticipated — just like we didn’t really anticipate Delta.”

While laboratories at the Doherty are looking closely at Omicron, Professor Lewin admits there are still many unknowns.

She sat down with The Age and Sydney Morning Herald to answer a series of questions sent by our readers about booster shots.

Question from Terry: What is the evidence that mixing vaccines is safe and effective?

There’s a history of mixing and matching vaccination in work that’s been done in HIV and many other tricky viruses.


There’s evidence that mixing platforms for delivery can enhance the immune response. This was first looked at in COVID-19 vaccines using a different first and second dose, but mixed dosing was never widely used.

The first two doses of AstraZeneca give you really good protection against hospitalisation and disease from Delta infection, probably because it gives you a good T-cell response.

But there’s no doubt that antibody levels are lower after two AstraZeneca vaccines compared with the mRNA vaccines.

More recently, a study looked at nine different vaccines for the third dose after receiving either AZ/AZ or Pfizer/Pfizer for the first and second doses. In this study from the UK, mRNA as the third dose, either after two doses of AZ or two doses of Pfizer, gave the highest antibody levels. However, some combinations give you more reactogenicity, meaning mild side effects such as fever and aches and pains.

Using the AstraZeneca as a booster has been tested, and it does boost antibody levels when given after Pfizer. But when given after AZ, antibodies only increased modestly. In Australia, the only setting where you might use AstraZeneca as the booster is if you’ve had an adverse reaction to an mRNA vaccine.

Question from Jess: If you have had two doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, is it preferable to swap for your booster shot? For example, if you’ve had your initial doses of Pfizer would you boost with Moderna?

There are some minor differences between Pfizer and Moderna when given as a booster, but overall both work really well.

Question from Katharine: I’m reading that Moderna is best for a booster. Is this correct? I’ve had AstraZeneca.

Both mRNA vaccines work very well as boosters. In one head-to-head study, the antibody levels as well as the reactogenicity were higher with a Moderna booster compared to a Pfizer booster. However, overall there is more data out there on Pfizer as a booster. The Israelis, for example, have used Pfizer as a booster at a population level, and it was approved before Moderna, so we’ve got more data on Pfizer as a booster, but from everything we’re seeing from Moderna, it’s looking much the same.

Health Minister Greg Hunt received his COVID-19 booster shot on Sunday.

Health Minister Greg Hunt received his COVID-19 booster shot on Sunday.Credit: Nine News

Question from Winnie: After the booster shot, does it still take about two weeks to get to optimum immunity?

That hasn’t been systematically looked at. But most of the studies that we’re now seeing with boosters have largely looked at antibody levels two or three weeks after the booster and based on what we know, yes, it does take two to three weeks for your antibodies to respond.

Question from Julie: I am immunocompromised and have had my third dose. Has approval been given for a booster fourth dose for people like me?


Not yet in Australia. Studies are evaluating that, but we just don’t know whether after that third dose, antibodies will drop at the same rate as they do after the second dose, so I don’t think we know the answer to that.

It may well be, however, that the booster dose is really the third dose of a three-dose regimen. There are many vaccines that need three doses to give you high and durable immunity. For example, hepatitis B requires three doses. You have the initial shot, followed by a second at one month and a third dose at six months and that gives you immunity for life. The only people that we check for antibodies after the third dose is in immunosuppressed people or healthcare workers at high risk of hepatitis B, otherwise we assume you’re protected from hepatitis B for life.

Vaccinations work by educating your immune system to respond to a part of the virus, and it’s unusual that you can do it with a single shot. Most vaccines need the initial shot, which primes your immune system, it gets the right cells going, and then you come in with a booster, and it expands all those cells, and they’re ready to respond when you contract the actual infection. Your immune system takes some time to mature, and sometimes you need that third dose to really get enough cells lined up to last the distance.

We’re learning that for the COVID vaccines, you do get a much better antibody response after that third dose, but how long-lived that is, we don’t know.

Question from Debbie: I am due for my third jab in two weeks, but I am now just recovering from COVID-19. With added natural immunity now, should I wait another couple of months before I get my third jab so my vaccine will be more effective over the winter months?

Getting COVID after two doses will bump up your immunity. We don’t know whether it will give you as good immunity as a third dose, so the recommendation is to wait three or four months before getting a booster. You’ll be protected from the recent bumping up of your antibodies and in three months’ time, this would be the right time for a third shot before the winter months.

In South Africa, there are hundreds and hundreds of people that have had COVID two, three and now four times. Past infection gives you some protection, but your protection from reinfection is about 10-fold less, at least for Delta, compared to protection following vaccination. So, you definitely have some protection, but it’s less protected than if you were vaccinated. We don’t yet know how protected you are from Omicron. But the relative reduction of protection following infection compared to vaccination, may be greater than what was seen with Delta.

Question from Fred: Does AstraZeneca work as a third dose?


It does work. The antibody response is not as good as mRNA, but it’s fine to have it if you can’t have mRNA.

Question from Jeff: Is it OK to have the booster shot at five months or is it better to leave it to six months?

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation is now recommending having it at five months. They put it at five months because there’s data on safety of boosters at five months, but not much safety data on boosters at three months.

Your antibodies do start falling after about two months, but you’ve still got protection from infection. Your risk of hospitalisation and death doesn’t drop off after either AstraZeneca or Pfizer for at least six months.

But with Omicron we also are currently trying to use vaccines to stop transmission and therefore aiming to reduce infection – not just hospitalisation – because that’s where we are at the moment. This might change. You definitely need higher levels of antibodies in the bloodstream to protect against infection with Omicron.

Credit: Matt Golding

Question from Vellu: How effective are the first two doses of COVID-19 vaccine against Omicron?

We’ve only got very preliminary data on that. There’s only one real-world study out, which is based on 500 patients with Omicron from the UK, and that shows that your protection from getting infected is reduced down to 10 per cent with two doses of AstraZeneca and 40 per cent with Pfizer, so there’s quite a big drop in protection from infection.

Although this is a small study and not published, this matches other findings that the level of antibodies after two doses aren’t high enough to neutralise Omicron. We don’t yet know the impact and protection from hospitalisation.

Once you have your third dose, your antibody levels shoot up about 25-fold, say for after three doses of Pfizer, and then your antibodies will be in the range that will be much more likely to protect against Omicron.

There’s about five studies now that have looked at antibody levels and how high they need to be for Omicron. The only clinical study I know on vaccine effectiveness is from the UK. It’s early days.

The reason why we can’t just say, ‘Look, you’ve got to get higher antibodies so just go for a booster shot now,’ is because we’re always balancing safety versus efficacy. And the safety data is important to know that giving the booster at two, three, four months is actually safe. So, you balance those two things: how much safety data do we have to know that this gap is safe, and then how urgent is it to get your antibodies high? There are a few loud voices in the media that don’t seem to appreciate that balance, but it’s critical because you’re giving these boosters to millions and millions of people, you really want to know it’s safe.

Question from David: It’s been almost six months since I had my second Pfizer vaccination. How important is it for me to have my booster within the six monthly time frame? Will it matter if I delay it for a while or should I aim to have it on the exact day six months have passed?

I’d err on getting it a bit earlier. That’s why the Australian Technical Advisory Group made the change to five months. There’s more urgency around getting the booster now because of what we know about Omicron. It doesn’t need to be on the day, but I would be erring on the other side of six months, given ATAGI’s recommendation.


Question from Lyn: Can a booster be a different vaccine from the first two, and if so, can it still be called a booster, or is it really a new vaccination?

The recommended boosters are only mRNA Pfizer and Moderna, and I think of it more as a third dose.

Once you’ve had your two doses, your immune systems is educated in how to make antibodies. The third dose doesn’t re-educate your immune system, you’re just giving it an extra boost.

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